Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It really irritates me how stupid many others are, paying 2X,3X,10X the cost, just because they think they have a friend in the little thread that X,Y,Z lab is running.

People are stupid. I have friends who run million $ operations, and I see them doing the same thing, never price shopping, buying spur of the moment. I'm not sure I've ever run into a less sophisticated group of consumers, than those who purchase AAS/PED's. They have no sense when it comes to watching their pocketbooks.

Sales, posting pic's of cats, give aways, all marketing scams these other places play to sucker people intoView attachment 159366
I get it, because I always look for the best prices also with everything. What’s sickening is how you gush all over these guys and love posts that sing their praises. It really does lead people to question what financial gain you make from this.
I do not think you will be missed tho. Your barely 2 months old account with 100% post on this thread is not going to be any useful neither.

I do not believe you cannot notice how ridiculous it is when you type the " Thank you X" "Love you" lmao
Your fantasy posts of how you're not Mr Olympia only because you don't want to be will be missed. The only credit I'll give you is you kept your ding dong dick riding contained to this thread unlike his other lap dog. See you when you make your new handle.
Cronie #1 and Cronie #2 spotted.
How did the cronie circlejerk session go in the sauna last night fellas? I would love to know:p. There will be no other, "handles." Making multiple accounts is something you low intelligence creatures would do. Back to the Olympia I go. Tell your mothers and girlfriends and sisters I say hello ;)
Cronie #1 and Cronie #2 spotted.
How did the cronie circlejerk session go in the sauna last night fellas? I would love to know:p. There will be no other, "handles." Making multiple accounts is something you low intelligence creatures would do. Back to the Olympia I go. Tell your mothers and girlfriends and sisters I say hello ;)
You're a joke and your posts just reinforce that fact. Didn't you say you were leaving? We knew that wasn't happening your word holds as much weight as your reviews. Ding dong needs you scabs to hang around. Otherwise this thread would be at the bottom where it belongs.
I get it, because I always look for the best prices also with everything. What’s sickening is how you gush all over these guys and love posts that sing their praises. It really does lead people to question what financial gain you make from this.
Who said it's financial? Maybe they promised to send me an Asian Bride?

I'm in the USA, they can get shills out of Asia for .10/hour if they need them, which they don't.

Find me a better company, and I'll tell others it's the best. When you measure on a per unit cost, including other expenses ( shipping, etc). No one else compares.

If Q makes a lot of $, other Asians will be competing with them driving the costs down even further. It's a win win for the consumer.think.jpeg
I'm not sure what you ordered but I had some TUDCA intercepted from an Alibaba source a couple years ago; apparently it's prohibited in Canada.

Anyways, they made me a new invoice saying it was some other vitamin, i sent if off to DHL, and it was delivered a few days later. Hope it's that easy for you.
TUDCA is prohibited in Canada? Jesus brother that sucks as it’s one of the best things for the liver, Bet that cuck justin trudeau allows estrogen to be imported though.
I get it, because I always look for the best prices also with everything. What’s sickening is how you gush all over these guys and love posts that sing their praises. It really does lead people to question what financial gain you make from this.

Probably none lol. He is just retarded troll and he is trying to earn “freebies” probably…
if youre not retarded it has to be fake tren if youre on it year round
If you're too beta to handle Tren just say so. I dont use abusive doses. Tren is beneficial for the mind.
You're a joke and your posts just reinforce that fact. Didn't you say you were leaving? We knew that wasn't happening your word holds as much weight as your reviews. Ding dong needs you scabs to hang around. Otherwise this thread would be at the bottom where it belongs.
You seem jealous of my gear I got from QS.
Who said it's financial? Maybe they promised to send me an Asian Bride?

I'm in the USA, they can get shills out of Asia for .10/hour if they need them, which they don't.

Find me a better company, and I'll tell others it's the best. When you measure on a per unit cost, including other expenses ( shipping, etc). No one else compares.

