Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Do you have any email communications from them to see if you can decipher what is what?

Anyone hear from QSC today? I'm sure they're busy but I got like a butt load of items I need to do identify and it's been a full day so far lol
Pretty sure he said that he is now taking weekends off. Not sure about his assistant also doing the same (most likely).
Do you have any email communications from them to see if you can decipher what is what?

Anyone hear from QSC today? I'm sure they're busy but I got like a butt load of items I need to do identify and it's been a full day so far lol

oh no a full day :eek:
these wave of noobs want everything at the snap of a finger...no patience
Gabapentin can be perscribed for a variety of things, such as fibromyalgia. Using it alleviates bad PIP
I have never heard of such a thing. Pip is inflammation related from injection.

Gabapentin is not going to do anything for that.

You would be better off with basic ibuprofen or Tylenol than gabapentin for PIP
oh no a full day :eek:
these wave of noobs want everything at the snap of a finger...no patience
Go fuck yourself. I'm plenty patient, often having waited days for a reply, or a month for tracking once payment has been sent without further inquiry. I'm simply excited is all. Jesus Christ, joins in 2015 and thinks he's some fucking OG lmao.
Go fuck yourself. I'm plenty patient, often having waited days for a reply, or a month for tracking once payment has been sent without further inquiry. I'm simply excited is all. Jesus Christ, joins in 2015 and thinks he's some fucking OG lmao.
Go woke and go broke clown
Go fuck yourself. I'm plenty patient, often having waited days for a reply, or a month for tracking once payment has been sent without further inquiry. I'm simply excited is all. Jesus Christ, joins in 2015 and thinks he's some fucking OG lmao.
you just said you haven’t had a reply for a full day and looking at your post you seem to be in some sort of hurry to identify iteMs

lemme give you a top tip: sending multiple emails and posting on here asking if anyone heard from QSC isn’t gonna speed up their response time to you

so learn to be fucking patient … this ain’t Amazon

Go fuck yourself. I'm plenty patient, often having waited days for a reply, or a month for tracking once payment has been sent without further inquiry. I'm simply excited is all. Jesus Christ, joins in 2015 and thinks he's some fucking OG lmao.
lmfao excited about some gear?

lmfao excited about some gear?

You're a fucking idiot who didn't even bother to check my posts. I have one posts noting that my package has arrived(after giving some details about how the tracking and shipping went, you know - providing some insight for the community) and in that one post I mention I'm waiting for identification.
You picked a stupid fight because you sit on some lame ass high-horse.
The Reddit gremlins are here in full force. This thread will be at 2k pages by next weekend. I’ve never seen so many autistic teenagers in my life.
Not here from Reddit. Happen to find QSC after doing some research elsewhere.

And to the fucking idiot who said go woke go broke, what are you some propaganda machine from the right wing who can only spew slogans and one-liners you've been inundated with? You're making us conservatives look like low-iq morons.

