Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Both your orders has been sent by reship service, this one and the previous one lol

You just ordered 7 days ago

Your order is not even in the USA lol

All what you see in the tracking is not reliable.
Lol I was just kidding. My order says it is in the USA though as of Feb 28. Thanks for putting a damper on my day though.
Anyone get a refund or credit for the Tesofensine that tested bad?

Still waiting for my Tesofensine purchase to be resolved.

QSC basically said I had to provide testing to be eligible for resolution.

Why if Jano testing revealed bad results, are customers required to get their own test.

This makes no sense in the case of a small purchase where the shipping and testing costs far exceed the purchase cost.

I'm speculating there was some behind the scenes communication/testing going on based on QSC removing the product from the price sheet.

I've tried the email approach without resolution, so whats up @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Anyone get a refund or credit for the Tesofensine that tested bad?

Still waiting for my Tesofensine purchase to be resolved.

QSC basically said I had to provide testing to be eligible for resolution.

Why if Jano testing revealed bad results, are customers required to get their own test.

This makes no sense in the case of a small purchase where the shipping and testing costs far exceed the purchase cost.

I'm speculating there was some behind the scenes communication/testing going on based on QSC removing the product from the price sheet.

I've tried the email approach without resolution, so whats up @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
What do you call no sense is the policy you agreed on before purchasing, so next time before purchasing any product make sure to read well the terms and policies regarding the lab tests.

If you don't provide your lab test you aren't eligible for any form of compensation, if you don't like it, then don't buy or go buy from somewhere else when they can refund you based on catcafe testing their products.

In the meantime I am wairing for the results of identification of the sample that I sent for testing, and the testing facilite is taking long time, so during this time I do not accept orders for tesofensine.
What do you call no sense is the policy you agreed on before purchasing, so next time before purchasing any product make sure to read well the terms and policies regarding the lab tests.

If you don't provide your lab test you aren't eligible for any form of compensation, if you don't like it, then don't buy or go buy from somewhere else when they can refund you based on catcafe testing their products.

In the meantime I am wairing for the results of identification of the sample that I sent for testing, and the testing facilite is taking long time, so during this time I do not accept orders for tesofensine.
Please explain to me...

Why if you don't trust @Liska's Jano test, why then you remove Tesofensine from the price sheet?

And don't even bother saying because you actually give a fuck about what your customers receives after you get the money. I smell something else going on here. You only give 2 fucks about profits!

So in other words, you don't honor Jano lab test results, based on what you just said. WTF would one have to get another lab test to be eligible for compensation on a bad test result?

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to state the truth in your policy:

QSC doesn't refund or compensate for bad lab test results.

What will you do if your lab test result shows bad? Let me guess.... "In the meantime I am wairing for the results of identification of the sample that I sent for testing, and the testing facilite is taking long time...." .... this goes on forever and bad results are never publicly acknowledged, customers are never made whole.....

I call bullshit what it smells of bullshit QSC. You could have taken care of this for a minuscule amount of the profits you make here and you know it. Problem being you're a greedy little man with a fucked up attitude.

Yea, I wouldn't buy shit from a source that pulls shit like this, so don't waste your time saying, "if you don't like it, then don't buy or go buy from somewhere else"
Please explain to me...

Why if you don't trust @Liska's Jano test, why then you remove Tesofensine from the price sheet?

And don't even bother saying because you actually give a fuck about what your customers receives after you get the money. I smell something else going on here. You only give 2 fucks about profits!

So in other words, you don't honor Jano lab test results, based on what you just said. WTF would one have to get another lab test to be eligible for compensation on a bad test result?

Wouldn't it just be easier for you to state the truth in your policy:

QSC doesn't refund or compensate for bad lab test results.

What will you do if your lab test result shows bad? Let me guess.... "In the meantime I am wairing for the results of identification of the sample that I sent for testing, and the testing facilite is taking long time...." .... this goes on forever and bad results are never publicly acknowledged, customers are never made whole.....

I call bullshit what it smells of bullshit QSC. You could have taken care of this for a minuscule amount of the profits you make here and you know it. Problem being you're a greedy little man with a fucked up attitude.

Yea, I wouldn't buy shit from a source that pulls shit like this, so don't waste your time saying, "if you don't like it, then don't buy or go buy from somewhere else"
Ok live with it then, and don't waste my time with your BS.
I will put you on ignore.
Ok live with it then, and don't waste my time with your BS.
I will put you on ignore.
Do you call it BS when you get called out for a legitimate reason and can't answer a question because it makes you look bad?