If Q makes a lot of $, other Asians will be competing with them driving the costs down even further. It's a win win for the consumer.View attachment 159370
Meh, there’s only so far price will drop since they aren’t manufacturers of these raws and at some point, it just isn’t financially feasible to keep dropping prices. And then of course, supply and demand will eventually cause prices to rise. Look at Panda and Dragon. Covid came and they jacked their prices WAY up. As far as I know, both dropped back down a little bit, but nowhere near what they were pre-Covid. Even with Q in the picture, neither have dropped. Hell, HU Pharma has been in the pic for quite a time and he had lower prices but no one flocked to him and DO and Panda maintained their high prices. Eventually Q here is going to realize that these low prices don’t keep the lights on and they’ll be raising prices, as they have done.
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Meh, there’s only so far price will drop since they aren’t manufacturers of these raws and at some point, it just isn’t financially feasible to keep dropping prices. And then of course, supply and demand will eventually cause prices to rise. Look at Panda and Dragon. Covid came and they jacked their prices WAY up. As far as I know, both dropped back down a little bit, but nowhere near what they were pre-Covid. Even with Q in the picture, neither have dropped. Hell, HU Pharma has been in the pic for quite a time and he had lower prices but no one flocked to him and DO and Panda maintained their high prices. Eventually Q here is going to realize that these low prices don’t keep the lights on and they’ll be raising prices, as they have done.
I would like to have a couple more places like Q, that way if they dash, I'll have other convenient places to buy from.

Like I said, I don't think I've run into a dumber group of consumers as I have in this industry. Send em a picture of a Cat, and they will buy your stuff at any price.
If you're too beta to handle Tren just say so. I dont use abusive doses. Tren is beneficial for the mind.
Quite the opposite actually lol.

"17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration"

Alzheimer's is thought to be the result of accumulation of Aβ42. Trenbolone is in no way beneficial for the mind, especially when taken over a significant time period.
If you're too beta to handle Tren just say so. I dont use abusive doses. Tren is beneficial for the mind.

You seem jealous of my gear I got from QS.
Worms like you come and go. You live in a fantasy online world as your posts show. I actually try not to go in on guys like you and the other lap dog in here because I actually feel sorry for how bad your life must suck. To resort to making shit up online is pretty pathetic. Real talk. The more you post the less any of the noobs will take what you say serious so they can make a better informed decision. After that it's on them what happens.
Quite the opposite actually lol.

"17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration"

Alzheimer's is thought to be the result of accumulation of Aβ42. Trenbolone is in no way beneficial for the mind, especially when taken over a significant time period.
I'm aware of that study. The neurodegeneration in rats only occurred when they didn't have sufficient estrogen. AKA when they gave the rats Tren with no Test. I never crash my estrogen and I don't use AI'S. I keep my test at TRT levels and add other compounds. Also, I take supplements that help heal the brain and prevent Alzheimers/Dementia. Tren is life
Quite the opposite actually lol.

"17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration"

Alzheimer's is thought to be the result of accumulation of Aβ42. Trenbolone is in no way beneficial for the mind, especially when taken over a significant time period.
You're full of shit, like the other assholes telling me heroin, weed, and sniffing gas is bad for me. Go fuck off!
Worms like you come and go. You live in a fantasy online world as your posts show. I actually try not to go in on guys like you and the other lap dog in here because I actually feel sorry for how bad your life must suck. To resort to making shit up online is pretty pathetic. Real talk. The more you post the less any of the noobs will take what you say serious so they can make a better informed decision. After that it's on them what happens.
Says the one who spends all his free time stalking a source thread hoping to steer customers away. You're a joke and you would be kissing my feet in person.
Says the one who spends all his free time stalking a source thread hoping to steer customers away. You're a joke and you would be kissing my feet in person.
I'm lucky enough to have the free time and don't have to make shit up online to try and make myself feel good. I'm sure you wish you could say the same.
It really irritates me how stupid many others are, paying 2X,3X,10X the cost, just because they think they have a friend in the little thread that X,Y,Z lab is running.

People are stupid. I have friends who run million $ operations, and I see them doing the same thing, never price shopping, buying spur of the moment. I'm not sure I've ever run into a less sophisticated group of consumers, than those who purchase AAS/PED's. They have no sense when it comes to watching their pocketbooks.

Sales, posting pic's of cats, give aways, all marketing scams these other places play to sucker people intoView attachment 159366

Your title is @Sworder and as a multiple-handle previously banned member that keeps coming back, @Millard should ban your latest handle.

And you should seek psychotherapy. Seriously.