Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

LFTs can also be elevated by training. I would hardly call 51 stressed.

In a deficit the glucose can be very well controlled.

The guy we are even talking about is banned and probably permanently banned.
He brings nothing to this forum but nonsense and will get into an early grave.
Hel definetly get into an early grave pinning 15iu gh daily lol, I don’t even know how he managed to get to the place to take blood, I would of fallen asleep on the couch
Well obviously more than you and yes obviously moron how much gh and IGF was Arnold using ? Or any bodybuilder in the 70s
Stop talking
15iu of gh + good liver or not should still have high IGF readings
And if it doesn’t …..then once again I stand by what I say and he should stop wasting money on gh because the whole point of it is that IGF or he may as well save money and use peptides
Why can’t you understand this ??
In your world taking 15iu with a normal IGF level is completely fine
And in mine it’s a complete waste of money
no, that's what i just said.
Raising IGF-1 is one part of HGH usage. It has other (for bodybuilders) beneficial purposes.
and to your other post where @Cridi887 mentioned the competitor:
are you really saying 51 ALT is "high"?
ALT is not even liver specific, this value is probably still raised due to working out 2-3 days prior since ALT is an enzyme also found in muscle tissue.

But i guess discussing in an adult fashion is not your thing, not sure why you have to insult everyone contradicting your thoughts.
I have my opinion, you have yours. We can leave it like this, have a nice easter and good luck
no, that's what i just said.
Raising IGF-1 is one part of HGH usage. It has other (for bodybuilders) beneficial purposes.
and to your other post where @Cridi887 mentioned the competitor:
are you really saying 51 ALT is "high"?
ALT is not even liver specific, this value is probably still raised due to working out 2-3 days prior since ALT is an enzyme also found in muscle tissue.

But i guess discussing in an adult fashion is not your thing, not sure why you have to insult everyone contradicting your thoughts.
I have my opinion, you have yours. We can leave it like this, have a nice easter and good luck
Your dissecting what I said and picking only what you want and trying to win like it’s a popularity contest and yes I think your wrong

Im annoyed too because I actually listened to people like you and believed it a long time ago , I tried all the generics some where better than others , some were completely bunk i almost convinced myself I was like OP BUT then I got gh direct from pharmacy and tested and what do you know ? To my suprise my IGF nearly doubled , this is my opinion:
If your doing 15iu then get a blood test and your IGF is normal ITS UNDERDOSED

Humour me : post this question on blood sweat and gear podcast or vigorous Steve etc
“If your pinning 15iu gh and your IGF comes back at average levels, is my gh bunk ?”

Do it just to see what they think ?
And happy Easter to u too bro
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Your dissecting what I said and picking only what you want and trying to win like it’s a popularity contest and yes I think your wrong

Im annoyed too because I actually listened to people like you and believed it a long time ago , I tried all the generics some where better than others , some were completely bunk i almost convinced myself I was like OP BUT then I got gh direct from pharmacy and tested and what do you know ? To my suprise my IGF nearly doubled , this is my opinion:
If your doing 15iu then get a blood test and your IGF is normal ITS UNDERDOSED

Humour me : post this question on blood sweat and gear podcast or vigorous Steve etc
“If your pinning 15iu gh and your IGF comes back at average levels, is my gh bunk ?”

Do it just to see what they think ?
And happy Easter to u too bro

i also have my experience with most generics and i also have my experience with most pharma.
In the end, i prefer pharma when only considering effect/side effect profile since in my opinion, Humatrope and jintropin (my 2 most preferred pharma) give me awesome fullness with only minor water retention.
from an IGF standpoint, I did not experience big differences between pharma and generics WHEN ALL OTHER VARIABLES STAYED THE SAME.
This is important, because as soon as you change your "supplementation" or your nutrition etc. you should be prepared to have differences.
What is so great about primo?
It's because it's expensive and has limited supply. If masteron was expensive and rare, people would would be drooling to get it. There is lots of discussion on r/steroids about mast vs. primo with an equal number of people saying they prefer mast.
i also have my experience with most generics and i also have my experience with most pharma.
In the end, i prefer pharma when only considering effect/side effect profile since in my opinion, Humatrope and jintropin (my 2 most preferred pharma) give me awesome fullness with only minor water retention.
from an IGF standpoint, I did not experience big differences between pharma and generics WHEN ALL OTHER VARIABLES STAYED THE SAME.
This is important, because as soon as you change your "supplementation" or your nutrition etc. you should be prepared to have differences.
Shut up.
We don't care about your igf 1 argument.