Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Do you happen to have reference ranges for saturation levels with regards to concentration in carrier oils for the different testosterone esters? I am looking for an estimate of max concentration of a testosterone ester with no addition of BB or BA. Thanks

Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Do you happen to have reference ranges for saturation levels with regards to concentration in carrier oils for the different testosterone esters? I am looking for an estimate of max concentration of a testosterone ester with no addition of BB or BA. Thanks
Enjoy dying of infection, you sharp tounged devil you, that shit is in there for a reason bud.
BA is not for adding more to solution and actually has a slight numbing effect and is preferred for botox vs saline for this reason. you 10000% need Ba if making ur own gear to keep things clean and prevent bacteria from growing.

also its not reference ranges, thats blood work...

look on the brewing forum for more information..
My last order had 30 vials. I would would pay 50 bones right this second for these all to have better tops.

I'll probably be filtering all of this. Ive had plenty of rubber pieces before, but not this early in pinning it. I'd imagine I'll have a bunch of pieces as I poke the vial.

I've always used 19g to pin. I tried a 25g this morning to draw just to see, but I'm not trying to spend all day pulling from 3 vials, dosing is a pain too because I have to pull the plunger way farther back to get the suction to draw. I heat my oils everytime.

Again, this isn't a complaint. For 10 vials for the price of two, it is what it is. I was just genuinely curious how much the price would go up. They make money on insurance and he's mentioned theyre a biz and like $ and so on, if the price increase was .67 per vial and they raise it a dollar, theyd be increasing profits per vial but obviously i don't know how much it would affect the volume sold.

I just like business stuff and I'm sure they've researched this already, so figured it would be an easy answer.
I grabbed a case of sterile viles and i have made a practice of always filtering any ugl product and transfering into the sterile viles. I'm paranoid that way. Kinda a pain in the ass, but hey we all got our quirks.
I grabbed a case of sterile viles and i have made a practice of always filtering any ugl product and transfering into the sterile viles. I'm paranoid that way. Kinda a pain in the ass, but hey we all got our quirks.
Might as well see if he sells liters
I grabbed a case of sterile viles and i have made a practice of always filtering any ugl product and transfering into the sterile viles. I'm paranoid that way. Kinda a pain in the ass, but hey we all got our quirks.
Good call. I got some syringe filters in my cart on Amazon. But not too confident on their vials. I'll go to medlabgear and medlabsupply and check them out. Never done it, might as well start now.
Might as well see if he sells liters
Pretty sure he was/is.
I grabbed a case of sterile viles and i have made a practice of always filtering any ugl product and transfering into the sterile viles. I'm paranoid that way. Kinda a pain in the ass, but hey we all got our quirks.
Damnit, I can't unsee the contradiction in your misspelling. Sterile viles sound so confusing lol
well if thats the case id be getting a liver transplant cos his is fucked

15iu gh with normal igf ?? his natty levels must be in the negatives

in his case whats even the point in taking gh then if hes body isnt even 'accepting' it ?

i think not, i guarantee its not his liver or diet
i thought you know everything already but maybe this is new for you:
- raising igf isnt the only vauable attribute of hgh for a bodybuilder.

And trust me, a caloric restricted diet low in carbs is enough to completely wreck igf values.
Add in tren and/or a bootload of orals (stressed liver) and no amount of hgh will put you out of range.
This doesnt mean hgh is worthless.


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