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Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
It's the whole zoomer redditor microdose everything and pin everything sub q daily meme. Thank mpmd and his idiot followers
Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
Subq works. I prefer IM. I think I may be I have done 2 subq oil injections as a test.

Not that I do it, but did anyone pay attention that he did 2cc SUbq?
Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
Pharma test is now available in subq. A few of the older guys at work are getting prescribed Xyosted instead of the usual 10ml vials of Cyp.
Subq is fine but don't pin 2 ml. More like 0,2 ml is acceptable to not get a lump that will last 3 weeks
For trt is a choice to take 0,2 ml twice a week. For "blasting " isn't a great idea
Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
I do it because it works very well.

I'm sorry that someone doing something different than what you were taught angers you.

No idea how anyone pins subq. I tried it once and had the most painful lump for a couple weeks.
I'm not sure what to make of that. I regularly pin anywhere between .5ml to 1.1ml SubQ and at most I have a lump that lasts half a day at best.
No idea how anyone pins subq. I tried it once and had the most painful lump for a couple weeks.

Plus, shallow IM works just fine. I pin IM with 1/2’’ 29g ED

I pin everyday with 1/2” insulin pins. Does it hit muscle or fat? Not sure, probably some days one or the other , but either way it doesn’t matter.
I do it because it works very well.

I'm sorry that someone doing something different than what you were taught angers you.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I regularly pin anywhere between .5ml to 1.1ml SubQ and at most I have a lump that lasts half a day at best.
I’m not angry at all.. it’s more about being safe , 2ml sub q of just about anything is gonna land most if not all people in some sort of trouble ./ micro dosing is different , that’s also done with a slin pin but IM. Just be safe is all.. no way was I angry but don’t preach benefits about pinning 2ml sub q.. your gonna get someone who is gonna be silly enough to try it and land themselves into a walk in doctor or worse ..
Agreed with Narta !!! We just everyone to be safe , shit give yourself a true chance to reach your potential .. we don’t want silly setbacks .. be safe guys !!!!! 2024 is coming , let’s help one another more !!! Be safe !!
Planning to run QSC primo 200mg/ml as part of next blast … Did anyone try it and /or has any input ? Will be my first time running QSC oils and ill be starting off with it... any feedback is appreciated
Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
Are you joking? Taking your dose subQ is suggested by Doctors and at TRT clinics and even now most YouTubers suggest pinning with an insulin pin daily to reduce scar tissue.

Some of you really just pull shit out of your ass without even providing references. I will just mute you and move on but here is some videos.

View: https://youtu.be/JCZv1t_AEQo?si=tJyJiG03G6Eae59H

View: https://youtu.be/fkBuY4iMK7E?si=8PYhF7KDtj1kJV9u

View: https://youtu.be/7bFjwuvTQn0?si=Slovur39d6ZzNjKC

Demonstration of subcutaneous testosterone injection Xyosted by Dr. Sean Nikravan, MD

Video Preview: Testosterone Delivery - Subcutaneous vs. Intramuscular

I guess all of these Dr’s and TRT clinics are wrong and you must be right random on the internet.

2cc subq? That’s a lot. I thought the most people did was 1/2ml subq. Where are you pinning?
I guess it’s a lot for you, I wasn’t recommending it I was just saying that’s what I did. If the Test E oil was lumping me up then I wouldn’t do it but since it’s smooth it’s been fine for me.
Yup it’s 50, 75 or 100mg in .5ml. So yes 2ml subq is asking for trouble lol.
Yea ok then don’t do it, I said I did it and now your panties in a bunch lol. I could sit here and post low dosage usage and all that or I can be honest and tell you it works for me without any issue. This is the reason most guys lie about dosages in bodybuilding, because they don’t feel like explaining and arguing with the uninformed. Here let me retract my statement and say oh I only pin .50ml subQ once a week even though I am 5’10 260 pounds. Now that sounds good to you so carry on small guy…
I do it because it works very well.

I'm sorry that someone doing something different than what you were taught angers you.

I'm not sure what to make of that. I regularly pin anywhere between .5ml to 1.1ml SubQ and at most I have a lump that lasts half a day at best.
The only time you normally get a lump that last longer is if you keep moving the needle in and out during administration. At least that’s what I have noticed so after being mindful of that I don’t get lumps.
Ok Mr. Howie, as long as YouTuber’s says it’s good then we are all good ;)

Great source. We are all happy for you, majority will inject the way it should be done. Why don’t you try 3cc’s .. we are all rooting for you !! Go all out , Right!! Hopefully no one follows your advice.
.5ml is alot different then 2ml at a time. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I did watch the first video you posted , those two guys couldn’t be anymore ridiculous, they def look like they have tons of experience and basically reading off a paper .. lol. Ya seems to work well if u like to use 100mg a week lmao. It’s based on once a week injections. Ya it’s a bit safer they say. Ya you’re using hardly anything .. what dose do you run weekly ? The average person uses at least 500mg/week and that’s being conservative, how many. People here shoot all that sub q?
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