Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

2 questions :
Asking it here cause my posts on the normal forum gets ignored. I have pharma tamoxifen citrate 20mg. Using qsc test phenylprop 200mg per week ( mon, wed,fri). Im a heavy aromatiser and developed some gyno in my teen years naturally. Now using qsc, my nipples puffed up and hurts when I press it. I use tamoxifen 20mg pharma a day and I get puffy face and it just makes it look like im bloated in face. Is there any remedy ? Should I get raloxifene ? The pharmas here dont have raloxifene or any anti estrogens. Only one they have is tamoxifen.
2 questions :
Asking it here cause my posts on the normal forum gets ignored. I have pharma tamoxifen citrate 20mg. Using qsc test phenylprop 200mg per week ( mon, wed,fri). Im a heavy aromatiser and developed some gyno in my teen years naturally. Now using qsc, my nipples puffed up and hurts when I press it. I use tamoxifen 20mg pharma a day and I get puffy face and it just makes it look like im bloated in face. Is there any remedy ? Should I get raloxifene ? The pharmas here dont have raloxifene or any anti estrogens. Only one they have is tamoxifen.
Take some aromasin or drop your test dose, also you can try 40mg raloxifene for 10 days and then 20mg Raloxifene for a couple months or until gyno is shrunk, all the while taking proper ai dose, as raloxifene isn't an AI.
Take some aromasin or drop your test dose, also you can try 40mg raloxifene for 10 days and then 20mg Raloxifene for a couple months or until gyno is shrunk, all the while taking proper ai dose, as raloxifene isn't an AI.
Tamoxifene is also not an AI, using it as an AI will just fight the gyno you're causing from high e2, which might not be enough, causing gyno to slowly get worse. Also, if you have gyno, I notice mine stays larger on cycle, and shrinks a bit when off. I still think you just need to take Aromasin and stop further gyno and stress less about what's already been done.
2 questions :
Asking it here cause my posts on the normal forum gets ignored. I have pharma tamoxifen citrate 20mg. Using qsc test phenylprop 200mg per week ( mon, wed,fri). Im a heavy aromatiser and developed some gyno in my teen years naturally. Now using qsc, my nipples puffed up and hurts when I press it. I use tamoxifen 20mg pharma a day and I get puffy face and it just makes it look like im bloated in face. Is there any remedy ? Should I get raloxifene ? The pharmas here dont have raloxifene or any anti estrogens. Only one they have is tamoxifen.
You need an ai regardless of anything else to start with to keep your estrogen in check especially if you aromatise that much. You also need bloodwork to see exactly how much your estrogen is out of range. Once your estrogen is in check your nolva should help with the gyno but depends on how bad it is on how long it will take and how much you need.
2 questions :
Asking it here cause my posts on the normal forum gets ignored. I have pharma tamoxifen citrate 20mg. Using qsc test phenylprop 200mg per week ( mon, wed,fri). Im a heavy aromatiser and developed some gyno in my teen years naturally. Now using qsc, my nipples puffed up and hurts when I press it. I use tamoxifen 20mg pharma a day and I get puffy face and it just makes it look like im bloated in face. Is there any remedy ? Should I get raloxifene ? The pharmas here dont have raloxifene or any anti estrogens. Only one they have is tamoxifen.
Order some Aromasin and Raloxifene from an UGL and call it a day, you don't NEED pharma ai, pick up some aromasin, if you feel you need to take more, take more, it's hard to tank e2 with Aromasin. Try 12.5 - 2x a week, too much? Take less, too little? Take more, better yet, get blood work so you don't have to guess so you can know exactly what to take with 200mg test.
Tamoxifene is also not an AI, using it as an AI will just fight the gyno you're causing from high e2, which might not be enough, causing gyno to slowly get worse. Also, if you have gyno, I notice mine stays larger on cycle, and shrinks a bit when off. I still think you just need to take Aromasin and stop further gyno and stress less about what's already been done.
Yeah I agree with you and I wish I ordered aromasin tabs when it was in production instead of getting fuckin dapoxetine. Studies show tamoxifen increases cortisol as well which is probably why bloat happens so much.
Yeah I agree with you and I wish I ordered aromasin tabs when it was in production instead of getting fuckin dapoxetine. Studies show tamoxifen increases cortisol as well which is probably why bloat happens so much.
You're bloated from not using an AI, Trust me, order some Aromasin from an UGL domestically and figure it out so you're not opening a thread 6 months from now asking if you should upgrade your training bra to a B cup.
will test:mast at 100:100 ratio help ?
Could try that, and keep reducing the dosage until you reach a sweet spot. 200/200, 180/180, 160/160 etc. You're not suppose to use a serm, most will tell you not to, but it might work with a low dose of test like yourself. Everybody is different, some people run 200 masteron and get low e2 sides instantly, others, like myself, I can run 200mg test, 400mg mast and I still need an ai
What is the policy for testing an untested (on the list) peptide?

Edit: I remember you wanted all the list tested but can't remember what you offered in exchange.