Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When's the best time to use DHB? On a cut? I heard it wasn't that good of a mass builder, similar to tren.
DHB is a great mass builder, in my opinion. To put it in perspective (not accurate because of the length of time of training In between this comparison but anyways) the size Dbol ballooned me up to is the same as DHB did over the course of my cycle... HOWEVER the difference is, the size on Dbol was lost the size of DHB (and strength) has been maintained, everytime someone's says mass builder I just think of people who want water weight DHB is clean, lean strong maintainable size and absolutely can be used to build mass or build on a cut, remember steroids aren't the be all and end all its the training, diet and rest that matters also... I have actually not only maintained the DHB size and strength (lost a bit of fullness in the muslces) but I have actually increased my strength on my cruise cycle of 125mg of test per week - DHB is quality
Also @Raz302 i read you were having high BP issues on DHB, taking 10-15 mg Cialis daily has brought my BP down considerably. It used to be around 150/90 ish everyday now it’s around 127/79. Like no shit it’s that low, sometimes it even dips below 120. I also donate plasma twice weekly and drink lots of water. Not sure which has the most impact but I thought I’d mention it.
That's interesting thanks for that feedback, blood pressure has returned to normal since I have come off (3 weeks ago)
Jesus this layout reminds me of an ELA essay I had to do in high school. Like literally the same format.

But anyway I agree, I’m running 225mg weekly of my own gear, brewed @75 mg with QSC raws, and I didn’t expect to look this jacked. It’s insane, I’m trying cut for beach season, but I have a full blown steroid look.

I started fasting 24hrs once a week and doing heavy workouts everyday in a 12 hour fasted state to try to attain more of a natural look. This DHB is OP as Tha fuck. Also running with TestC/TrenE 225 weekly. Adding 25mg Winny today.

First pic is 2 weeks ago before the IF phase
Second is yesterday from fasting.

DHB will pack too much steroid weight on imo.
Fucking hell bro you look like a bull!
have you tried primo? if so how do you rank it vs dhb for yourself?
As you have probably read on forums DHB is like 3x stronger and I agree with that, never really felt much from primo gowevrr DHB besides blood presssure I seem to react well with
The first time I tried it I did 1.5 mgs and within 30 mins I had the worst nauseating feeling and was just completely lethargic and couldn't move for like 4 hours .... after that passed all I wanted to do was fuck and was Hard for the whole night and next morning. Lol ... after that I found 1 mg was perfect!
have you or any other person that has used pt141 had symptoms of anhedonia? it is apparently a possible side effect of the drug, means that you are unable to feel any emotion/feeling extremely empty.
Just got 3 kits of tren hex am reading here it’s 100mg per ml I was under the assumption that it only came in 76 mg per ml can someone chime in here is this a good thing or does it mean I most likely got tren e 100 mg I honestly unsure is tren hex possible at 100 mg
Yes it can be brewed at 100mg easy, I've seen tren hex brewed at 200mg/mL with no super solvents
Early dhb pip update. Starting with small daily injections. 40mg of dhb and 40 mg of mast prop daily. Heating vials on a hot plate for 7 minutes. Zero pip. I’ll probably try it without heating soon and eventually raise my dosage.

I started very light bc it showed up crashed and I was hesitant bc of the pip stories I’ve been hearing.
Early dhb pip update. Starting with small daily injections. 40mg of dhb and 40 mg of mast prop daily. Heating vials on a hot plate for 7 minutes. Zero pip. I’ll probably try it without heating soon and eventually raise my dosage.

I started very light bc it showed up crashed and I was hesitant bc of the pip stories I’ve been hearing.
Mine also was crashed. Warmed it up and it cleared up and no issues since.

No PIP immediately after for me. The first few weeks I would get knots that were mildly sore and would stay for up to 5 days. About 6 weeks in now and the knots stopped appearing.

This is my first time trying an injectable other than testosterone and I'm liking the effects of DHB a lot.
If only Canadian postal service processed shit as fast as QSC ships lol.
Stuff goes into hyperspace for 10days then suddenly moves again.

So for ypu Canadian news just be patient.
There's literally no rhyme or reason.

Last few have been 10 plus days from landing in country to hitting customs.
If only Canadian postal service processed shit as fast as QSC ships lol.
Stuff goes into hyperspace for 10days then suddenly moves again.

So for ypu Canadian news just be patient.
There's literally no rhyme or reason.

Last few have been 10 plus days from landing in country to hitting customs.
Mine took like a week from china to Canada then sat at plane has landed for like 3 weeks then finally came to my house after a month
There is no comparasion between pt141 and pge 1 with sides. PT is nasty with the feel of throwing up feeling. PGE1 is pure bliss with a rock hard on for a few hours no sides. No point comparing the 2
There is no comparasion between pt141 and pge 1 with sides. PT is nasty with the feel of throwing up feeling. PGE1 is pure bliss with a rock hard on for a few hours no sides. No point comparing the 2
I used to like pt141 in the beginning, but then it became hit or miss, and I could never counter the nausea and flushing
Wow cool. I knew it improved androgen receptors, but I previously thought the effect was only marginal, especially if enhanced. Did you know anyone else who had a similar result?
I know of 2 guys my age (near 50) that felt better on LCAR with their TRT dose, and were pretty happy with lab results. I recently did labs to gauge my next blast, on 250mg test cyp post blast levels were 1800ng. Recently with 600mg weekly LCAR my levels came back similarly to the first time I did it (uncapped over 2500ng). A few guys on a Discord server I told of my experience tried it as well, pretty similar results of course with differing test metabolism.
Labs.... 8 weeks on QSC Test C. Labs taken on trough....shot was due but I skipped it till after Labs. 1.25ml every 3.5 days. So 2.5ml a week. Gonna bump it up an extra ml next 8 weeks. This was the Test C domestic 1st week in March.


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Mine took like a week from china to Canada then sat at plane has landed for like 3 weeks then finally came to my house after a month
Mines 10 days at plane landed.
Sometimes it's a week. Sometimes 3.
The day I get it all the tracking seems to update showing customer etc.
Labs.... 8 weeks on QSC Test C. Labs taken on trough....shot was due but I skipped it till after Labs. 1.25ml every 3.5 days. So 2.5ml a week. Gonna bump it up an extra ml next 8 weeks. This was the Test C domestic 1st week in March.
Was this the batch that was blind tested by someone and came back 225mglml?


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