@SkankHunt, ya forsure they see obvious steroids in vials but since no label makes it seem legal so they send it through? come on now, you gotta give them some credit man. doesn't match itemized customs form desc? these guys bitterly open shit up just to charge you 20$ tax, or if got 20 t-shirts instead of 2... to think they aren't logging obvious illegal items is silly... I guess in your opinion should just start shipping fentanyl in vials unlabelled so think its something legit hahah. its all going in a data base I its opened, will check ur next packs, and if LE wants to pop some folks they will... and of course its coming.. they know what you received, just building cases see who actually accepts, checking patterns, if enough watch if ur distributing etc. if start keeping everything they know that opec goes up so easier to monitor..
know plenty of guys who thought the same oh opened and still got through must know what this powder was..... 2-3 times later or year later knock knock..
what I dont know is if FTR testing can differentiate peptides.