Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Maybe a few of the members here can spam your thread with your trash hcg and crappy attitude. You don't want to continue to show your immature attitude around here as we can make your pathetic life harder.
Learn how to speak politely next time and you will see a better attitude, but since you choosed to be a dick, you get what you deserve ;)
Alright boys, its my fault. I originally ordered 3 Boxes but then changed my mind to 2 boxes. When I got my package I went to my email to check quantities and went off my original order no the updated one. I ordered only 2 boxes. Qingdao is okay for now.
a lot of fuckin drama when someone didn't read their emails. I have zero affiliation with anyone, and I hope we keep pressure on quindao, but they've been fine as a vendor for me.
Thanks for the update
Alright boys, its my fault. I originally ordered 3 Boxes but then changed my mind to 2 boxes. When I got my package I went to my email to check quantities and went off my original order no the updated one. I ordered only 2 boxes. Qingdao is okay for now.
thanks for the update. It’s a shame I had to read through 4 pages of bickering to get useful info.

Let us know when you try the product? Or get it tested??
Learn how to speak politely next time and you will see a better attitude, but since you choosed to be a dick, you get what you deserve ;)
I deserved to be told to GTFO for simply telling a member to update with how you handle an issue? It's a sad day at meso that this is being tolerated from a sorry source like you. I wish specific members who were banned were still here, because they would not let your arrogant attitude stand.
Just got my package, HGH kits, packaging was EXTERMLY WELL ! best ive seen, lots of foam and wrap paper and plastic thingy (idk how to call it in english lol)

Going to finish the current stuff i have and start @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals HGH.
Going to send a vail to a local lab for testing and will update with results.

Shippied at Jan 10, arrived yesterday, very fast (to Israel BTW)
Let us know how it goes with the GH @InjuredGorilla ?
You need to keep this thread updated with their response, if any at all. If they don't make things right after their screw up, this should be the end of their time here. Regardless of how cheap their crap is, unacceptable for members to continue buying from a source possibly screwing yet another member.

It's usually best to ask this BEFORE buying something. Probably underdosed like their HCG.
And all your hater history posts in this thread and you will understand why
Anyone want to compile a list of shit fucked with this vendor?

HCG was underdosed in a single instance?
Doesn't take BTC for small orders?
Stealth isn't great maybe? -- not sure on this one
Anything else?

Try to save someone from 194 pages of bullshit.
Alright boys, its my fault. I originally ordered 3 Boxes but then changed my mind to 2 boxes. When I got my package I went to my email to check quantities and went off my original order no the updated one. I ordered only 2 boxes. Qingdao is okay for now.
Just as I said was one possibility, customer error. I've had criminal investigations started on me for the exact thing. Customer was in error.

I've had many customers drop stuff on the floor, then say they didn't get it, then 1/2 later call back and appologize.
I deserved to be told to GTFO for simply telling a member to update with how you handle an issue? It's a sad day at meso that this is being tolerated from a sorry source like you. I wish specific members who were banned were still here, because they would not let your arrogant attitude stand.
Next time... she's gonna use the strap on, on you!!!!!
Anyone want to compile a list of shit fucked with this vendor?

HCG was underdosed in a single instance?
Doesn't take BTC for small orders?
Because bitcoin is outlawed in china
Stealth isn't great maybe? -- not sure on this one
Anything else?
I think they know what they are doing. They ship more, than any users on here do, they should know what is most successful
Try to save someone from 194 pages of bullshit.
Some guy got a bad deal off another rep, and this rep won't handle that.

Some don't like the requirement if it's under-dosed it's not financially worth the problem to get it tested and get a partial refund..

Is any company perfect? no. But, this company seems to be the clear winner to buy from for the majority of people, when you consider all aspects.

As with most threads on here, people just like to argue. If you notice, their main problem is the Rep does not kiss their ass, and they get their little ego's hurt.
Alright boys, its my fault. I originally ordered 3 Boxes but then changed my mind to 2 boxes. When I got my package I went to my email to check quantities and went off my original order no the updated one. I ordered only 2 boxes. Qingdao is okay for now.

And this is why your mother and i don't believe you're ready to be a big boy yet.

We're canceling your credit card and your allowance is going back to $10 a week. i'm sorry that we have to play hard ball with you, but it's the only way you'll learn.
Because bitcoin is outlawed in china

I think they know what they are doing. They ship more, than any users on here do, they should know what is most successful

Some guy got a bad deal off another rep, and this rep won't handle that.

Some don't like the requirement if it's under-dosed it's not financially worth the problem to get it tested and get a partial refund..

Is any company perfect? no. But, this company seems to be the clear winner to buy from for the majority of people, when you consider all aspects.

As with most threads on here, people just like to argue. If you notice, their main problem is the Rep does not kiss their ass, and they get their little ego's hurt.
Seems to be different reps on at different times. Maybe the reps should use different names if that is possible. Then people can deal with the ones that handle conflict in a professional manner. Alisa probably would be better suited to handle this board but she has attitude also at times. China got these folks mad as hell over there.
Seems to be different reps on at different times. Maybe the reps should use different names if that is possible. Then people can deal with the ones that handle conflict in a professional manner. Alisa probably would be better suited to handle this board but she has attitude also at times. China got these folks mad as hell over there.
I'm here to get a decent product at the best price. I don't care what their attitude is, im not here to get my ego stroked. But they are very friendly and quick to reply back, when they handle your order.
Seems to be different reps on at different times. Maybe the reps should use different names if that is possible. Then people can deal with the ones that handle conflict in a professional manner. Alisa probably would be better suited to handle this board but she has attitude also at times. China got these folks mad as hell over there.

Only 1 rep for Meso (french and english board) it's me, and it's me who is replying to emails to meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn and qingdao.rep@protonmail.com

so yes you have to deal with me during all our presence on meso
I'm here to get a decent product at the best price. I don't care what their attitude is, im not here to get my ego stroked. But they are very friendly and quick to reply back, when they handle your order.
Ego stroke? It's how you look at a company & don't kid yourself. If someone gave you shitty service just for asking a question you're going to sit there and take it? Who the hell lets people treat them like shit, if there is no reason for it. Sorry, but there is a thing called curtesy & respect for others. If you weren't taught that lesson. Maybe you need to ask your parents why that skillset is needed in today's society.
Ego stroke? It's how you look at a company & don't kid yourself. If someone gave you shitty service just for asking a question you're going to sit there and take it? Who the hell lets people treat them like shit, if there is no reason for it. Sorry, but there is a thing called curtesy & respect for others. If you weren't taught that lesson. Maybe you need to ask your parents why that skillset is needed in today's society.

I've been respectful and professional to all, except who didn't respect me