Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I was great all day, till the evening. Then I couldn’t walk, the fever started, and it started to be swollen and generally not feeling the best. It’s hot to the touch, but my actual fever is gone. I thought I might had the flu I was that sick.
Heating pad, Advil and hand massages ftw. Don’t make the mistake I did and try a massage gun lol. God speed
Yes, heat will help with it's distribution within fat or muscle, depending on where you injected it into.

Ice will only slow down the whole process, that's not what u want.
Yeah I iced a lump from a 1 ml injection of not pre warmed 200mg/ml primo in my quad of all places when I first started using gear…. Felt like a literal golf ball for about 3 weeks lol
Good to know. Injected into the stomach.
I’ve been taking Motrin and using heat, feels better today. My leg looks like shit, but it was rough. I’m not one to ever get fevers, so that was not a fun time.
I received my shipment but nothing came labeled. How do I know I got the right stuff? Mistakes can happen with any company I just want to be sure before I shoot up stuff in my body.
I received my shipment but nothing came labeled. How do I know I got the right stuff? Mistakes can happen with any company I just want to be sure before I shoot up stuff in my body.
It’s a crap shoot. Just inject whatever compounds you have on a weekly basis and go by feels.