Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

you just said you haven’t had a reply for a full day and looking at your post you seem to be in some sort of hurry to identify iteMs

lemme give you a top tip: sending multiple emails and posting on here asking if anyone heard from QSC isn’t gonna speed up their response time to you

so learn to be fucking patient … this ain’t Amazon

It's cause you didn't sign up for QSC prime. Only 99/month
That's too had. subQ was a blessing for me.
Depends on the esters and the compounds. Been doing subq for some time w pharma test-c (CSO) but can’t do even half a cc into shallow muscle with test-p ( half inch , quad , or even Tricep ). Had to switch to vg 1.5” for all of my injections.
How does that work for clearing time though,
When stopping the cycle are you meant to take more time off than IM before starting PCT

studies in make TRT patients were looking at IM vs subq for test-c

Essentially long term bloods looked the same except:

IM was about 2 days from injection to peak plasma. Subq was 8.

higher peaks and lower troughs with IM.

if ur pinning a fast ester like test-p; PIP or no PIP I don’t want to wait for days before it’s fully absorbed
Sorry for my modest question. But are there any services about floaters?

I think I have a old Batch of Test E, where the rubber band is a small hole. I can understand that sometimes the rubber band comes off, no problem. Test E is cheap of a kit where 10 Vials tooks Place. But now, my third vial got rubber bands in the oil and thats 3/10 now..

View attachment 262413
happens to almost every vial for me too. which guage needle do you use to draw?
Search Reddit for Posts/Comments with "QSC" and sort by New for a taste of the situation. (Or don't, because ignorance may be bliss in these wild and wacky times.)

Maybe more useful here: There was a Reddit Post from the last few days (that got deleted by Mods pretty rapidly) where seemingly official rep provided an alternate contact email - for anyone asking in the last few pages -

" meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn "
Search Reddit for Posts/Comments with "QSC" and sort by New for a taste of the situation. (Or don't, because ignorance may be bliss in these wild and wacky times.)

Maybe more useful here: There was a Reddit Post from the last few days (that got deleted by Mods pretty rapidly) where seemingly official rep provided an alternate contact email - for anyone asking in the last few pages -

" meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn "
Seen the shit on reddit, fuckin shit show for sure.
So i guess with stacy being off the weekend i can’t identify my raws. I have var, and cialis. One looks powder sugarish, other saltish. Anyone know whats what because my addict ass dont wanna wait
So i guess with stacy being off the weekend i can’t identify my raws. I have var, and cialis. One looks powder sugarish, other saltish. Anyone know whats what because my addict ass dont wanna wait
Take one of them. If you get an erection it’s cialis. Easy fix
Is there a zoo keeper here or is this overrun with just a bunch of gorillas all slinging shit at anyone asking questions that they don't even read or try to understand.
It’s actually overrun with idiots like you. People that just peak their head in and order without any fuckin knowledge of the rules or how anything around here works… but hey, why spend your own time trying to decide your head from your ass, when you can just waste everyone else’s time by asking the same fucking questions that bombard this thread multiple times a day. It’s actually pretty impressive someone can even figure out how to order, without even accidentally finding this information for yourself. Go fuck yourself

Edit: I’m angry today…I guess the tren is kicking in
How does that work for clearing time though,
When stopping the cycle are you meant to take more time off than IM before starting PCT
I'm always on, so I haven't thought of PCT. However it is a bitch when it comes time that I'm sick of deca and it takes forever to clear out. I would imagine yes though as y777 explained - it absorbs and metabolizes slower.
Depends on the esters and the compounds. Been doing subq for some time w pharma test-c (CSO) but can’t do even half a cc into shallow muscle with test-p ( half inch , quad , or even Tricep ). Had to switch to vg 1.5” for all of my injections.
I've only had experience with test e, deca, and primo e. I take my total weekly dose and split it into 7.
happens to almost every vial for me too. which guage needle do you use to draw?
I use a 30g needle to draw with, of you're very gentle and slow, I find it doesn't break the rubber making it fall in.
You do it with oil based test? What’s your bf%
Higher body fat, unsure but at this point around 15-18 I think. I sadly hold a shit ton of fat in my lower body so I think I can get away with injecting there for a long time(as I'm cutting down as far as I can go)

It doesn't look pretty because there is a lot of bumps and bruising, but it's all above the shorts line and my girl doesn't care about it so I'm not concerned unless there's a health risk involved
Higher body fat, unsure but at this point around 15-18 I think. I sadly hold a shit ton of fat in my lower body so I think I can get away with injecting there for a long time(as I'm cutting down as far as I can go)

It doesn't look pretty because there is a lot of bumps and bruising, but it's all above the shorts line and my girl doesn't care about it so I'm not concerned unless there's a health risk involved
Maybe yours has more room to disperse the volume of the oil. I think it was so painful for myself cause I don’t have a lot of fat, just displaces and inflamed the skin