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Ordered bpc about 8 weeks ago and went to go use one and a few of them look like this. Anyone know what happened? They’ve been in my fridge untouched. Thanks IMG_4148.jpegIMG_4146.jpeg
Ordered bpc about 8 weeks ago and went to go use one and a few of them look like this. Anyone know what happened? They’ve been in my fridge untouched. Thanks

I'm guessing the delivery truck went over a speed bump too fast.

Did you test it? Judge by substance, not appearance. (See also: why American citrus growers dye their oranges orange.)

What is the refrigerator shelf life of reconstituted mots-c?

Natural MOTS-c (like, from fresh-squeezed mice) lasts a few hours. But a bunch of HPLC boffins stuck some in sterile water, tested at different temperatures/times: in solution, it had little degradation after 30 days when stored either at 4C or 37C.

But the peptide isn't MOTS-c anyway, it's an analog called CB4211. IIRC Janoshik might have done a degradation test on it at some point and found similar results to above tho.
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I think the scar tissue thing is BS or exaggerated

First 4 years of BNC I ONLY pinned quads. 4 years of EOD quad pins with a 25g 1.5in, Still I pin quads in my rotation and no scar tissue to go through.

Same. Rotating sites on quads and sometimes use bigger syringes if higher volume. Usually 23 but sometimes 21. All 1 inch.

Been doing this for years and zero scar tissue.
Same. Rotating sites on quads and sometimes use bigger syringes if higher volume. Usually 23 but sometimes 21. All 1 inch.

Been doing this for years and zero scar tissue.
21g is damn close to a harpoon brother! Thats what i used back in tha day cause i didnt know any better.
I'm just a big old pussy now.... 25g, dont care how long i stand there pumpin it in. But you are what you eat!
21g is damn close to a harpoon brother! Thats what i used back in tha day cause i didnt know any better.
I'm just a big old pussy now.... 25g, dont care how long i stand there pumpin it in. But you are what you eat!

You summarized a lot of what I think on this: 21g is easier for higher volumes, like when using low concentration gear.

Note I said "easier."

I totally prefer higher concentration gear to reduce injection volume so it's not so difficult to push through a 25 gauge
Same. Rotating sites on quads and sometimes use bigger syringes if higher volume. Usually 23 but sometimes 21. All 1 inch.

Been doing this for years and zero scar tissue.
You’re lucky because I’ve got scar tissue in my glutes, v glutes, side delts and quads. It’s crunchy when I pin and sometimes I can’t even get the oil to move out of the needle. The plunger will bulge out sideways from pushing so hard. Then if I push the needle in deeper it will pop through a hard layer of scar tissue and the oil will come out of the needle. Doesn’t bother me because I’m used to it but scar tissue is a real thing and it will eventually happen.
I pin daily with 25g and even with daily pins on blast the oil volume is up there. I think this has a lot to do with it. Shoulders don’t get oil anymore, just water based, hgh, peptides, aminos etc
So much pussy smell in here... IM hurts mommy! Scar tissue hur durrrr....
So I'm guessing you use 19g needle for all of your injections because "not being a pussy" is what's important, right?

So much anger and insecurity in this thread over people doing things a little different.

But hey, what would you expect from a bunch of people who think that next blast from 230 to 240lbs will finally be the one that makes their 7th grade bully cry.
So I'm guessing you use 19g needle for all of your injections because "not being a pussy" is what's important, right?

So much anger and insecurity in this thread over people doing things a little different.

But hey, what would you expect from a bunch of people who think that next blast from 230 to 240lbs will finally be the one that makes their 7th grade bully cry.
Did I hurt your feelings too? Do words make you feel uncomfortable? I would guess a big, strong alpha male shouldn't care what a random guy says on a forum, but since you made a big deal out of it, you are not him.

