Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

is it a bitch to brew?
i only made injectable l-carnatine
You already have experience brewing, so not much difference. Head over to brewing section, they have lots of recipes.

The methodology and safety aspect is also outlined in a very straightforward manner in lots of threads by various users, so you have ample examples to follow.

You got this, good luck.
My biggest mistake was to try to explain the change and talking about what happening in China, I should have just announced the new rule of purchasing.
Also honestly for anything meatheads might need written in crayon.... maybe write it in Chinese to ChatGPT (GPT-4, not 3.5, need to pay $20 for 4 tho) and ask it to translate it to English. It does a crazy good job. DeepL is very good too but ChatGPT-4 is super next-level.
Nothing you said was wrong. People just can't read. But the way you worded it was slightly more confusing than it needed to be and ChatGPT would have fixed that so that 50% fewer people would have been confused...only the true crayon eaters among us.
Does QSC have any heavy metals testing done on their products? Not throwing around any accusations but I’ve been feeling sick for 4 weeks since I started using his gear on my cruise. I could count on one hand the amount of hours I slept last week cause my body and brain have been physically unable to chill out.

Switched sources for the time being to confirm that I’m not going crazy. Been running his GH for more than a year though, no problems there
You should be happy for heavy metals in your gear!! Have you seen the price of scrap theese days! Your pretty much injecting gold in your ass!!
Also honestly for anything meatheads might need written in crayon.... maybe write it in Chinese to ChatGPT (GPT-4, not 3.5, need to pay $20 for 4 tho) and ask it to translate it to English. It does a crazy good job. DeepL is very good too but ChatGPT-4 is super next-level.
Nothing you said was wrong. People just can't read. But the way you worded it was slightly more confusing than it needed to be and ChatGPT would have fixed that so that 50% fewer people would have been confused...only the true crayon eaters among us.
what does translating in chinese have anything to do with it? this rep isnt even from china.
Enjoy dying of infection, you sharp tounged devil you, that shit is in there for a reason bud.

BA is not for adding more to solution and actually has a slight numbing effect and is preferred for botox vs saline for this reason. you 10000% need Ba if making ur own gear to keep things clean and prevent bacteria from growing.

also its not reference ranges, thats blood work...

look on the brewing forum for more information..
Thank you Beavis and Butt-head. Your Sally Struther's degree's in "Bro-Science" really saved the day.

i think there was no demand for it and they bailed on it. Do u like ment ? I been trying to get into it, but cant find a reason why primo and test combo wouldnt be better.
I prefer longer esters when it comes to 19nors, just tend to have a better side effect profile for me, probably because of the more stable serum levels. Primo and test probably is a better combination, even if not as strong. Definitely more expensive since you don't need go run much trestolone though and primo is becoming more expensive and harder to find.