QSC, too bad you're not bright enough to realize you could have taken care of this for 60 fucking dollars bro.

All I have to do is scare a few customers away from purchasing from you, for you to be out FAR MORE than what the cost to resolve this was. And I'm just getting started putting you on blast...
Ok live with it then, and don't waste my time with your BS.
I will put you on ignore.
Isn't this stigmatizing criticism and feedback? How will you better your policies,services or company if you choose to ignore those who disagree with something. You're asking we conform to your policies or fuck off.

Even my local crack dealer will compensate if he sold me product that he discovered was bunk.

Telling everyone they need to have it tested regardless of your findings will maximize your profits because majority of people don't want to inconveniently waste extra money to test something to be given compensation especially when the seller confirmed said product was defective, they'll suck it up and let it slide to avoid being put on blast, and you know that..
don't you?
I purchased one of the bpc 10mg kits when it was available.
What are the chances of producing bpc at 10mg?
It's real nice to use 1ml bac water, then pull .1 twice daily for 2mg a day. This stuff can and ime, needs to be run much higher than the recommended 250mcg per day bs.

So, what say ye?
Isn't this stigmatizing criticism and feedback? How will you better your policies,services or company if you choose to ignore those who disagree with something. You're asking we conform to your policies or fuck off.

Even my local crack dealer will compensate if he sold me product that he discovered was bunk.

Telling everyone they need to have it tested regardless of your findings will maximize your profits because majority of people don't want to inconveniently waste extra money to test something to be given compensation especially when the seller confirmed said product was defective, they'll suck it up and let it slide to avoid being put on blast, and you know that..
don't you?
Feedbacks are welcomed always, but when customer agree on buying, he accepts the policy regarding tha lab tests, so if he don't like it, it's his right, no one force him to buy, he can go elsewhere.

So kind of yes, either he conforms to the policies or fuck off. This is the basis of every transaction in the world, it's a contract, you accept the terms you don't ask the seller to change his.

He ordered more than 3 kits of oils + few raws, so instead of being smart and grateful that he saved more than 5 times the cost elsewhere, a savings that can pay for the lab test and more, he choosed to do the greedy and spam my thread with a lab test done by a source, so yes he can fuck off for good.

PS: I never confirmed the product was defective.
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I purchased one of the bpc 10mg kits when it was available.
What are the chances of producing bpc at 10mg?
It's real nice to use 1ml bac water, then pull .1 twice daily for 2mg a day. This stuff can and ime, needs to be run much higher than the recommended 250mcg per day bs.

So, what say ye?
Unfortunately we decided to standarize the production, so instead of making several versions, some sells fast, some sells slower, so we will keep only the hot selling versions, which are the 5mg for BPC157, TB500, HGH frag etc..
Do you call it BS when you get called out for a legitimate reason and can't answer a question because it makes you look bad?

QSC, too bad you're not bright enough to realize you could have taken care of this for 60 fucking dollars bro.

All I have to do is scare a few customers away from purchasing from you, for you to be out FAR MORE than what the cost to resolve this was. And I'm just getting started putting you on blast...
Weren't you offered to send this in for testing and liska would pay for it? But instead you add attacking QSC for no refunding and then attacking Liska for not paying for the test? But you havent sent anything in?

QSC offered to refund it if it didn't test well .. if I am not mistaken

I don't get it dude.
So kind of yes, either he conforms to the policies or fuck off.

He ordered more than 3 kits of oils + few raws, so instead of being smart and grateful that he saved more than 5 times the cost elsewhere, a savings that can pay for the lab test and more, he choosed to do the greedy and spam my thread with a lab test done by a source, so yes he can fuck off for good.

PS: I never confirmed the product was defective.
I can't help but feel there may be a culturally based misunderstanding here.

See, in the US, we are not a communist dictatorship where we live in constant fear of government planted "narcs" listening for negative feedback and the consequences that result of this in China.

We are more outspoken here, to the point that if we get fucked over in a transaction, we tend to not just "conforms" and being "grateful".

This isn't how we do things here, plain and simple.

Awaiting incoming "doxing" and a "hot pack" like previously discussed for calling out and pissing off QSC.