But let's talk facts. Oily preparations are supposed to administered deep IM. That's what the leaflet says. But I guess all the yt scumfluencers and TRT clinics docs push the SQ route cause it's easier and bides really well with the current trend of daily micro dosing administration.
Let's put the big boy pants now and start a real cycle, like 1gr of test plus 500mg anabolics. That's a minimum of 6ml-7ml of oily fluid a week. The reasonable thing would be to split that up eod at 2ml, rotating 8 sites so you hit each one of them every 2 weeks. If you go with SQ injections you ain't gonna administer 2ml or you will end up with a welp in the best case scenario and an ugly painfull red bump. Make that 3x week and your 10 week cycle will leave you looking like a beekeeper that pissed on the queen with no protective gear.

Everyone is free to do what he chooses to do, but if you do dumb shit get ready to be called out and get your feelings hurt if you identify like a snowflake
I'm guessing the delivery truck went over a speed bump too fast.

Did you test it? Judge by substance, not appearance. (See also: why American citrus growers dye their oranges orange.)

Natural MOTS-c (like, from fresh-squeezed mice) lasts a few hours. But a bunch of HPLC boffins stuck some in sterile water, tested at different temperatures/times: in solution, it had little degradation after 30 days when stored either at 4C or 37C.

But the peptide isn't MOTS-c anyway, it's an analog called CB4211. IIRC Janoshik might have done a degradation test on it at some point and found similar results to above tho.
That is good to know, I have been using a whole vial at once because I seen people say it degrades fast.
Did I hurt your feelings too? Do words make you feel uncomfortable? I would guess a big, strong alpha male shouldn't care what a random guy says on a forum, but since you made a big deal out of it, you are not him.

But let's talk facts. Oily preparations are supposed to administered deep IM. That's what the leaflet says. But I guess all the yt scumfluencers and TRT clinics docs push the SQ route cause it's easier and bides really well with the current trend of daily micro dosing administration.
Let's put the big boy pants now and start a real cycle, like 1gr of test plus 500mg anabolics. That's a minimum of 6ml-7ml of oily fluid a week. The reasonable thing would be to split that up eod at 2ml, rotating 8 sites so you hit each one of them every 2 weeks. If you go with SQ injections you ain't gonna administer 2ml or you will end up with a welp in the best case scenario and an ugly painfull red bump. Make that 3x week and your 10 week cycle will leave you looking like a beekeeper that pissed on the queen with no protective gear.

Everyone is free to do what he chooses to do, but if you do dumb shit get ready to be called out and get your feelings hurt if you identify like a snowflake
Good points
Also forgot some of these fools are backfilling insulin pins and risking infection so they can improperly use compounds with esters
What someone touts on you tube for trt doses is not what will work for blasts
Did I hurt your feelings too? Do words make you feel uncomfortable? I would guess a big, strong alpha male shouldn't care what a random guy says on a forum, but since you made a big deal out of it, you are not him.

But let's talk facts. Oily preparations are supposed to administered deep IM. That's what the leaflet says. But I guess all the yt scumfluencers and TRT clinics docs push the SQ route cause it's easier and bides really well with the current trend of daily micro dosing administration.
Let's put the big boy pants now and start a real cycle, like 1gr of test plus 500mg anabolics. That's a minimum of 6ml-7ml of oily fluid a week. The reasonable thing would be to split that up eod at 2ml, rotating 8 sites so you hit each one of them every 2 weeks. If you go with SQ injections you ain't gonna administer 2ml or you will end up with a welp in the best case scenario and an ugly painfull red bump. Make that 3x week and your 10 week cycle will leave you looking like a beekeeper that pissed on the queen with no protective gear.

Everyone is free to do what he chooses to do, but if you do dumb shit get ready to be called out and get your feelings hurt if you identify like a snowflake

There's plenty of reasons why SubQ injections make a lot of sense, which have been elucidated in this thread, but you made it about one thing, "discomfort" just to be a condescending dick and overuse your exclamation key.
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