Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I used some powder and hgh from theirs qingdao sigma with Alisa and they all hit a lot on test total testosterone 3000+ with 600mg per week. I tested hgh blood test which was very good too, I reported here on the forum last year. with photos of the reports. I'm already getting more with Alisa, greetings from Brazil.
I used some powder and hgh from theirs qingdao sigma with Alisa and they all hit a lot on test total testosterone 3000+ with 600mg per week. I tested hgh blood test which was very good too, I reported here on the forum last year. with photos of the reports. I'm already getting more with Alisa, greetings from Brazil.
with alisa the prices are higher?
How long does it usually take for tracking number to show in system. Mines been about a week now. Still isn’t showing up. Not really concerned tho just wondering
thinking back to my order, tracking took like... 7-9 days, maybe longer? then it updated. (USA order from CN). the packaging was a little thin but nothing I got was illicit so it was fine. if I had ordered gear and it came that way I'd be like ???????, but my bet is they prob package gear orders more stealthy than what mine was. it wasn't a long process at all. I think 15-16 days total if I recall correctly.
thinking back to my order, tracking took like... 7-9 days, maybe longer? then it updated. (USA order from CN). the packaging was a little thin but nothing I got was illicit so it was fine. if I had ordered gear and it came that way I'd be like ???????, but my bet is they prob package gear orders more stealthy than what mine was. it wasn't a long process at all. I think 15-16 days total if I recall correctly.
Weird, mine is still in transit, 19 days now, even tho I live next to Netherlands.
My package just arrived. Shipping time was pretty fast for China post. All the items were there and look good. The only issue is with the tabs. They're pretty soft and brittle, so they break pretty easily. Some are better than others but some are so soft I can crush them into a coarse powder with my fingers by just pinching them.

This is most likely because they bottles don't have silica packets in them. Might want to consider throwing a packet in your bottles in the future QSC.

I'll give QSC a 9/10. Emails were responded to fast. The rep was patient with me while I was trying to get Alibaba to accept my CC. I got my Tracking# the next day after my payment was sent. The package arrived faster than normal. Products look good with only a minor issue. Now comes the time to test the semaglutide!
Můj balíček právě dorazil. Doba dodání byla pro čínskou poštu velmi rychlá. Všechny položky tam byly a vypadají dobře. Jediný problém je s kartami. Jsou docela měkké a křehké, takže se docela snadno zlomí. Některé jsou lepší než jiné, ale některé jsou tak měkké, že je mohu prsty rozdrtit na hrubý prášek pouhým sevřením.

Nejpravděpodobněji je to proto, že láhve neobsahují balíčky oxidu křemičitého. Možná budete chtít zvážit vhození balíčku do vašich lahví v budoucím QSC.

Dávám QSC 9/10. E-maily byly rychle zodpovězeny. Zástupce měl se mnou trpělivost, když jsem se snažil přimět Alibabu, aby přijala můj CC. Druhý den po odeslání platby jsem obdržel své Tracking#. Balíček dorazil rychleji než normálně. Produkty vypadají dobře, jen s menším problémem. Nyní je čas otestovat semaglutid!
You take photo pills? Thanks
My package just arrived. Shipping time was pretty fast for China post. All the items were there and look good. The only issue is with the tabs. They're pretty soft and brittle, so they break pretty easily. Some are better than others but some are so soft I can crush them into a coarse powder with my fingers by just pinching them.

This is most likely because they bottles don't have silica packets in them. Might want to consider throwing a packet in your bottles in the future QSC.

I'll give QSC a 9/10. Emails were responded to fast. The rep was patient with me while I was trying to get Alibaba to accept my CC. I got my Tracking# the next day after my payment was sent. The package arrived faster than normal. Products look good with only a minor issue. Now comes the time to test the semaglutide!
you're gonna test the sema? or just feels? I'm interested either way.
you're gonna test the sema? or just feels? I'm interested either way.
Just feels. Not worth the hassle for me to get it tested tbh. I've used other GLP-1 agonists before but never Semaglutide. There is another dude on here who I'm in PM's with who also ordered QSC's semaglutide and has experience with pharma semaglutide. He already started it so he should be posting his review soon.
Just got my package, HGH kits, packaging was EXTERMLY WELL ! best ive seen, lots of foam and wrap paper and plastic thingy (idk how to call it in english lol)

Going to finish the current stuff i have and start @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals HGH.
Going to send a vail to a local lab for testing and will update with results.

Shippied at Jan 10, arrived yesterday, very fast (to Israel BTW)


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Just got my package, HGH kits, packaging was EXTERMLY WELL ! best ive seen, lots of foam and wrap paper and plastic thingy (idk how to call it in english lol)

Going to finish the current stuff i have and start @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals HGH.
Going to send a vail to a local lab for testing and will update with results.

Shippied at Jan 10, arrived yesterday, very fast (to Israel BTW)
lol...bubble wrap is probably what you're referring to.
Just got my package, HGH kits, packaging was EXTERMLY WELL ! best ive seen, lots of foam and wrap paper and plastic thingy (idk how to call it in english lol)

Going to finish the current stuff i have and start @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals HGH.
Going to send a vail to a local lab for testing and will update with results.

Shippied at Jan 10, arrived yesterday, very fast (to Israel BTW)
Best packaging you have ever seen ?? Lol. Mine was just wrapped In a box nothing special
So I’ve just read back 15 or so pages and all I’ve found is people bitching at each other.

Are these guys kosher or not?

You'll get something in the mail. Whether it's dosed properly is the question, but this is Meso 2022. We settle for less and this shit's dirt cheap. If you don't get the feelz and think it's underdosed just use twice as much.
Just feels. Not worth the hassle for me to get it tested tbh. I've used other GLP-1 agonists before but never Semaglutide. There is another dude on here who I'm in PM's with who also ordered QSC's semaglutide and has experience with pharma semaglutide. He already started it so he should be posting his review soon.
It was worthless for me. I’ve been on others as well and took a full 2mg. Not a thing happened.