Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

A new rule to be applied for future orders:

Within 3 months of receiving the package, you can raise a question about the quality of the product, and it will be invalid if it exceeds 3 months from delivery to the reception of the lab test.

So If you want to send to Janoshik you must send in the first 1-2 months after receiving the product.

So if you wake up 1 year later and decide to send a sample for testing, there is no compensation no matter the results.
Has this anything to do with the current situation of shortage in the intermediaries for the production of nandrolones and dht derivatives that cause them to be not that stable in the long term due to poor quality of said chemicals involved in the production of raws?
I have been digging and 3 different contacts confirmed that due to a legal matter one of the biggest producer of those chemicals has seized production and the alternatives are of poor quality causing the shortages we see in the market
Has this anything to do with the current situation of shortage in the intermediaries for the production of nandrolones and dht derivatives that cause them to be not that stable in the long term due to poor quality of said chemicals involved in the production of raws?
I have been digging and 3 different contacts confirmed that due to a legal matter one of the biggest producer of those chemicals has seized production and the alternatives are of poor quality causing the shortages we see in the market
That’s interesting i never hear that i want to look into that. I was under the assumption the reasoning was kind of like most companies why credit for something year old or etc. like 90 day warranty and such. I got me some nice researching and reading for a new topic.
That’s interesting i never hear that i want to look into that. I was under the assumption the reasoning was kind of like most companies why credit for something year old or etc. like 90 day warranty and such. I got me some nice researching and reading for a new topic.
I started digging after a contact I have in major pharma producer in the region had problems securing nandrolne decanoate for their manufacturing plant and it lead to shortages in retail pharmacies for a period. I reached out and he said there was shortages in raw materials from China and a a month later said that the reason was that some chemicals that were used in the production chain were in short supply leading to raw availability being spotty even for big pharma.

Thsi was conformed with a ugl form a 3rd party and with a source in another board.
On another note, training partner did bloodwork on the trt dose (I think 150mg-160mg per week) of Test E I purchased for him back in October '22 and it came back at 920 ng/dl in line with his previous pharma test he was using.

I know this is a feelz report for what is worth.

For some strange reason he did not report any pip from the Test E.
I placed order canada Reship end of November. Was told 4-6 weeks. 15 weeks now and no news as of yet.

When sources fail to keep customers informed or continually make excuses 9/10 it's because you've been ripped off and the source is just stringing the customer along to bide time!

Vitamin A 50%MOQ 100g $55
Vitamin B1MOQ $150/kg
Vitamin B12MOQ $75/kg
Vitamin B17MOQ 500g $70
Vitamin B2MOQ $100/kg
Vitamin B5MOQ $88/kg
Vitamin B6MOQ $105/kg
Vitamin B8MOQ $100/kg
Vitamin CMOQ $470/kg
Vitamin D3MOQ $105/kg
Vitamin E 50%MOQ $60/kg
Vitamin K2MOQ 10g $60
A new rule to be applied for future orders:

Within 3 months of receiving the package, you can raise a question about the quality of the product, and it will be invalid if it exceeds 3 months from delivery to the reception of the lab test.

So If you want to send to Janoshik you must send in the first 1-2 months after receiving the product.

So if you wake up 1 year later and decide to send a sample for testing, there is no compensation no matter the results.

You’ve introduced numerous rule changes since you first launched & your thread moves quite quickly, so things get buried.

My point here is that you need to start regularly posting an entire list of current rules, or do as before (your page 502 rule list) & regularly refer to it, say mention it every Friday, as an example.
Has this anything to do with the current situation of shortage in the intermediaries for the production of nandrolones and dht derivatives that cause them to be not that stable in the long term due to poor quality of said chemicals involved in the production of raws?
I have been digging and 3 different contacts confirmed that due to a legal matter one of the biggest producer of those chemicals has seized production and the alternatives are of poor quality causing the shortages we see in the market
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