Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone tried the 5-Amino-1MQ?
I've been using it for 3 days now, noticeable energy all day the first day, you get used to it after that, best to take it in the morning.

I haven't weighed myself I'm just looking at my ugly fat ass of a stomach to go down. It doesn't taste very good either. That's all I've got so far.
Hmm i wonder what the difference is. Ive got some on the way. Definitely dont want a rash that is spreading though lol..

Anyone else use the nad+ with no issue??
Honestly I am a freak of nature and my body reacts strangely to things, give it a go, but maybe try lower. Or go balls to the wall, the rash wasn’t the most bothersome part…
Honestly I am a freak of nature and my body reacts strangely to things, give it a go, but maybe try lower. Or go balls to the wall, the rash wasn’t the most bothersome part…
Doesn't NMN work just as well as NAD+ anyways. I was gonna get some NAD till your post and now I'm thinking NMN 60 day supply on amazon is like $40 and comes out to 9 grams total after math.
QSC has NMN too
"I learned that to get the best potency out of NR or NMN you should take it with Betaine, also known as Trimethylglycine or "TMG". NR & TMG work well together because NR-induced NAD+ production requires the use of the methylation process, a process that TMG can support. NR and TMG together offer one of the best ways to activate and maintain the healthy function of our anti-aging processes. So I thought "Oh great, more pills I have to take". Then I discovered this brand of NR which not only has the optimal dose of NR (1500mg) but the TMG as well, with a nice dose of Resveratrol which is David Sinclair's protocol"

True. 50g would be worth it 100%

Apparently for best results, you gotta stack it. I heard oral NAD+ is barely bioavailable.
For igf-1 it doesnt matter if you injected 1,5hrs before bloods were drawn or the day before. Igf-1 levels will remain stable for days. For gh serum levels it's best to inject 2.5 to 3.5hrs before bloods.

But that igf-1 reading is great considering you only use 3IU a day.

Do you have any refs for the IFG-1 and GH serum testing vs timing of injections or duration of treatment?
Anyone knows if I need to confirm something after receiving the goods via Alibaba? Made an order a while back and I though they get the funds instant, but now I received an email from alibaba that told me "We acknowledge that you are satisfied with the shipping information for the Trade Assurance Order blablabla (as you neither confirm the shipment nor request a refund within the given time period)." I had no idea about this and im worried if this will affect my future orders (QSC thinking im a scammer or something)

I've never replied to that. It won't affect future orders (at least it hasn't for me).
Just wanted to throw this out there and see if anyone has had this experience. I have used 3 sources for test c and tried mct and gso. What’s been interesting to me is my body’s reaction by source. Source 1 is best quality IM but subq I get hard nodules and some pain for a few days. Source 2 IM is ok with a little pip, not as good as source 1, also nodules subq. QSC worst of 3 as far as dosing accuracy but the mct gives no pip IM or subq. MCT was my preferred and best for me for IM and subq.
any brew qsc's tren a recently? my batch is a tiny bit cloudy, wondering if i need to heat it more or if maybe the raws were a bit moist.
as far as dosing accuracy
Edit: I thought you brewed raws. My bad. But still, below is valid.

I'm not too sure what you mean here unless you mean that you had raws tested for each source prior to brewing, and your finished oil tested after brewing. Also there are a lot of variables to take into consideration with each step of your process (i.e. heat, duration of heat, filtration, carrier oil brand and if it was new, old, etc. Same with BA/ BB concentration and accuracy of introducing it to your brew) that can play a role into smoothness of your delivery into the body.