Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Last kit of Tirzepatide I got from qsc last week is good. Vials have vacuum so are more likely to be sterile. Hopefully this kit is proof of them getting the quality back up to the previous levels. I'm critical of qsc fuckups but I have to give credit where it's due too. This kit is legit.
Last kit of Tirzepatide I got from qsc last week is good. Vials have vacuum so are more likely to be sterile. Hopefully this kit is proof of them getting the quality back up to the previous levels. I'm critical of qsc fuckups but I have to give credit where it's due too. This kit is legit.
Having that vaccum effect doesn’t mean it is sterile
Two different things
Are you seriously suggesting that US CUSTOMS is forwarding along goods that they have proven to be illegal?

It is literally their job to prevent illegal goods from entering the US, and you're suggesting that they're tripping over the finish line?

I read a lot of smoothbrain shit on here but man you are upping the game today

If green tape with vial missing is actually increasing and not just because of ore orders most certainly can expect a bust in next few months.
Having that vaccum effect doesn’t mean it is sterile
Two different things
forsure, just means the seal is not broken/handled better, BUT because its (vacuum) formed at freeze dry temperatures that kill 99% of bacteria(think canning pickles and canning jar lids done via temp gradients) higher probability of clean product if do have vacuum but does not guarantee with or without.

pharma for example for some products DONT have vac as your suppose to suck sterile air out of the peptide bottle and use that to pressurize the bac water container to ensure only sterile air gets into bac water and therefore peptide. so they dont have vac as would be impossible to suck air out of the peptide.

If green tape with vial missing is actually increasing and not just because of ore orders most certainly can expect a bust in next few months.
Bro if law enforcement was trying to set up a bust, you think they'd be forwarding the packages with a bunch of conspicuous customs tape all over it?

Customs is not involved in some sophisticated scheme to string people along over small-time drug crimes, you are out of your mind.

Here's what happens: they open a package that contains suspicious vials, so they pull out a vial for testing, and the on-the-spot test kit comes back negative for priority substances like fent, heroin, cocaine, etc.

So they're unable to prove it's not what it says on the invoice, and they have 10,000 more packages waiting for inspection, so that's that. They tape it back up and it gets forwarded.

In the event that a test is used that DOES identify an illegal compound, you will receive a seizure letter, not your package.
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Yeah, it was just on two different platforms and he copied an excerpt from the email and sent to me in WhatsApp. We lost a kid, so I like to think he has some good in him without being too naive. Know what I mean? Either way. It works on me. lol
Sorry to hear that.
No numbness or lethargy?
Do you think 5iu is worthless for muscle growth?
Will be ran with test and primo
No it's not worthless... I remember when people were scared to take 8iu and that was considered a lot. 2-4 is what a lot of people take . There's going to be lethargic or what I call being fuckinh tired whether you're getting big or if you're dieting down hard I just deal with it. The numbness and tingling is there but also manageable for me
How do you feel on such a dose of hgh?
Any improvements in muscle growth?

I don't really feel much of anything on GH. Took a few days for the sides to resolve, but smooth sailing since then. Worked up to 6 IU twice a day.

Yeah, I think it helps with body composition - maybe more fat loss than muscle growth in my experience. Or I can maintain low body fat easier with GH on board.
Not everyone is having an over 2 month delay while being stuck in limbo. Your reship policy states nothing about being stuck in limbo. So as long as it updates in the same location indefinitely, you're not going to honor a reship? Since I paid for domesic reship, how do I know it wasn't seized? I wouldn't get any letters sent to me.
I've been patiently waiting for my order since shipping label was created on Nov 4. It's been going back and forth to the shipping partner facility for the last two months.
Agreed but the kit before had 0 vacuum and that most definitely indicates not being sterile. The vacuum being there increases the likelihood that it was done correctly this time.
Some peptides will not come with vacuum. Hgh usually a vacuum a lot of other won't come with any(or very little) doesn't mean they are not sterile it could mean they are fragile and thats what they have said in the past.
lol @SkankHunt, ya forsure they see obvious steroids in vials but since no label makes it seem legal so they send it through? come on now, you gotta give them some credit man. doesn't match itemized customs form desc? these guys bitterly open shit up just to charge you 20$ tax, or if got 20 t-shirts instead of 2... to think they aren't logging obvious illegal items is silly... I guess in your opinion should just start shipping fentanyl in vials unlabelled so think its something legit hahah. its all going in a data base I its opened, will check ur next packs, and if LE wants to pop some folks they will... and of course its coming.. they know what you received, just building cases see who actually accepts, checking patterns, if enough watch if ur distributing etc. if start keeping everything they know that opec goes up so easier to monitor..

know plenty of guys who thought the same oh opened and still got through must know what this powder was..... 2-3 times later or year later knock knock..

what I dont know is if FTR testing can differentiate peptides.
Did these guys you know go to jail? What country?
Some peptides will not come with vacuum. Hgh usually a vacuum a lot of other won't come with any(or very little) doesn't mean they are not sterile it could mean they are fragile and thats what they have said in the past.
Tirzepatide always comes with a vacuum as far as I know. I know 100s of people who have ordered from probably every bigger source in China. All have had vacuum.
Been 9 days since i paid for my order and sent confirmation via whatsapp, message has been seen, still no tracking
I sent money on Jan 2 and got tracking number today and was shipped Jan 4. You should get your tracking number soon and I bet it has already shipped
I sent money on Jan 2 and got tracking number today and was shipped Jan 4. You should get your tracking number soon and I bet it has already shipped
I just got messaged back saying money hasnt been recieved

Not sure whats happened? Has gone through on my end

Theres a few accounts listed but i used this one lasttime, what happens if you use the (wire) one accidently but send transfer?

Do i need to cancel it somehow and get my money back or should it appear soemwhere on there end?

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ?
I just got messaged back saying money hasnt been recieved

Not sure whats happened? Has gone through on my end

Theres a few accounts listed but i used this one lasttime, what happens if you use the (wire) one accidently but send transfer?

Do i need to cancel it somehow and get my money back or should it appear soemwhere on there end?

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ?
When a bank transfer is unsuccessful, it gets returned to customer account few days later, usually the bank is able to update you about it.
It happens that some bank transfers take longer to be received.
When a bank transfer is unsuccessful, it gets returned to customer account few days later, usually the bank is able to update you about it.
It happens that some bank transfers take longer to be received.
So if it hasnt been recieved your end basically i should just wait a few mor days and see if it comes back?

I used the right info, if a bank xfer is done but using a wrong account like one that says (wire) or something along those lines does that not work?