Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

For me the tracking email has showed up 6 days after payment confirmation last 2 orders. Give it 3 more days

I paid and confirmed via WhatsApp 11 days ago with zero confirmation or tracking from QSC. So how many more days do you suggest I wait? I asked on WhatsApp yesterday and asked for package/vial labels for my Black Friday, that just arrived. Still no answer.
Almost all of what you said was valid but this is not. QSC did not give you a quote. They gave you a price sheet that did not include all the detailed business terms ... you then made up your own "quote" based on the limited information you had available, and are now arguing that QSC should honor this "quote" that you made up.

QSC will actually generate quotes - you tell him what you want and where you want it delivered, but don't include prices. He will tally everything in accordance with his own business practices (which should be on the price sheet, but aren't...they have all been stated somewhere in this thread and I've read them myself). He will then issue you an official quote to either agree to, or walk away from at your discretion.

But that's not what happened in your case. You generated your own "quote" based on partial and limited understanding of the terms. In business, this would generally be called an "internal estimate", and in my industry, estimators are assumed to do a decent job if their estimates are within +/- 20% of the final paid price. But we'd never, ever, ever rant at a vendor for failing to honor our own "internal estimate" while saying "but you need to honor your quote!!!!" My background on this: I used to both buy and design/sell/quote out systems that cost >$2 million and required 100-2000 hours of labor to configure and install. I also managed all change orders for various teams of subcontractors, both general construction and specialty groups needed for the installation of those systems.

Nit: It's "forte" or "forté", not fortay.
I have no issue with what the final price ended up being like I said I would just prefer transparency in the list. Nobody is going to read the whole thread for every protocol it should be on the list.

I'm going to take you example of the differences what we are calling quotes. I have a website which I would say is just like the list. I have my terms and conditions on my website clearly available and you are prompted to read them before checking out. Now it's on you whether you read them or not, but they are brought to your attention before ordering.

If someone sends me a list of what they want based on prices I listed I should honor it. If there are considerations that need to be considered they need to be up front. If not it's basically bait and switch. It's not like I made up the prices. If I pulled the prices out of my ass I would understand not honoring it. It's also there business if their willing to risk customers being unhappy over less than 200 dollars thats on them. Most sources I know would fix the list so it doesn't happen or square up the order and say next time you have to order domestic if available.

My main reason for bringing it up was so it can be added to the list. All of my other sources list stipulations on the list. If the stipulations would have been there I would have ordered still. My biggest problem is the lack of concern for our safety and sending packs that are not properly sealed. I think they have a lot of potential, and if the fix the small details they would hurt the business of a lot more sources than they already have.

I also was posting to possibly hel someone else not make the same mistake. It's not a big deal for me if it was I would have just not ordered.

Forte: I knew it was wrong when I looked at it but I didn't want to look for the right spelling and auto correct had no suggestions.
Same happend to me with my last order... 1 vial completely broke and everything was soaked in oil
This is a problem, one broken vial can get you caught up. All it would take is a vacuum sealer to solve the problem. I even have one for sealing raws and if I ever send vials to anyone they get vacuum sealed.
lol @SkankHunt, ya forsure they see obvious steroids in vials but since no label makes it seem legal so they send it through? come on now, you gotta give them some credit man. doesn't match itemized customs form desc? these guys bitterly open shit up just to charge you 20$ tax, or if got 20 t-shirts instead of 2... to think they aren't logging obvious illegal items is silly... I guess in your opinion should just start shipping fentanyl in vials unlabelled so think its something legit hahah. its all going in a data base I its opened, will check ur next packs, and if LE wants to pop some folks they will... and of course its coming.. they know what you received, just building cases see who actually accepts, checking patterns, if enough watch if ur distributing etc. if start keeping everything they know that opec goes up so easier to monitor..

know plenty of guys who thought the same oh opened and still got through must know what this powder was..... 2-3 times later or year later knock knock..

what I dont know is if FTR testing can differentiate peptides.
I paid and confirmed via WhatsApp 11 days ago with zero confirmation or tracking from QSC. So how many more days do you suggest I wait? I asked on WhatsApp yesterday and asked for package/vial labels for my Black Friday, that just arrived. Still no answer.
In my experience they always come through. I ordered during the new year sale. I think I received tracking 8 days later. I also received no confirmation during that time. They are probably just waiting on the tracking info themselves
I paid and confirmed via WhatsApp 11 days ago with zero confirmation or tracking from QSC. So how many more days do you suggest I wait? I asked on WhatsApp yesterday and asked for package/vial labels for my Black Friday, that just arrived. Still no answer.
Be patient, I myself wrote to Tracy on WhatsApp 3 days ago for an order and I'm still waiting for a response; the wait is worth it because the products are excellent
Questions for the members of this thread that have tried the HCG. Me and my gym partner have been on it for 1 month, 500 i.u. 3 times a week. We did blood work recently and LH is 0,10 UI/L for him and for me 0.3 IU/L. We also did 1000 i.u. in the morning before blood has been taken & tried the pregnancy test and it came back negative.

