Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

so bizzar, thinking us in the west are so mentally weak that we would belive a female would sell higher quality gear then a man
Have you heard about the phenomenon in which people of low intelligence overestimate their own aptitude at a higher frequency than people who are actually smart?
Why do my hgh vials look just as big as my peptide vials? I got some vials of 6mg peptides, and the amount of lyophilized powder looks like the same as 15iu hgh. Wouldnt 15iu of lyophilized powder look like next to nothing?
so bizzar, thinking us in the west are so mentally weak that we would belive a female would sell higher quality gear then a man
Yo, take your punny white borderline psychopathic suspicious ass out of this thread cause you are just spamming shit. There are a myriad other sources everywhere, go there and choose a to your liking tested product.
Why do my hgh vials look just as big as my peptide vials? I got some vials of 6mg peptides, and the amount of lyophilized powder looks like the same as 15iu hgh. Wouldnt 15iu of lyophilized powder look like next to nothing?
Cause 4mg, 6mg even 10mg are a minuscule quantity and the manitol makes up the rest of the 1gr of powder.
Yo, take your punny white borderline psychopathic suspicious ass out of this thread cause you are just spamming shit. There are a myriad other sources everywhere, go there and choose a to your liking tested product.
So we are just going to pretend that we are talking to a woman? you have tranny fetishes?
Do you think all of the people with naked girls on their pictures are real? Lol
Do men call you "dear" when they write to you? as this seller do, due to pretending that he is a woman. so we will have a false sense of securety when talking to him

He writes "hello dear, yes dear" n so on n so on. very bizzar to pretend to be a woman just to sell more gear.

we suppose to trust his sent in analyzes when he pretend is a chinese female? .....

Im not saying the analyzes is 100% fake/sent in higher purity product to sell us lower quality, but to have a seller pretend he is a woman and becoming mad when i called him out (called him out on alibaba for being a male) that really lower your trust for the vendor as a whole.
Do men call you "dear" when they write to you? as this seller do, due to pretending that he is a woman. so we will have a false sense of securety when talking to him

He writes "hello dear, yes dear" n so on n so on. very bizzar to pretend to be a woman just to sell more gear.

we suppose to trust his sent in analyzes when he pretend is a chinese female? .....

Im not saying the analyzes is 100% fake/sent in higher purity product to sell us lower quality, but to have a seller pretend he is a woman and becoming mad when i called him out (called him out on alibaba for being a male) that really lower your trust for the vendor as a whole.
Dude, if you do not like it, buy elsewhere. Why are you wasting your time in this thread? For me, each time I order, I pay my money and receive what I paid for.
who the hell gives a shit if OP is a girl or a guy? rofl.

oh yeah, I forgot. the products will test different on the gender who is selling it.
Im new to this but not new to the drug underground…. Im always shocked to see people bitching over shit when you can 4x your money with the prices and still be cheap. Im willing to deal with minor stuff for the prices and a product that works. And mines for personal use and still see it that way. Maybe it’s because ive delt with dealers alot, if you dont buy, someone else will. There not gonna kiss your ass. Spend more money for a customer service you prefer if you feel its not upto your standards .
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I did order HGH 100iu,bpc 157,tb 500 ,sildenafil,tadalafil
Does anyone tried QSC tadalafil and sildenafil?
Coz I did take up to 80mg of tadalafil and tried 200mg of sildenafil
My body usually not able to tolerate more than 40mg of tadaladil without headache and endless erection
And at 200mg of sildenafil I usually can't breathe through the nose and eyesight become bluish and headache and endless erection.

I want to see others about their experiences with qsc tadalafil and sildenafil

Testosterone e is good though I took it as trt and lab tested my self for the testosterone total
QSC can be a time traveling, space alien, pygmy, transvestite, albino, dong done in a knot, polka music loving, bisexual, cross dressing, quadruped, 2 vagina having, werewolf for all we give a shit.
He is an internet PED salesperson. We don't have to confuse his personal life with his business dealings, least his fucking avatar pic you liberal hive minded mental midget.