Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Sorry for my modest question. But are there any services about floaters?

I think I have a old Batch of Test E, where the rubber band is a small hole. I can understand that sometimes the rubber band comes off, no problem. Test E is cheap of a kit where 10 Vials tooks Place. But now, my third vial got rubber bands in the oil and thats 3/10 now..

Okay, so I had to stop training due to an injury and I'm about to get back in the gym. I ordered from this source a little bit over a year ago. I have a little white bottle full of little white pills and I'm trying to figure out what the hell they are because they're not labeled and I honestly forgot what they are because I ordered so much shit at once lol.

So I'm guessing there's going to be no way I'm going to know what these are? There's no label on the bottle, no labels on the pills. Just white and circle.
Okay, so I had to stop training due to an injury and I'm about to get back in the gym. I ordered from this source a little bit over a year ago. I have a little white bottle full of little white pills and I'm trying to figure out what the hell they are because they're not labeled and I honestly forgot what they are because I ordered so much shit at once lol.

So I'm guessing there's going to be no way I'm going to know what these are? There's no label on the bottle, no labels on the pills. Just white and circle.

Take 20 and let God take the reins
It's a tossup between winstrol, superdrol, cardarine, ostarine, accutane. Lol.

Pretty sure it's either winstrol or superdrol though.
Damn next time label those bad boys lol. Kinda makes me scared to order raws from them
Yeah, I definitely fucked up on that part. I was actually going through more of my stash and I found a 10 pack of oils that I have no idea what they are and there is no label on the package it came in. So I'm trying to get a hold of dude to see if he knows what these are also. Haha.

If not, I guess I'm going to shit can it
Yeah, I definitely fucked up on that part. I was actually going through more of my stash and I found a 10 pack of oils that I have no idea what they are and there is no label on the package it came in. So I'm trying to get a hold of dude to see if he knows what these are also. Haha.

If not, I guess I'm going to shit can it
I’ll pay shipping to my trash can lmk
Yes no worries, Meso is Meso, Reddit is Reddit ^^
Hey QSC, unrelated to this post but given your new email address, has your team considered implementing PGP encryption option for interested customers? It could help ease customer fears of privacy and may even prevent surveillance or seizures on your end. It’s something to think about.


Yeah, I definitely fucked up on that part. I was actually going through more of my stash and I found a 10 pack of oils that I have no idea what they are and there is no label on the package it came in. So I'm trying to get a hold of dude to see if he knows what these are also. Haha.

If not, I guess I'm going to shit can it
Do you have any email communications from them to see if you can decipher what is what?

Anyone hear from QSC today? I'm sure they're busy but I got like a butt load of items I need to do identify and it's been a full day so far lol
It is what it is. My package is large (giggity) and there was issues unrelated with shipping for everyone. All in all it'll get here at some point and @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals has been responsive with communication and cool about the situation.
For what it's worth - had a UPS tracking a few weeks after payment, and it was only label created. No changes for over a month, maybe 2 and suddenly Tracy sends me a diff tracking and proactively reshipped due to seizure. Products recieved just fine.

Edit: I paid for insurance. Glad I did.
I expected a wait.. then I received a tracking number pretty fast and I was like Ohhhhh it's on the way!!! Psyched myself up!!! lol Now I know it doesn't really mean anything, Back to waiting.

Hopefully it's not seized, but I chose reship just in case.
Do you have any email communications from them to see if you can decipher what is what?

Anyone hear from QSC today? I'm sure they're busy but I got like a butt load of items I need to do identify and it's been a full day so far lol
I emailed them a little while ago. No answer yet.