Are this values normal considering we are using HCG or what do you gentlemen think?
lol @SkankHunt, ya forsure they see obvious steroids in vials but since no label makes it seem legal so they send it through? come on now, you gotta give them some credit man. doesn't match itemized customs form desc? these guys bitterly open shit up just to charge you 20$ tax, or if got 20 t-shirts instead of 2... to think they aren't logging obvious illegal items is silly... I guess in your opinion should just start shipping fentanyl in vials unlabelled so think its something legit hahah. its all going in a data base I its opened, will check ur next packs, and if LE wants to pop some folks they will... and of course its coming.. they know what you received, just building cases see who actually accepts, checking patterns, if enough watch if ur distributing etc. if start keeping everything they know that opec goes up so easier to monitor..

know plenty of guys who thought the same oh opened and still got through must know what this powder was..... 2-3 times later or year later knock knock..

what I dont know is if FTR testing can differentiate peptides.
Read slowly so you can comprehend what i’m saying. There’s been photos of guys posting pics with packs that have been resealed by green customs tape. They usually take out a vial to test for fent and send the rest of the vials thru. QSC sends these vials UNLABELED in a box with a number on it. Ok now, if these vials were labeled with Somatropin or Semaglutide don’t you think customs would hold onto them? Why is this so hard for some guys for like you to understand?

There’s a reason companies will offer to ship vials in “stealth” mode, which is basically without labels. So I ask you the same questions as I did in the other thread..

What has a better chance of passing customs if it’s opened? A box with 20 vials of unlabeled oil or a box with 20 vials labeled Testosterone Cypionate?

I’m not going back and forth with you as I already crushed you with the whole viagra debacle where you ranted on for 3 days trying to convince yourself you were correct. You will argue with anyone on this forum and keep telling yourself you’re right.
I have no issue with what the final price ended up being like I said I would just prefer transparency in the list. Nobody is going to read the whole thread for every protocol it should be on the list.

I'm going to take you example of the differences what we are calling quotes. I have a website which I would say is just like the list. I have my terms and conditions on my website clearly available and you are prompted to read them before checking out. Now it's on you whether you read them or not, but they are brought to your attention before ordering.

If someone sends me a list of what they want based on prices I listed I should honor it. If there are considerations that need to be considered they need to be up front. If not it's basically bait and switch. It's not like I made up the prices. If I pulled the prices out of my ass I would understand not honoring it. It's also there business if their willing to risk customers being unhappy over less than 200 dollars thats on them. Most sources I know would fix the list so it doesn't happen or square up the order and say next time you have to order domestic if available.

My main reason for bringing it up was so it can be added to the list. All of my other sources list stipulations on the list. If the stipulations would have been there I would have ordered still. My biggest problem is the lack of concern for our safety and sending packs that are not properly sealed. I think they have a lot of potential, and if the fix the small details they would hurt the business of a lot more sources than they already have.

I also was posting to possibly hel someone else not make the same mistake. It's not a big deal for me if it was I would have just not ordered.

Forte: I knew it was wrong when I looked at it but I didn't want to look for the right spelling and auto correct had no suggestions.
Yeah Tracy is super weird about some of the things that he does which are very customer-friendly and super responsive to customer needs. And then some things he just keeps ignoring even though they keep coming up and making his own life more difficult, as well as his customers'.

One thing I learned bartending is that people are basically sheep. They need fences set up that gently corral them and funnel them into the right directions. Right around the time that cigarette smoking was made illegal in all bars in the state, my bouncers kept getting super mad that some small % of people kept smoking and they had to keep "yelling" at some new person once a night. I thought "maybe at some point it's not useful to frame it as being the fault of each of those individuals because this just keeps happening. Maybe it's more useful to frame it as being OUR fault for not finding an easier solution". So I paid $10 for a big fuck-off no smoking sign and put it in the stairwell at a height people would naturally glance over while climbing the stairs. And then smoking wasn't a problem anymore.
Questions for the members of this thread that have tried the HCG. Me and my gym partner have been on it for 1 month, 500 i.u. 3 times a week. We did blood work recently and LH is 0,10 UI/L for him and for me 0.3 IU/L. We also did 1000 i.u. in the morning before blood has been taken & tried the pregnancy test and it came back negative.

Are this values normal considering we are using HCG or what do you gentlemen think?
Hcg does not boost LH, it mimics it. This will not show up on bloodwork.
Pregnancy tests can result in a false negative if the concentration of hcg is too high. Don't piss straight on it, don't like the test strip sit in your urine, rather give it a quick dip.

Yeah Tracy is super weird about some of the things that he does which are very customer-friendly and super responsive to customer needs. And then some things he just keeps ignoring even though they keep coming up and making his own life more difficult, as well as his customers'.

One thing I learned bartending is that people are basically sheep. They need fences set up that gently corral them and funnel them into the right directions. Right around the time that cigarette smoking was made illegal in all bars in the state, my bouncers kept getting super mad that some small % of people kept smoking and they had to keep "yelling" at some new person once a night. I thought "maybe at some point it's not useful to frame it as being the fault of each of those individuals because this just keeps happening. Maybe it's more useful to frame it as being OUR fault for not finding an easier solution". So I paid $10 for a big fuck-off no smoking sign and put it in the stairwell at a height people would naturally glance over while climbing the stairs. And then smoking wasn't a problem anymore.

That reminds me of long ago when I worked at a hotel big groups of people from out of state would come and have events, basically drinking all night. In my state the law is 1am last call 2am drinks are gone. Well these people from out of state don’t know that and they’re ready to fight me as I go around with a trash bag for them to throw their drinks away. And these people were already rowdy to begin with