Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is there any documentation which you could share for make a suspension?
Hey guys. Been running the QSC hgh 10iu vials past 6 months. See blood test done on the product. I did the standard 10iu fasted in the morning then 3 hrs later had blood drawn. Results are a pass.

[EDIT: document containing personally-identifying information removed.]
Hey guys. Been running the QSC hgh 10iu vials past 6 months. See blood test done on the product. I did the standard 10iu fasted in the morning then 3 hrs later had blood drawn. Results are a pass.
[EDIT: reposting personally-identifying information]
Jesus, u goofy kooks need to delete your sensitive information
Hey guys. Been running the QSC hgh 10iu vials past 6 months. See blood test done on the product. I did the standard 10iu fasted in the morning then 3 hrs later had blood drawn. Results are a pass.
All of my cheat sheets on expected IGF-1 and serum GH responses to various doses of hGH are in ng/mL. Will do the conversions this weekend.
Jesus, u goofy kooks need to delete your sensitive information
He blacked out the first three pages and missed the fourth and then you see on the bottom of each page has his name.

The address is C/O which is the medical facility and not his personal address but his date of birth and mobile number is there so there is that.

@ironmaster73 delete it and just screen shot the relevant section next time.
Hey guys. Been running the QSC hgh 10iu vials past 6 months. See blood test done on the product. I did the standard 10iu fasted in the morning then 3 hrs later had blood drawn. Results are a pass.
I had higher expectations; perhaps the context would be more impressive if we knew your initial baseline. Nonetheless, your free testosterone reading is quite remarkable. I'm curious, what is your current cycle regimen?
No, I said Testosterone PhenylPropionate. Can b brewed up to 150mg/ml, no pip, basically a Test prop without the pip and higher concentration.
The relative testosterone of test P is .84 and test PP is .69. For the same dose you should get higher blood levels with the P. Test C’s relative testosterone is .70. I don’t think you are gaining anything with PP.
The relative testosterone of test P is .84 and test PP is .69. For the same dose you should get higher blood levels with the P. Test C’s relative testosterone is .70. I don’t think you are gaining anything with PP.
I can brew Test prop at 100mg/ml (84mg API)and have slightly pip. I can brew Test pp at 150mg/ml (104 API), be pipless. Thats 23% more API per ml minus the pip for a fast acting ester.

So, U wrong.
I can brew Test prop at 100mg/ml (84mg API)and have slightly pip. I can brew Test pp at 150mg/ml (104 API), be pipless. Thats 23% more API per ml minus the pip for a fast acting ester.

So, U wrong.
I’m not sure what you are after. Test P is a faster ester and test C has a higher concentration for lower volume. I don’t get pip from test P and don’t care what you do. For me test pp doesn’t do anything that I can’t achieve from P or C.
I’m not sure what you are after. Test P is a faster ester and test C has a higher concentration for lower volume. I don’t get pip from test P and don’t care what you do. For me test pp doesn’t do anything that I can’t achieve from P or C.
You came here to lecture me about API and when I laid out the facts you hit up the old familiar "that works for me, I don't care what you do"

Eat dirt boy and bugger off.
I’m not sure what you are after. Test P is a faster ester and test C has a higher concentration for lower volume. I don’t get pip from test P and don’t care what you do. For me test pp doesn’t do anything that I can’t achieve from P or C.
Or just inject Tren?