Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Im not interested in what that person says, I will continue shopping in Qingdao, it has good prices and they are fast and friendly in communication.
I hope they screw your order then. Good luck! Man some people here are clowns.

When I used to lurk here people were criticizing a source properly. Now it seems everyone here are shills. Lets see what happens when you guys get floaters in your gear or some shit like that.
great if you share all your lab tests, thats what i call meaningful contribution to the board and its great
that is not the point.
I am on doctor supervised trt and pharm hgh right now, i dont need to send any stuff in. In the past ive contributed to a private group in a german board. Members donated as much as they wanted and when enough money was there, a priority list of worked of and tested.
all lab tests were posted on a public thread.
Keeping them in private wont help anyone. You dont win anything and other dont get anything out of them. So whats the point
Those tests are fucking expensive.

Not everyone got the money to spend 200 euro on a fucking HGH test or whatever, that's why the groups makes sense.

The problem with what you are offering is that only some people get to put their money where their mouth is. If you really want to order from a vendor spending 10-20$ isn't a big deal and the more people join the less you pay. Sure i would love to see all the tests out there without ever spending a dime.

Man just fuck off, you are pissing me off even worse than Sigma themselves.
Those tests are fucking expensive.

Not everyone got the money to spend 200 euro on a fucking HGH test or whatever, that's why the groups makes sense.

The problem with what you are offering is that only some people get to put their money where their mouth is. If you really want to order from a vendor spending 10-20$ isn't a big deal and the more people join the less you pay. Sure i would love to see all the tests out there without ever spending a dime.

Man just fuck off, you are pissing me off even worse than Sigma themselves.
you french people are a bizare bred..
I dont want the tests. Why should I. ive posted that im not interested in steroids/HGH at this point.
I am interested in stuff like liraglutide, semaglutide, but im pretty sure noone has tested this.
My post has nothing to do with your case. I am not even sure why you make a connection there?
and last but not least:
ive asked 4 times why not share in public.
one of you could have simply said at the beginning that you sell those for cash. Why didnt you tell from the beginning? Ashamed of saying this in public or wtf?
you french people are a bizare bred..
I dont want the tests. Why should I. ive posted that im not interested in steroids/HGH at this point.
I am interested in stuff like liraglutide, semaglutide, but im pretty sure noone has tested this.
My post has nothing to do with your case. I am not even sure why you make a connection there?
and last but not least:
ive asked 4 times why not share in public.
one of you could have simply said at the beginning that you sell those for cash. Why didnt you tell from the beginning? Ashamed of saying this in public or wtf?
I'm not french btw, not that it matters. I joined the group as non-french.

We dont sell the tests for cash. We all paid BEFORE doing test its not like a secret group or anything.

In any case, i hope they fuck your order real good. Nobody here cares that they screwed a member and keep on asking about prices and shipping times and shit.

Fucking retarded. anyone who is even considering buying from them at this point is really really stupid.
Nobody here cares that they screwed a member and keep on asking about prices and shipping times and shit.

Because if everyone did that NO ONE would be buying steroids from any of the sources here. 95% of source threads are the same handful of people talking shit about the source because they didn't do X, Y, or Z to their standard of buying illegal drugs online from strangers.
I'm not french btw, not that it matters. I joined the group as non-french.

We dont sell the tests for cash. We all paid BEFORE doing test its not like a secret group or anything.

In any case, i hope they fuck your order real good. Nobody here cares that they screwed a member and keep on asking about prices and shipping times and shit.

Fucking retarded. anyone who is even considering buying from them at this point is really really stupid.
dude i have not ordered anything from them!?!?
you are talking trash and thats your problem. Absolute nonsense again and again.
They cant fuck my order if i dont order? Whats wrong with you?

So that means you are a group of lets say 10 people, you send things for tests (and of course you 10 people pay), you get the results and then you archive them because you paid for them and dont want anybody out of the group the get a benefit out of it (e.g. harm reduction)
is that correct?

but it is funny how people differ mentally and psychologically.
I am not sure why you wish everyone to get a screwed up order? What does that benefit you? You warned the people here and if they order, it is at their own risk. But wishing them for a screwed up order and maybe health issues..? come on, this is what i call retarded
We have shared with meso US 6 lab tests paid by our group.
1 for parapharma (teamroids)
1 for hilma (roidbuddy)
2 for Catcafé

On top of that @Olofmeister paid from his own pocket multiple lab tests and shared them with you.
As well as other members of our group like @Kris67
Thank you to them

So basically we have shared thousands of dollars worth of lab tests with you.

For some of you it is not enough. Maybe you should ask youself what have you done for harm reduction ? Have you donated for lab tests ?
I can say that internationally everyone is stingy as we have never gotten a cent for donation !

