Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ask for one when you order from QSC, I think they are like 35 euro

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals you also sell pens to use the GH cartridges? Available US domestic to accompany the US domestic GH cartridges?

Otherwise, it looks like Genotropin is the only commercially available pen you can use with QSC GH cartridges, but I could be wrong.

Alternatively, you're reconstituting the GH and transferring it to 3 mL vials that are compatible with other pens.

Lots of good links and tips here: Refillable injector pen

@Bravo Wins @Cridi887
QSC I sent a messenger pigeon 5 minutes after you didn’t reply to my raven from game of thrones. why doth thy not replyeth via messenger on horseback within a fort nite. I shall now slander thee on thy thread for generations to cometh - Average redditor who just joined meso
I sent mine by horseback.. The horse is still swimming.
Welp I roidtested my Test Prop because I’m an idiot who forgot to check my barcodes before opening lol. I am happy to say I guess correctly. Attached photo is result indicating it is indeed test prop. Straight to the dick hole for me :) image.jpg
Welp I roidtested my Test Prop because I’m an idiot who forgot to check my barcodes before opening lol. I am happy to say I guess correctly. Attached photo is result indicating it is indeed test prop. Straight to the dick hole for me :) View attachment 263309
Roid test doesn’t mean shit. Tests are bunk. I tested a few different products from QSC (prepped oils) all looked like prop from what roidtest claimed…

Jano confirmed otherwise. Gotta send it to the lab to be sure.

Edit: to add- all my products (test e, primo e, test p) all looked like that yellow one on the right from their bs tests
Barcodes??? Do tell. My first order should be here next week (it's not of test).
So I had four items, MENT, Bold Cyp, and test prop. On the outside of the boxes are barcodes with SKUs and the last couple letters tell you what’s inside. The sku info should be listed in the reply email he sent you. I totally forgot in excitement lol

