Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Any of you guys experience some feverish feelings on their Test C.
Never noticed it on other labs Test C.
It does keep crashing maybe it has to do with that?

Probably will switch to their Test E soon
I’m not angry at all.. it’s more about being safe , 2ml sub q of just about anything is gonna land most if not all people in some sort of trouble ./ micro dosing is different , that’s also done with a slin pin but IM. Just be safe is all.. no way was I angry but don’t preach benefits about pinning 2ml sub q.. your gonna get someone who is gonna be silly enough to try it and land themselves into a walk in doctor or worse ..

Fair, but you didn't say "don't pin 2ml subq" you said "don't pin any gear sub!!!" which is just a silly thing to say.
Any of you guys experience some feverish feelings on their Test C.
Never noticed it on other labs Test C.
It does keep crashing maybe it has to do with that?

Probably will switch to their Test E soon
A rule that is usually good advice: if it gives you fever, don't use it
So much pussy smell in here... IM hurts mommy! Scar tissue hur durrrr....
I think the scar tissue thing is BS or exaggerated

First 4 years of BNC I ONLY pinned quads. 4 years of EOD quad pins with a 25g 1.5in, Still I pin quads in my rotation and no scar tissue to go through.
You're wrong and also homosexual for caring how someone else injects.

Hope that helps.
Every vial of deca and testosterone I've been given from the pharmacy says "for deep intramuscular use"

The subq meme is new and it frequently results in lumps, pain, or infections because oil absorbs too slowly sub q causing abscesses
Not to be that guy Dang it

But is it correct what's app is best for Tracy

Been trying to put a what's app order in for 3 days

This thread is so hijaxked
I can't remember if he said he was taking a few days off
Every vial of deca and testosterone I've been given from the pharmacy says "for deep intramuscular use"

The subq meme is new and it frequently results in lumps, pain, or infections because oil absorbs too slowly sub q causing abscesses
It says IM use because that's what it was approved for 40 years ago so they are required to put that on there.

There's nothing wrong with sub-q or shallow IM for more frequent injections.

Either way, I don't care how people inject, which was my point.
Not to be that guy Dang it

But is it correct what's app is best for Tracy

Been trying to put a what's app order in for 3 days

This thread is so hijaxked
I can't remember if he said he was taking a few days off
If it’s the WhatsApp on the price list it’s right. Give him some time- he posted that he’s catching up.
You were wrong, so your facts are bullshit and you also have a weird obsession with how other men inject themselves. Suck more cocks.
Ok buddy.

P.S. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I know it's hard for you being a little tiny fagget.

I am so very sorry.

Not really

You were wrong, so your facts are bullshit and you also have a weird obsession with how other men inject themselves. Suck more cocks.
This sounds very gay 4 my opinion :D
I inject now since 2005 IM. Many cycles with every day injections & this subq crap comes from these transsexuell side of youtube doc's & influencers
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This sounds very gay 4 my opinion :D
I inject now since 2005 IM. Many cycles with every day injections & this subq crap comes from these transsexuell side of youtube doc's & influencers
Nah. Tons of studies showing that subq is just as if not more effective, a quick google will confirm this. Keep sticking big ass harpoons in you so you can pretend they're dicks.

For the record, I do IM. But there's nothing wrong with subq although it's typically better for small amounts / daily injections.
Nah. Tons of studies showing that subq is just as if not more effective, a quick google will confirm this. Keep sticking big ass harpoons in you so you can pretend they're dicks.

For the record, I do IM. But there's nothing wrong with subq although it's typically better for small amounts / daily injections.s

Subq is fine but don't pin 2 ml. More like 0,2 ml is acceptable to not get a lump that will last 3 weeks
For trt is a choice to take 0,2 ml twice a week. For "blasting " isn't a great idea
lol made that mistake did .75 ml and lasted forever and got warm to the touch eventually after a week I took an antibiotic