Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

why is acutane available only from 100g up? I mean that is a ridiculous amount for a single person
Because it requires a special packaging, as it degrades easily because of air or light, and most of orders are for 100g, so we only make for this quantity, if it's too much you can purchase 100g and throw the rest you don't need or resell it.
Posting here for help identifying items in my order. Emailed 7/23 and 7/30 to ask, and not sure if those emails were seen and I don't want to spam. Ordered test cyp, mast e, tren e, superdrol raws. Also MT2, semaglutide and BPC 157.
I ended up trying a different email provider and received the identification codes this morning. Thanks again Tracy
2) the HGH Frag and AOD9604 thing was a mystery for a long time for me, and I did the necessary researchs to understand it, HGH frag have two forms: oxidazed and non-oxidazed. AOD9604 used to be the name of oxidized HGH FRAG, but since two years, peptide raws providers sell them both with the same name because all types are oxidazed. Janoshik confirmed that it's the same molecule, and in order to avoid these confusions now on the price list I write AOD9604 (HGH FRAG), Jano do the same when he quotes the testing price.
Dumb question, because I'm a chemistry noob. I thought the difference between frag and AOD was that AOD had a di-sulfide bond to promote stability and frag did not. Is oxidation how you create a di-sulfide bond?

Can anyone recommend a book that goes into some of the more technical details of how this shit is made? I bought peptide protocols but it's a little basic.
Dumb question, because I'm a chemistry noob. I thought the difference between frag and AOD was that AOD had a di-sulfide bond to promote stability and frag did not. Is oxidation how you create a di-sulfide bond?

Can anyone recommend a book that goes into some of the more technical details of how this shit is made? I bought peptide protocols but it's a little basic.
Depends how deep you wanna go, but any textbook on peptide synthesis or methods in molecular biology
I've been using it for 3 days now, noticeable energy all day the first day, you get used to it after that, best to take it in the morning.

I haven't weighed myself I'm just looking at my ugly fat ass of a stomach to go down. It doesn't taste very good either. That's all I've got so far.

What dose are you taking? Seems kinda pricey to do 100 mg/d.
If I did the maths right: $10/d if you buy 1 gram; comes down to $2.50/d if you buy 25 grams.

Regarding accutane raws: I haven't taken them out of the packaging yet, but once I do, what is the most convenient way to use them? If I put the powder into gelcaps, will I need to put those in the fridge/freezer? Is an oral solution/suspension of the raws (like Amino Asylum carries) viable to make at home?