Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@muscle96ss this guy has been around for over 20 years. He has no motive in things. Things happen doesnt mean it was on purpose. Mistakes happen. Glad Tracy is fixing things. Right thing to do.
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I have no involvement but been reading because it was entertaining. I do know this is a mess for everyone involved. I can tell What you just posted seems sincere. Its a mess and alot of cleaning up to do. A lot of emotions been expressed. From every reaction I've had i never got a bad impression of you.
So the lesson I took from this is buy from Tracy. Got it. Already the case.

QSC HQ needs some best practices for their other sales agents and maybe each agent needs a name. Even if it’s in the same WhatsApp. Nothing easier than a coworker fucking up your rep.
how is the pip using DHB?
how is the pip for inj. carderine?
i fucking cried using bolde E..
test e, p tren a mast p eq and deca was always fine

is it a typo or did you increase eq to 250mg/ml ? according to the latest pdf for international shipping.

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Every ody is different so it's hard for another person to tell you how it is. I've only used this sources dhb and it was alright. Not killer but not painless but I was also doing big shots of almost straight dhb oil.
LOL you're an idiot... its all about building my future. I guarantee you're no different. There are ways everyone reacts to situations that is basically wired into them because it's what they learned as a kid. I don't want to stay in those same cycles, so I'm seeking professional help to find my way out of them. And the way to get out of those cycles is confronting what happened in the past, after you've already forgotten about them and already said "I don't care what happened when I was 12".

It's funny, I see it on here all the time. What is the response when someone says they stopped making progress? Half the time it's hire a coach/trainer. Is the mental aspect of your life less important than the physical?
Agreed. If therapy was about paying someone to sit there and listen to you whine about your life, it would indeed be a pointless waste of time. That hasn't been my experience though. I've used them at various times in my life to help me wrap my head around certain situations and/or find a mindset I need to deal with shit. A shitty therapist might just pat you on the back and tell you everything is fine. A good therapist will listen to what you're saying and manipulate you into looking at things from a healthy perspective, give you certain tools to use when you need them etc. Honestly, good therapy is absolutely worth it - I will die on this hill.
I’m using DHB right now pinned 1ml mixed with 1ml test c 3 times a week in delts. I have no pip. I was curious because I’ve heard it is rough. I haven’t felt any discomfort
How’s the DHB at 300/week? I have it on hand for my next blast, I was planning on starting at about half that as I’ve read it can cause a tonne of fatigue/inflammation.
How’s the DHB at 300/week? I have it on hand for my next blast, I was planning on starting at about half that as I’ve read it can cause a tonne of fatigue/inflammation.
No inflammation or fatigue. This is my first run with it. I’ve noticed some good strength gains I honestly like it so far
8-9 mL here. Guess I am not the only one who has noticed this
Are you and Connor accounting for the waste oil in each syringe ? If not, you need to account for .10 cc's of waste in the 3cc syringes and .07 cc's of waste in 1 cc syringes. When I get my QSC vials, I'll shed some light on his vials myself.
Every ody is different so it's hard for another person to tell you how it is. I've only used this sources dhb and it was alright. Not killer but not painless but I was also doing big shots of almost straight dhb oil.
I have injected 200 of Dhb from QSC twice during the last week and have had a lot of pip. It is my first time using this, so I am hoping it decreases as time goes on.