Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Are you joking? Taking your dose subQ is suggested by Doctors and at TRT clinics and even now most YouTubers suggest pinning with an insulin pin daily to reduce scar tissue.

Some of you really just pull shit out of your ass without even providing references. I will just mute you and move on but here is some videos.

View: https://youtu.be/JCZv1t_AEQo?si=tJyJiG03G6Eae59H

View: https://youtu.be/fkBuY4iMK7E?si=8PYhF7KDtj1kJV9u

View: https://youtu.be/7bFjwuvTQn0?si=Slovur39d6ZzNjKC

Demonstration of subcutaneous testosterone injection Xyosted by Dr. Sean Nikravan, MD

Video Preview: Testosterone Delivery - Subcutaneous vs. Intramuscular

I guess all of these Dr’s and TRT clinics are wrong and you must be right random on the internet.

I guess it’s a lot for you, I wasn’t recommending it I was just saying that’s what I did. If the Test E oil was lumping me up then I wouldn’t do it but since it’s smooth it’s been fine for me.

Doctors also suggest only taking about 100-150mg a week of only test. Are you doing that?
Yea ok then don’t do it, I said I did it and now your panties in a bunch lol. I could sit here and post low dosage usage and all that or I can be honest and tell you it works for me without any issue. This is the reason most guys lie about dosages in bodybuilding, because they don’t feel like explaining and arguing with the uninformed. Here let me retract my statement and say oh I only pin .50ml subQ once a week even though I am 5’10 260 pounds. Now that sounds good to you so carry on small guy…
Did you read what I wrote? I said subq is becoming more popular instead of IM. Relax there big guy.
Been pinning Sub Q for years and posted about several times ( you can search old posts to validate )

The science part is unequivocal, at this point. The test is processed SubQ is slightly different (than IM) but it is as least as effective as IM and has a substantial benefit for people who will inject possibly over a thousand times in terms of scar tissue

The “feels part” - anything over 0.5ml in a single spot can produce a painful limp.
I inject 1ml regularly but move the needle along at least once if not twice - so in effect 3 x 0.33ml deposits in a line. This substantially reduces and lumps and associated pain.

Hope this helps, but feel free to ignore
Did you read what I wrote? I said subq is becoming more popular instead of IM. Relax there big guy.
It is gaining traction, I’ve read about it. Maybe those that go subq have a decent bit of body fat for that oil to sit in?

I have a hard time finding any fat to inject subq & even ~0.2cc sat in a fat, painful lump.
Planning to run QSC primo 200mg/ml as part of next blast … Did anyone try it and /or has any input ? Will be my first time running QSC oils and ill be starting off with it... any feedback is appreciated
in my experience 9/10

sometimes the pip is insane if you dont place a shot correctly, or deep enough, or sometimes i dont know what i did wrong and my leg is fucked for a week and i start to worry.

most of the time no pip. even in chest and delts. even with bigger shots.

strength wise i notice more results using higher test like 700 test, +mast and primo

but as far as keeping gains on less calories id say primo is kind of amazing. you can really screw up bad for like almost a week, not eating enough, due to being sick or whatever. and not lose much overall muscle once you rehydrate
2cc subq? That’s a lot. I thought the most people did was 1/2ml subq. Where are you pinning?
Yea that is way too much. I had 2ml leak out IM to subq and it took two weeks to absorb and my delt was all swollen
Wow.... yeah, that's a lot to push in there, i don't see how that would be ideal. Maybe people with large amounts of adipose tissue can get away with it? TETO

Maybe it's a lot but I do 1-2 mL SubQ every day (water-based). 0.5-1 mL per site. Many sites.

I prefer lower concentration (mg/mL) for more accurate dosing. Therefore, higher injection volumes.

The lump goes away in a few minutes.
Lmao.. ok. This post is what not to do. Don’t pin any gear subq!!! Zero benefit .. why do people feel like they need to reinvent the wheel. Stick to IM..
Um, I need AI to cruise at 200-250 test with IM, and subq I don’t. Different strokes for different folks
Am I even still on the right thread ? Most hijacked thread on internet

In fact you know what ? The people who show up daily to ask for the list that we all love to jump all
Over .... turns out they are the Sane ones
I inject 1ml regularly but move the needle along at least once if not twice - so in effect 3 x 0.33ml deposits in a line. This substantially reduces and lumps and associated pain.

You are injecting test like this or something else? In a line? How far apart?
Maybe it's a lot but I do 1-2 mL SubQ every day (water-based). 0.5-1 mL per site. Many sites.

I prefer lower concentration (mg/mL) for more accurate dosing. Therefore, higher injection volumes.

The lump goes away in a few minutes.
Pretty sure Pharm Grade Test Suspension is off the USA Market? You're using ugl water based products? I used to love Test Suspension but I don't believe there is a ugl that I'd trust enough to use any water based product I used to like.
Used to get Winstrol in water. Came in 30ml vials. I can still see the Milky white winny in the vial but can't remember the name of the company that put it out. This was back in the 90's when Mx had Stenox(Halotestin) in foil pkg'ing.

Reason I say "Trust" is needed is because water is a breeding ground for bacteria. Infections come easy. Guys would use Test Suspension as the base of their cycle and whack it every 6 to 8 hours. They weren't inj sub cut back then. IM and rotate.

It seemed more popular 5 yrs ago but TNE is what I see mostly. Test no ester in oil. You're using ugl Test Suspension?


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