Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have to admit It's the most confusing situation I've ever encountered and I don't wanna jump to any conclusion before seing more data. Especially that I don't mind to admit if the problem is on our end, especially for a new product, but the brain is having hard time to believe these results and I guess it's the case of everyone seing the same batch testing differently with a big gap.
Where's the real Tracy and what did you do to him!?!?
Not elite by any means - they let in shitposting conspiracy theorists like you who are too lazy to do the 3 minutes of searching and reading to connect the dots.
Ok, bud, calm down. They sure do let in shitposting lunatics who like to start random beefs on the internet probably because he can’t get laid. Bye xoxo
Ok, bud, calm down. They sure do let in shitposting lunatics who like to start random beefs on the internet probably because he can’t get laid. Bye xoxo

I've already mentioned twice that I am NOT part of that group and was kicked out a while ago. But hey, you can't fix stupid!
That test cannot be reliable, because only 1 first batch was produced of reta 10mg orange tops and one reta 4mg pink tops and we tested it at janoshik:
Janoshik Analytical

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So we believe there is a mistake in the testing if not the sample, that's why we offered to cover the new testing cost and ask the doner to send a second vial on our expense to another testing facility and compare the results. The orange sample, reta 10mg and pink 4mg pictures from our samples that jano received

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If it was a simple underdosage of an untested batch, I wouldn't bother and believe it's human mistake or incompetence on our end, but this one honestly the brain couldn't accept having a such big gap in a same batch that was tested. Testing perfectly on our end and poorly on customer end. We believe testing facilities can also have their own margin of errors and mistakes, that can be rectificied as well, especially for new products, so now the only way is to compare with another testing facility.

In addition to that, no order of retatrutide has been accepted on my end before the testing results the 26th september:

and the sample says ordered 08th september

Wouldn't Occam's Razor say it was a 4 mg vial? Seems like the simpler explanation.
I believe I already did all the necessary to protect myself from this shit and even that I start selling only after testing the batch, I am dealing with this shit. It sucks.
So if needed to be tested by another customer, we will help in that, but we will wait first for the testing results by another testing agency, to make sure there is no mistake in the test. And we will start doubting the customer who send it after that by making someone else sending his vial.

Who else has the ability to test retatrutide concentration other than Jano?
I believe @gburdell said he already shipped retatrutide from qsc and other source already to Jano. So looking forward to the results of both.

What is strange Is the cap color comment the buyer put on the report. Appears Jano didn't put the color of the cap on it, which I thought he always did.

Might be a stupid question, but what are the chances the retatrutide "from another source" that @gburdell is sending to Jano actually initially came from @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals (maybe another rep)

Maybe a reshipper, or some of those peptide websites that probably order from QSC too.
Out of curiosity, when you produce these peptides, don’t you do one batch at a time? I’m not an engineer by any stretch of the way but I find it hard to believe caps can get messed up when you are producing one batch at a time. If you watch the video posted of your processing center, I don’t see how it would be possible for caps to get switched when you are only making one product at a time. Just trying to put that scenario to bed but I could be way off.

They're producing 100s of different stuff sold in vials. I think cap color is for stealth but is a horrible way to know what's in the vial. Especially when cap colors change over time.
I don't think there is room for confusion of the tops.
I had my doubts if they sold 4mg as 10mg and 10mg as 4mg, but when you see how janoshik marked the vials and the order of links of tests received, this scenario is not possible.
We are sure that 4mg are pink, 10mg are orange, and janoshik should be able to confirm that it's what he tested once he replies.
The only possibilities are:

1) Wrong sample sent by the donor of vial, but I think the color of top can be easily confirmed by janoshik. I don't know the donor, but I don't question his integrity without proof, I assume that he has no reason to send a 4mg instead of 10mg

2) Wrong test by janoshik, either the first one 10mg by us or this one 4mg done by customers, because it's the same batch. Mistakes can happen to testing facilities too. This can be confirmed only by testing it at another testing agency or if Janoshik retests or double check the data.

3) Big variance between vials, but this is hard to believe a bit especially that the test of the supplier tests perfectly and the test of customer tested poorly.

I have to admit It's the most confusing situation I've ever encountered and I don't wanna jump to any conclusion before seing more data. Especially that I don't mind to admit if the problem is on our end, especially for a new product, but the brain is having hard time to believe these results and I guess it's the case of everyone seing the same batch testing differently with a big gap.

It was @HermesLabs trying to sabotage @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals and his reps on MESO are trying to keep it in the spotlight.
question about ghk cu. you previously sold it as 75mg as tests of novembe 2022 was 73mg.
today (since months in reality) you sell it as 50mg but still link the same 73mg test.

are new batches really 50 or do u still sell old batches of 1 year ago...because still 73mg about effective?
FYI it was my vial that I was shipped and next day shipped off to for testing. Ordered 9/8 after seeing special posted here, received 9/20ish and was for the 10mg Reta. We will get it retested by mz bio with a vial from same set I was sent and see what happens.
Here is the vial I sent for testing, once I got package I labeled everything in the 3 kits


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FYI it was my vial that I was shipped and next day shipped off to for testing. Ordered 9/8 after seeing special posted here, received 9/20ish and was for the 10mg Reta. We will get it retested by mz bio with a vial from same set I was sent and see what happens.
So I understand this, you ordered from Alisa the other rep?
I’ve always worked with Tracy on WhatsApp for quite a while but I think it was Alisa using the same WhatsApp.
I never used whatsaap of Alisa, and my use of whatsaap started in mid september +86 16503300980
I used only email since 2021.
No one placed an order through whatsaap of retatrutide before the 26th september, so I guess you placed with Alisa number.
I never used whatsaap of Alisa, and my use of whatsaap started in mid september +86 16503300980
I used only email since 2021.
No one placed an order through whatsaap of retatrutide before the 26th september, so I guess you placed with Alisa number.
Yeah must have been. She did mention it was Alisa recently. I thought it was always you as I kept saying Tracy. She mentioned you were on same team. Hopefully she responds to my message soon to get this figured out.