Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

have you or any other person that has used pt141 had symptoms of anhedonia? it is apparently a possible side effect of the drug, means that you are unable to feel any emotion/feeling extremely empty.
No not atall! ... I didn't even know that was a side affect? .. I've actually always been a very emotional person and in tune with my feelings. And since I started peds and peptides I'm even more emotional and empathetic. Pretty much anything I watch makes me cry lol happy tears and sad tears lol I guess it's a good thing I'm looking jacked or my girl would probably think I was a big pussy lol
I know of 2 guys my age (near 50) that felt better on LCAR with their TRT dose, and were pretty happy with lab results. I recently did labs to gauge my next blast, on 250mg test cyp post blast levels were 1800ng. Recently with 600mg weekly LCAR my levels came back similarly to the first time I did it (uncapped over 2500ng). A few guys on a Discord server I told of my experience tried it as well, pretty similar results of course with differing test metabolism.
I may have missed it - but what's wrong with oral LCAR so long as dose is accounted for due to bioavailability?
PO L-carnitine at that dose increases trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, arterial plaque...
Thank you for sharing.

Is there anything reasonable that can be done to combat TMAO? Only reason I ask is I'm trying to not turn myself into even more for a pin cushion lol.
Thank you for sharing.

Is there anything reasonable that can be done to combat TMAO? Only reason I ask is I'm trying to not turn myself into even more for a pin cushion lol.
I can relate. I think you can take garlic to reduce TMAO concentrations.
PO L-carnitine at that dose increases trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, arterial plaque...
Probably been answered thousands time but what is the best ways to split their D-Bol raw in daily dose?
Microdosing spoons on Amazon. Search that on here and you should find the link.

This should be the most recent measurements based on the color of the spoons:


Proviron: 11mg red, 14mg orange, 5mg black

Anavar: 4.6mg black, 7mg red, 17mg orange (big side)

Winstrol: orange 10mg

Dianabol: orange 17mg

17-Methyltestosterone: orange 8mg

Halotestin: orange 12mg

Tbol: orange (big side) 13.1mg

Sdrol: orange (big side) 8mg


Nolvadex: 3.2mg black, 4.4mg red, 7mg orange

Clomid: 11mg orange, 5mg red, 2mg black

Aromasin: orange 10mg


Cialis: orange 8mg, red 3mg

Salbutamol: red 6mg , black 4mg

DMAA: orange 10mg (extremely bitter)


Phenylpiracetam hydrazide: orange (big side) 16.6mg (a little bitter)
No not atall! ... I didn't even know that was a side affect? .. I've actually always been a very emotional person and in tune with my feelings. And since I started peds and peptides I'm even more emotional and empathetic. Pretty much anything I watch makes me cry lol happy tears and sad tears lol I guess it's a good thing I'm looking jacked or my girl would probably think I was a big pussy lol
thank you. it is more like a theoretical side effect ive heard but still something i wanted to research

Just ended my cruise on 125mg QSC test-e / week. Test is 528 so next time i'm cruising i'll be running around 200 to get me in that upper range.

Starting my next blast in a week with QSC gear (400 test - 300 dhb - 5iu gh - 10iu humalog preworkout). Regarding the DHB, does it have the same effect on estrogen as primo?

Also, anyone has a possible reason for my liver values to be elevated while just running 125 test and 10mg aromasin weekly?
View attachment 256781

Just ended my cruise on 125mg QSC test-e / week. Test is 528 so next time i'm cruising i'll be running around 200 to get me in that upper range.

Starting my next blast in a week with QSC gear (400 test - 300 dhb - 5iu gh - 10iu humalog preworkout). Regarding the DHB, does it have the same effect on estrogen as primo?

Also, anyone has a possible reason for my liver values to be elevated while just running 125 test and 10mg aromasin weekly?
No drinking? No hardcore workout close to being tested? I’d figure out these liver enzymes before jumping into a blast.
No drinking? No hardcore workout close to being tested? I’d figure out these liver enzymes before jumping into a blast.

i bet its the training.
GGT is in range, GOT and GPT are also enzymes found in sceletal muscle.
This is why you should take 5-7 days off prior to bloodwork. (which i also dont do, i just accept the elevation as long as GGT and alkaline phosphate are in range)
Had two orders with QSC in last couple months.

Both Special Line to the UK , 7 days for both.

I invested in Test E , DHB , Tirzapatide , GH , Bac water. All good to go & great service from start to finish!

Running their Test E & DHB at the moment , both gtg no pip on either. The usual injection protocol as many others - heating both oils , rotating sites , slow inject then hot water bottle on site for 10mins post injection! Everything is spot on, no complaints. Just started week 3 on DHB today & vascularity is starting to pop , feel amazing in regards to mood & endurance for cardio is up. Nothing major in terms of strength yet but there's time for that.

Also running tirz & mast 3 months into a cut. Happy days!
Labs.... 8 weeks on QSC Test C. Labs taken on trough....shot was due but I skipped it till after Labs. 1.25ml every 3.5 days. So 2.5ml a week. Gonna bump it up an extra ml next 8 weeks. This was the Test C domestic 1st week in March.
Your post could be so much more simple

"Hey guys I'm on 250mg a week I pin e3d"

So you're on 562mg a week? That doesn't seem right for 1911ng dL. I assume you used quest? They've fucked up so many guys bloodwoek recently its unreal. Use labcorp
Your post could be so much more simple

"Hey guys I'm on 250mg a week I pin e3d"

So you're on 562mg a week? That doesn't seem right for 1911ng dL. I assume you used quest? They've fucked up so many guys bloodwoek recently its unreal. Use labcorp
Yeah you would expect different levels but everybody is different in how they metabolise testosterone. A lot of.variables. and the source jano tested the test c and someone blind tested theirs with jano and the results matched so Im pretty sure it's dosed correctly(25mg less than 250 but 225mg test c is what most sources call test c 250 anyway
Yeah you would expect different levels but everybody is different in how they metabolise testosterone. A lot of.variables. and the source jano tested the test c and someone blind tested theirs with jano and the results matched so Im pretty sure it's dosed correctly(25mg less than 250 but 225mg test c is what most sources call test c 250 anyway
No I don't think it's the source, I think it's quest. They have been botching a lot of people's bloodwork recently


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