Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So tell me, what is the point in independent lab testing when if it comes out way under dosed, nobody gives a shit and nobody holds the source accountable. And instead they make excuses for the source act like the person who tested is unreasonable to expect to get what they paid for. You only discourage people from testing when you act like this.
Can you link me to the underdosed Tirzepatide testing? I only saw the recent one QSC posted and it showed 99% purity
I think you're expectations are well above the reality among us here. Most of the people on this board are doing something illegal, they will only look after themselves. If you are hoping for solidarity, well, this is not a workers union either, we are all in a random anonymous account ordering dubious compound from shady drug dealers abroad. Everything is a gamble and I for one accepted it as reality.

It's nice to hold these sources accountable but what's the repercussion really? Boycott them with your wallets is all we can do. This is the sad affair of AAS, we are at the mercy of having no better choices than what's available.

Thailand, seems not that bad place to retire to all of a sudden eh.
Actually my expectations are simple. I posted my lab results and my story about my experience. In almost every case where sources have been caught under dosing; they have addressed the situation, taken care of those wronged, and rectified. So why is this situation different than others?

Back to what I expect. When this happened, I honestly didn't expect anything from QSC based on what I have seen. I hoped they would rectify and do what is right, but hardly expected it from this source specifically. But what I did expect was for the community to be thankful for the testing and disappointed for what happened. I expected people to be concerned and not let the source ignore the issue and get buried among the posts. I expected the community to force a legit response from him.

What I didn't expect was for people to justify the sources actions and attack the victim and act as if I am the one in the wrong. I'm not asking anyone to give a shit about me or my losses. But I am asking people to give a shit about condoning this sources actions and acting like it isn't a big deal. We do lab testing to keep sources honest. How are you keeping a source honest when you pay no attention to the test and act like it is ok? Do you really think he is going to care about under dosing another batch of any of his items? Why would he care? The attitude portrayed here discourages lab testing and makes it a waste of time and money; the exact opposite of what we want.
Does USA domestic hgh come in a shipping box if I order 5 kits?

Not the kit box.

What I'm asking is what it ships in? I don't like shipping bags
So tell me, what is the point in independent lab testing when if it comes out way under dosed, nobody gives a shit and nobody holds the source accountable. And instead they make excuses for the source act like the person who tested is unreasonable to expect to get what they paid for. You only discourage people from testing when you act like this.
The point for independent lab testing is for the betterment of the members so they know what they're putting in their bodies. Secondly comes to holding the source accountable. But with said testing done members can decide if they want to do business with a source or not.

In fact. I think you're being completely reasonable in your situation and they way it was handled makes me uneasy especially considering I just placed my first order for $2K worth of raws AFTER I saw some testing.

To say I discourage people from testing from the way I "acted" when I only said don't spend money you're not willing to lose is complete fucking bullshit. The statement is just that. How many exit scams have we seen in the last many years? Quite a few. Some with sources that were in decent standing status on the forum. Idk why QSC didn't just make that right and continue receiving your business.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals what is the policy for members sending something off for testing and it comes back outside of a reasonable parameter? And also from my understanding there isn't any type of credit towards clients who pay for testing?
Like I said before, try that shit in the streets and see how long last before you have a bullet in your head!
Yeah I know many junkies that fucked up their dealer... not!

Anyway, you think you got fucked over? Write it as a loss and move to another source. Whining in the thread will get you nowhere other than peoples ignore list.
The guy is disappointed because he is desesperetly trying to create drama from that test and I am not going to feed that troll who try to look like a victim. Members didn't feed the troll as well, he is angry and mad.

The guy has been partially refunded according to rules stated multiple times, the customers who purchased the same batch has been eligible for a discount even that they didn't do their homework and they are based on the lab test of someone else.

What do you want me to do more, suck your dick? you got refunded, and still not happy, go fuck yourself.

@Heavy Iron you will find the answers in page 502, read it well.
The point for independent lab testing is for the betterment of the members so they know what they're putting in their bodies. Secondly comes to holding the source accountable. But with said testing done members can decide if they want to do business with a source or not.

In fact. I think you're being completely reasonable in your situation and they way it was handled makes me uneasy especially considering I just placed my first order for $2K worth of raws AFTER I saw some testing.

To say I discourage people from testing from the way I "acted" when I only said don't spend money you're not willing to lose is complete fucking bullshit. The statement is just that. How many exit scams have we seen in the last many years? Quite a few. Some with sources that were in decent standing status on the forum. Idk why QSC didn't just make that right and continue receiving your business.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals what is the policy for members sending something off for testing and it comes back outside of a reasonable parameter? And also from my understanding there isn't any type of credit towards clients who pay for testing?
I actually agree with everything you said. In fact I have said several times that the prices and shipping speed of this source is excellent but the customer service and quality control sucks. It wasn't until people started justifying the sources actions and attacked me that I went on the defensive because I don't appreciate that attitude.
The guy is disappointed because he is desesperetly trying to create drama from that test and I am not going to feed that troll who try to look like a victim. Members didn't feed the troll as well, he is angry and mad.

The guy has been partially refunded according to rules stated multiple times, the customers who purchased the same batch has been eligible for a discount even that they didn't do their homework and they are based on the lab test of someone else.

What do you want me to do more, suck your dick? you got refunded, and still not happy, go fuck yourself.

@Heavy Iron you will find the answers in page 502, read it well.

You created your own drama! Quit acting like you properly addressed the issue and are in the right! I already posted the facts, and have yet to hear you deny any single one of those facts. Instead you just create diversions.

What do I want you to do more? I want my $380 credit for testing your bunk-ass shit; where is that? My friends that I sent to you and got the same bunk ass batch 30% under dosed want their 30% on another equal order of green tops that tested out correctly; why won't you do that? Just answer those questions that I have asked several times thus far. See you don't care about the facts or doing what is right. I would bet a million dollars you don't answer those questions!
Yeah I know many junkies that fucked up their dealer... not!

Anyway, you think you got fucked over? Write it as a loss and move to another source. Whining in the thread will get you nowhere other than peoples ignore list.
Your reading comprehension sucks!! I have said twice already, now 3 times. that it was dropped but as long as people are going to keep replying and attack me, I am going to reply back. So shut the fuck up and go hang out with your junkie friends!
Your reading comprehension sucks!! I have said twice already, now 3 times. that it was dropped but as long as people are going to keep replying and attack me, I am going to reply back. So shut the fuck up and go hang out with your junkie friends!
I am really scared internet tough guy...

Go read page 502. Specially the part about no refund on testing costs.

But I see your point. You lost money and you have top blame someone other than the asshole in the mirror