Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm aware of that study. The neurodegeneration in rats only occurred when they didn't have sufficient estrogen. AKA when they gave the rats Tren with no Test. I never crash my estrogen and I don't use AI'S. I keep my test at TRT levels and add other compounds. Also, I take supplements that help heal the brain and prevent Alzheimers/Dementia. Tren is life
Show me a study for year round tren usage? That is some of the most mentally mind altering shit when on. I don't care what your estrogen levels are at.
Your title is @Sworder and as a multiple-handle previously banned member that keeps coming back, @Millard should ban your latest handle.

And you should seek psychotherapy. Seriously.
If any members have created duplicate accounts to circumvent a permanent ban, you can always report it. Just tell me the banned account and why you think it is the same person.
Show me a study for year round tren usage? That is some of the most mentally mind altering shit when on. I don't care what your estrogen levels are at.
Yeah it’s not like I know any secrets about tren that someone else doesn’t, but anything that changes your mindset, thinking patterns, and dreams to the degree tren tends to, has to be also changing your brain in general.
I ordered from Qingdao, got my package and I'm short 1 HGH box. Sent him an email couple hours ago and has not responded. Ill keep you boys updated
why would that matter? if i dont spend a lot im less of a costumer?
No, not at all. I would kinda think it would be easier to mess up on a big order vs a small. I mean if you ordered 100, and was missing one... thats a smaller error than, if you order 2 products and only get one!
No, not at all. I would kinda think it would be easier to mess up on a big order vs a small. I mean if you ordered 100, and was missing one... thats a smaller error than, if you order 2 products and only get one!
I ordered 3 boxes of HGH and some other stuff and only got 2 boxes of HGH
And how do we know if.... this person is telling the truth? Fraud works both ways.. trust me, I am in the mail order business. I get everyone from 70 year old granny's, to dr's trying to rip me off. Although usually, I've noticed it's other business owners.
Then you should be refunded

This will either go smoothly, which would be a bit of a suprise or it will be a back and forth about how he didn't take a picture while unpacking the incomplete order. He's trying to scam them for 60 whole dollars, his mother is a whore and he works for another source.
And how do we know if.... this person is telling the truth? Fraud works both ways.. trust me, I am in the mail order business. I get everyone from 70 year old granny's, to dr's trying to rip me off. Although usually, I've noticed it's other business owners.
Yes I'm going to cry for 70 usd dollar worth of HGH. This was my first order with them and they messed up on something like counting boxes lol. You can only fit 2 boxes of HGH in the small vaccum seal bags i got so they said fuck it ill send whatever fits which is only 2 boxes.
Yes I'm going to cry for 70 usd dollar worth of HGH. This was my first order with them and they messed up on something like counting boxes lol. You can only fit 2 boxes of HGH in the small vaccum seal bags i got so they said fuck it ill send whatever fits which is only 2 boxes.
I'm just saying, I've seen both ends of sales. Customers try all kind of tricks. And competitors do also, setting friends up like this to order stuff and play game.

My point is, all the rest of us, can't make a logical decision on if they forgot or if you are lying, or I've seen customers unbox stuff and forget where they put it.

I've had the police call me many times and start an investigation because the customer didn't know what they were doing. Once a Sister ordered a product for their mother. Mother never got it, was shipped to Sister. So, the son called the attorney general on us for fraud. Cost me $2,000 legal fee's, over BS. This is the type of stuff companies have to put up with.

But.. wait till they get online and reply back, see what their view is.
Haven't been on this forum in a little while. Got tired of being called a shill just because I don't have some weird vendetta against Qingdao Sigma. I'll give you guys a little review of some products I been using since it's been a few weeks. And then I'm outta here again before the cronies jump on my dick!

Cialis: Cialis is fucking Cialis. The stuff is never faked, and in this case I can tell it's legit from my fucking cock, and the slut I'm fucking goddamnit! Too high a dose and you'll get a stuffy nose.

GH: 2iu a day. Full muscle bellies at all times even on no carbs. Dreaming every night. Bit of leaning out too. No ugly disgusting water retention that you get from MK677. You know the best part? My wrist and elbow feel soooooooo much better even though I injured them badly when I was running Winstrol just last month.

Tren: Tren is tren. I'm on it year round, and I dont get side effects from it. Feels more potent/just as good as the other Tren I was using. Must I say more?

Masteron: Haven't used it yet because its fucking horrible for the hair just like Winstrol.

Finasteride: 600 nicely pressed tablets! Thank you Qingdao. I ran out of Finasteride and after 1 month my hair was definitely looking thinner when its usually curly and thick. I blame Winstrol and Masteron for that.

Anavar: Crazy pumps. Back pumps. Anavar fullness. Leaning out. Amazing mental feel preworkout. Kicks in and works fast. I like how you can feel the Anavar.

Cya assholes! Love you Qingdao Sigma
Any chance you plan to pull blood work on your gh dose?

I would hope since you run tren year round you’re pulling labs very frequently, would love to see a baseline igf number compared to your igf number on their gh.
Thinking of making a blend with sustanon 250 but adding 100mg of enanthate to it, think it will old with MCT oil at 350mg
Maybe with some EO added. I don’t think it would hold without any additional solvents, but there are guys much more qualified to answer this.
I'm just saying, I've seen both ends of sales. Customers try all kind of tricks. And competitors do also, setting friends up like this to order stuff and play game.

My point is, all the rest of us, can't make a logical decision on if they forgot or if you are lying, or I've seen customers unbox stuff and forget where they put it.

I've had the police call me many times and start an investigation because the customer didn't know what they were doing. Once a Sister ordered a product for their mother. Mother never got it, was shipped to Sister. So, the son called the attorney general on us for fraud. Cost me $2,000 legal fee's, over BS. This is the type of stuff companies have to put up with.

But.. wait till they get online and reply back, see what their view is.
I believe it shows the weight when they shipped it. All they have to do is recreate the order to see if it matched what was actually shipped. Maybe, someone in their warehouse is stealing? Just putting it out there.....

He could do it himself if he was told the weight of the package when shipped by the carrier. Just add the weight of a box of hgh & see if the numbers add up.
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I'm not sure I've ever run into a less sophisticated group of consumers, than those who purchase AAS/PED's.

I know this is true because you actually post on here and think that people don’t see through your agenda.

I will give it to you, you can be a very convincing salesman, you just take it a little too far and are a little too over the top. If it were not for this I think people would actually believe you’re an honest reviewing customer.

Instead you’re on here making fucking spread sheets and price comparisons, posting photos that you took the time to edit implying you saved thousands of dollars while you’re greatly exaggerating how much you actually saved in comparison to any domestic ugl here.

You really could have had a lot of people fooled man, but you’re drooling a little too hard
I believe it shows the weight when they shipped it. All they have to do is recreate the order to see if it matched what was actually shipped. Maybe, someone in their warehouse is stealing? Just putting it out there.....
A lot of the time, the shipping program calculates the weight. Some weigh it after the box is packaged. All depends on their setup.