Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

HGH frag and Ipamorelin US domestic out of stock

Currently the HGH frag raws are not available, so we have no ETA for HF restock.
whats the price for your HGH kit that was tested pure?
I did not like the quality on the SR9011 i bought but maby your gh is worth buying. but getting it into europe is almost impossible. you guys dont have a hub in europe like you have in usa so there is no customs?
I’m looking just to make a small order to test the waters…. For a Canadian wanting to just grab a kit or two of finished oils it would make the most sense to just ship via China Post right ? Save the guaranteed/insured lines for bigger orders down the road ?

I’ve read the thread up and down, but the differant lines are confusing the fuck outta me , thanks to anyone that can clarify…

Also is the price list from page 1 still current ?

Thanks to anyone willing to explain this!
No more guaranteed line my dood.

Special line vs CP, I think it's fairly split down the middle from collecting what others have chosen.

Insurance is optional for both at 20%.

The new special line was just implemented maybe a week ago so no feedback on it yet. I'll drop some love in this thread for qsc when I get my order.
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Another successful order. This is my third order maybe fourth but pretty sure 3rd. Any ways this got to me in 16 days from order to delivery!! Very fast i have a stockpile and i just can’t help myself and order more and more. It’s an addiction like buying ammo i just keep buying ammo as well, i never want to be without either. I plan on using QSC exclusively. As i type this i laughing cause I’m starting to sound like a salesman or some shit. 8769EDA2-C713-4AF0-A77A-BE80C2BA9632.jpeg
What BB and Ba % do you use for trest ace at 100mg/ml?
I used 2/18 in MCT and it blended together without any heat. I imagine you could get it to hold much higher with just a touch more BB and a little heat during the process. For 50mg/ml I used 2/15 and again, was easy to make and held fine, no pip, etc.
I used 2/18 in MCT and it blended together without any heat. I imagine you could get it to hold much higher with just a touch more BB and a little heat during the process. For 50mg/ml I used 2/15 and again, was easy to make and held fine, no pip, etc.
Nice! Do you prefer 50 or 100 concentration?
Test U, primo, dhb
Add Primo, Deca, DHB, and Test Prop

You've already got short and long esters of tren and mast covered

I'd say Parabolan but that's just for me lol
DHB has become real popular as of lately. Just finished up the DHB kit I got from you. No pain, big gains.
US warehouse nominees. : DHB, sustenon, primo

Waiting for your Domestic DHB orders
What’s this ? Unfortunately I came down with UC last summer :/ landed me in the hospital 4 weeks and out of work for 6 months
dang man ive seen a few people get this after covid infection and few people cant leave house now because of UC after they got covid.. old lady got cyclical vomiting from covid too took 6 months to stop, they are figuring out now it can stay in ur body much much longer than they thought(although no longer contagious) and actually infects brain and other tissues(they thought at first just was inflammation the caused gut issues and smell/brain issues/changes, turns out, nope sticks around for months in some folks and can infect nerons and guts aswell as land up most organs, autopsys done pre vax) anyway, good luck, had bad guts when was young landed in hospital with some weird 'infection' although never was given anything for infection/parasite nor ever told diagnoses but is utter hell not a stretch to say torture shitting blood and mucus up for days in pain.

