Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I believe a source on here is sending it out for testing as we speak.
The cialis I am sending out is not QSC. I needed something to do so I paid double for the same amount on domestic raws.

I am still sending out QSC Cialis when I get my order (next week or the week after)

I regret not buying a kilo from QSC btw.

I bring up the microspoon because Cialis raw has about 2x-3x the volume of the same MG as var
No, mg scale. My batch was from early 2023.
I don't trust mg scales either. Can be off quite a bit. Unless it's over 1000 it's not ideal.

The minimum for the mg scale is 1mg and those things range from 1mg to 20,000 mg typically.

Its super easy to be off on those.
ya prob not bad idea but may just make it stick out worse though.. I think your thinking MT1, I could be wrong but is used for treatment but injected in the dermis IIRC for a localized effect vs systemic, but perhaps I just made that assumption... but ya could look into at least trying MT1. although I wouldn't mind the lady on mt2 and get some libido boost lol.

100% I have no idea what kind of dosing protocol would be used or how the treatment would change the appearance of thebl vitiligo.
For $170 you can get 300iu of the blue tops (2x150iu kits) compared to cartridges (5x36 = 180iu) for $150, assuming it’s the exact same hgh in these, I’m not sure loss of 120 iu for $20 difference is worth the price of nice fancy looking cartridges

Convenience, man. For some people with a lot of money, that's a small price to pay for convenience. It's all relative.

Dumb !!! Shouldn’t be preaching that at all on a harm reduction board.
Read what I have write. Is not recommended if he want to do it he can do that. That's on him.
I say what I did and hundreds of subq pining later didn't had any issues.
I and many other do the same. Pinning subq is not the same as pining IM.
People who are diabetics and use insulin pen or syringe do the same. They don't change the needle multiple times everyday for the next 30 years or how long they live for.

I take insulin 2 times and sometimes 3 times a day. I don't use 3 different syringe to pin that. I fill the syringe in the morning with what I need for that day and I use it all day And years later I am alive and well. Me and many other.

Is not recommended to do IM injections by yourself but here we are. Thousands of pining later didn't have any issue.

Harm isn't coming from using the same syringe to pin subq. No one got a infection by using the same insulin needle for subq pining.
For example if a wood splinter get in your finger and you manage to get it out right after the finger wil be fine. Subq is different than IM.

But if you want change that needle each time because that's what you suppose to do.
I know shit happens with customs but I am not gonna lie. It sucks to see everyone getting deliveries and in still sitting here waiting for my shit
Bought in autumn 2022 some TD, need to take between 20-40 mg to get the same "feels" as 5 mg pharma grade. Tried to take the powder as it is, to cap it, to make volumetric dilution with a suspension, to take it sublingually, no differences.
I'm not saying it's bunk, no proof with proper testing just make this statement merely an opinion/sensation. I've complete trust in QSC, had a good experience buying the products and asking for help.
Not tried other PDE5i or PT-141, but the latter is in schedule for the autumn/winter (want to make the order with lower temperature).
Can't wait to try all the other products I purchased
You guys should test the tadalafil. I just bought some myself, but haven't tried it yet, and I could test it also, but I don't want to make promises right now. What I can promise is that when I do try the Cialis, I will return here and let you know if I "feel" any difference between QSC and pharma. Sometimes the excipients used in tablet production really do cause a more dramatic absorption of the substance. So you have to also consider that that there may be a differences as a result of the lack of excipients. One reason why raws are better is for that exact reason: lack of excipients, which are mostly toxic, and should be avoided.

Other people here probably have experience with what tadalafil raws are supposed to feel like in comparison to pharma, so maybe someone has more information.