Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Any word to say?
Many of the people you’re upset at for critiquing you want to see your customers taken care of. Remember you last promised in January that everyone would have their pack by the end of the month, right? Perhaps you’d be wise to actually make sure your customers get their packages without issue before you start prematurely celebrating for the 9th time about delivering orders from October.
Many of the people you’re upset at for critiquing you want to see your customers taken care of. Remember you last promised in January that everyone would have their pack by the end of the month, right? Perhaps you’d be wise to actually make sure your customers get their packages without issue before you start prematurely celebrating for the 9th time about delivering orders from October.
Everyone got their tracking number, except 2 customers (labs) you won't see them complaining or posting here ;)
@AlexDavis43 , @47Ronin, @Abt, @Mc10v, @Mr.Capricious

Thx for replying. I use a 30g needle to pin, which is the smallest gauge I can find at 1 inch. Takes forever to pin, but seems to filter at least most of the larger pieces of rubber. I assume my body would have an adverse reaction if I were to inject something detrimental, which hasn't happened yet (knock on wood). I just get the occasional pip here and there. I haven't considered a filter needle yet. Do y'all think a 30g needle is almost as good?

No; they're different things (filtering vs gauge needle). Sure a big chunk of rubber will clog a needle but filtering is to remove all chunks (big and small). I've only ever filtered home-brewed gear but would reconsider if I started seeing chunks of rubber in the syringe.
Yea, Liska offered to cover the testing cost.
The problem is shipping would still be around twice what I already paid for the Teso.
Then it's an IF QSC decided to follow through with a refund.

I don't feel like I attacked @Liska at all. If I came across that way I sincerely apologize. I was just trying to get clarification because of zero communication other than the thread. Even though she tried chocking me with a spoon, lol.

And why did QSC remove Teso from the pricelist if everything was good with it? I don't know what private communications were going on, but I suspect there's a lot not being disclosed. QSC isn't going to remove a product without proof. His statements made regarding this subject should be enough evidence of that.

I've been trying to resolve this with QSC via email with no results.

As a member of a harm reduction forum, I feel since this wasn't resolved it should go public.

I also feel once legitimate testing has revealed a product bunk, it's total bullshit for the source to demand an additional test for every customer of the same batch to get compensated.
I messaged you Feb 18 and offered to contribute. No response. That would have covered shipping.


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