Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I saw some complaining about 50 to under 100 bucks. You know this isn't costco? Shoot most ugl is 300 plus minimum just to order. Eat it and source elsewhere I halfway understand this sources attitude.
Hey man, just saying it may be a typo, another source had a typo and corrected their price so I didn't want to plan everything out until I knew.

Also, awesome doggo man
This dog is great man, just wish he didn't have social anxiety but he's great with my kids so that's what's most important.

Might be a single one-off typo but not across an entire column, value here is pretty decent, that's why I'm a customer. There's only one product that I buy elsewhere but QSC said they dropped the price so I'll have to reassess before my next order
I sent an email last week to the new email and got a reply on same day.

Long story short I've received my gh from the China warehouse, it took 3 weeks and I'll try it in the following weeks as I still have some of my old stock to finish.

So far first buy and I'm happy with it.
yes disgard it.
You can store it in glass container, better than plastic.
I don't know the % of water used by the factory, all I know when I sent it to Jano it tested +98%, Idk if the % of water matters.
So I have just discarded only the yellow powder, kept the rest.
I would like to ask you how does your policy work in cases like this one.
Would be ok for you give me a credit on my next order for the amount of wasted raws?

Raw 3: 27g = 13$
Raw 4: 13g = 6$
Raw 5: 16g = 7$
Raw 7: 24g = 13$
Raw L: 227g = 20$

Tot. wasted 59$

I would like to point out that I am not pretending anything, just politely asking.
All my other orders always went well without a single problem. And I will keep purchasing from you whatever you decide, 1 mistake will not discourage me.

Maybe, next time you ship dnp, wrap him with some air-ball paper and a small cardboard and everything should be fine.

Thank you no matter what you decide
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I would like to hear your opinion mate.
No, because 19-nor like nandrolone is the worst thing to take if the goal is to get your balls back.
I understand that. Hence why I'm trying to see if I can anyway with a larger dose. There's not a whole lot of information, especially anecdote about this stuff. Just that 19-nors are highly suppressive.
Who needs balls when your huge, lol.

Unless wanting children
I totally agree lmao however, I stupidly started steroids nearly a decade ago, and have never come off. Sometimes very low doses, sometimes higher. I'm aware of the health implications, and I'm working on dialing in my doses to as small as possible - I'm simply in the process of it.

What I'm trying to say is - I never paid attention to the size of my balls prior to steroids, and I was hypogonadal(have done bloods twice and was below reference range both times) prior to steroids too - so it's purely out of curiosity.