Weren't you offered to send this in for testing and liska would pay for it? But instead you add attacking QSC for no refunding and then attacking Liska for not paying for the test? But you havent sent anything in?

QSC offered to refund it if it didn't test well .. if I am not mistaken

I don't get it dude.
Yea, Liska offered to cover the testing cost.
The problem is shipping would still be around twice what I already paid for the Teso.
Then it's an IF QSC decided to follow through with a refund.

I don't feel like I attacked @Liska at all. If I came across that way I sincerely apologize. I was just trying to get clarification because of zero communication other than the thread. Even though she tried chocking me with a spoon, lol.

And why did QSC remove Teso from the pricelist if everything was good with it? I don't know what private communications were going on, but I suspect there's a lot not being disclosed. QSC isn't going to remove a product without proof. His statements made regarding this subject should be enough evidence of that.

I've been trying to resolve this with QSC via email with no results.

As a member of a harm reduction forum, I feel since this wasn't resolved it should go public.

I also feel once legitimate testing has revealed a product bunk, it's total bullshit for the source to demand an additional test for every customer of the same batch to get compensated.
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First time Test E order arrived in NZ.

I had some doubts but it actually came after 33 days


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Weren't you offered to send this in for testing and liska would pay for it? But instead you add attacking QSC for no refunding and then attacking Liska for not paying for the test? But you havent sent anything in?

QSC offered to refund it if it didn't test well .. if I am not mistaken

I don't get it dude.
I though it was very clear in the policy:

" Only the member who took the lab test is eligible for compensation in the event of a problem.
The source does not reimburse the costs of lab tests or the cost of samples shipping.

Terms and policies Page 502

For Tesofensine I was very clear, I believe it's real tesofensine, different versions.

If many chinese factories offer the two different versions of tesofensine, I am going to build my financial decision based on a specific standard.

I've done the mistake before with HCG, and it happened later than the standards can be different and if I send my HCG to other testing facilities, it's gonna turn 5000iu instead of 2500iu with Jano standard.
It costs me money, and I am not repeating the same mistakes again.

The standard used by Jano for the testing of tesofensine may not be the one that it is used by the chinese manufacters.

Janoshik said he couldn't detect what molecule was it, so I sent it to another facility and I am waiting for the results.

Especially that until now I've never seen any reports of appetite suppression from tesofensine that it sold by other sources, at a much higher cost, but we have reviews of appetite tesofensine and nootropic effect with mine.
Yea, Liska offered to cover the testing cost.
The problem is shipping would still be around twice what I already paid for the Teso.
Then it's an IF QSC decided to follow through with a refund.

And why did QSC remove Tesdo from the pricelist if everything was good with it?

I've been trying to resolve this with QSC via email with no results.

As a member of a harm reduction forum, I feel since this wasn't resolved it should go public.
You didn't test it yourself though... It's not like you did and didn't get a refund. He has refunded people and made things right like Deus and Trendy.

I like the peptides from QSC and I'm not trying to shill for them but you aren't following the agreement.

I though it was very clear in the policy:

" Only the member who took the lab test is eligible for compensation in the event of a problem.
The source does not reimburse the costs of lab tests or the cost of samples shipping.

Terms and policies Page 502

For Tesofensine I was very clear, I believe it's real tesofensine, different versions.

If many chinese factories offer the two different versions of tesofensine, I am going to build my financial decision based on a specific standard.

I've done the mistake before with HCG, and it happened later than the standards can be different and if I send my HCG to other testing facilities, it's gonna turn 5000iu instead of 2500iu with Jano standard.
It costs me money, and I am not repeating the same mistakes again.

The standard used by Jano for the testing of tesofensine may not be the one that it is used by the chinese manufacters.

Janoshik said he couldn't detect what molecule was it, so I sent it to another facility and I am waiting for the results.

Especially that until now I've never seen any reports of appetite suppression from tesofensine that it sold by other sources, at a much higher cost, but we have reviews of appetite tesofensine and nootropic effect with mine.
I understand

Weren't you offered to send this in for testing and liska would pay for it? But instead you add attacking QSC for no refunding and then attacking Liska for not paying for the test? But you havent sent anything in?

QSC offered to refund it if it didn't test well .. if I am not mistaken

I don't get it dude.
Didn't realize this issue was multi-layered, I jumped the gun and chimed in early, regardless I still think my comment is valid, just not it's totality in the context of Clyde's issue.