Our group has a business plan that works. With that plan, we are able to keep testing.
We want to share as much as possible with everyone.
However it all depends on the sources.
We post all the the lab tests that the sources refund us.
When a source refunds us they have no idea of the result of our lab tests.
So you can ask Gingdao why they do not care of our lab tests.
If you want to cry more you can ask why Janoshik ask money for lab tests...

We will keep doing the best for everyone.
You will see our test lab coming more and more. They will be easy to recognize as the client name will be under : French Lab Test
client 2.jpg

For gingdao.
Some of our members got bad reaction and sick with their steroids. Some others are fine using gingdao gears.
We got some vial which were not sealed properly. The rep that you see here, told us he did not care.
I personally stopped using their primo as I was not sure of the sterility of the product, and it look like something was making weird markers on my blood test which I do not have with other brands.
For HGH members of our group buy by 1000ui. Everyone is happy.
We will probably keep buying hgh, peptides, raw. That is it.
Ask yourself How come we are having new members poping out saying how good gingdao is ?
Gingdao has offered 10 vials of 10ml of testo E to whoever comes here to say good thing !
Do you think this is honest ? harm reduction ?
We do not get any money or product. You get raw result with honest comment.

I invite meso US members to make their own test lab group. You have a bigger community. You could definitely make big thing here.
Indeed I believe I recall that.
Yes the first test lab that gingdao shared on meso FR. was a fake one.
You @janoshik confirmed us it was a fake one.
Then the source starting to speak chinesse by just saying it was the fault of a customer.
First time for us to see a fake chinese lab test
here is the fake Janoshik lab test :
Yes the first test lab that gingdao shared on meso FR. was a fake one.
You @janoshik confirmed us it was a fake one.
Then the source starting to speak chinesse by just saying it was the fault of a customer.
First time for us to see a fake chinese lab test
here is the fake Janoshik lab test :
View attachment 155416
I find it mind-boggling that with all of their shit and fake lab tests people still buy from them.

This is a double standard since they are Chinese or whatever? any other European / US vendor would get shit for this and will never sell here.

But since it's from China and super cheap, people let it slide lol. wtf happened to meso.
Let’s stick to the matter at hand. While I agree that, for the good of the community and harm reduction, all lab tests should be posted, at the end of the day, they’re YOUR lab tests and you can do with them as you please. I won’t argue that.

why don’t we worry more about the bullshit the vendor is sending out and how they treat customer complaints. That’s a much bigger issue to me at this point. Underdosed gear won’t make you sick, but unsterile gear certainly will
I’ll have to take a day, and do some patient experimenting with trying to get my debit card to work on Ali. It’s a pain in the ass so far, but I believe with some patience I can get it done. I really wanna give these guys raws a shot.
I’ll be ordering raws next, just got ordered hgh kits
Hello everyone,

I am London from meso fr. (my pseudo here will be changed soon)
I am part of the french French lab test group.
The hgh test lab you saw is one of our private test. This test lab is our property and should not have been out in public.

I confirm that the member @mokola is one of our member.
In the past @Olofmeister was our member who used to publish some our test lab on meso us with our autorisation. Thanks to him. Now that I introduced myself here I might be the one now who will publish some of our test lab.
I also confirm @mokola and us bought primibolan from gingdao sigma chemical.
underdosed product like all 3 steroids we have tested.
Customer service were the worst ever.

For transparancy I will publish our primobolan test lab as a nice gesture from our group.
*underdosed* Primobolan 100mg/ml Gingdao Sigma Chemical
i only see an hgh test from their company, hadn’t seen a private one? Either way, for that price.. I’ll test it my self.. secondly, why do you care that they use the lab test? It is after all their product. Where are the lab tests from the under doses steroid? Not many of us speak French so surfing meso fr is out of the question, come here and post results, also lastly, you have two different lab names, gingdao and qingdao .. can you confirm this is the same Chinese seller? There’s tons on Alibaba by similar names.
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I missed that show lol

Well first this results as you can notice are from april, before that I work with Qingdao Sigma.

The Primo was 16% underdosed, which is out of our standards, that's why Alisa sent him a new batch at that time; and he got 50% of refund, which he will never mention ofc !

All other labs are good, and I know the results: HGH, Test E, Tren A.
Publish them if they are underdosed, I will be glad.
Let’s stick to the matter at hand. While I agree that, for the good of the community and harm reduction, all lab tests should be posted, at the end of the day, they’re YOUR lab tests and you can do with them as you please. I won’t argue that.

why don’t we worry more about the bullshit the vendor is sending out and how they treat customer complaints. That’s a much bigger issue to me at this point. Underdosed gear won’t make you sick, but unsterile gear certainly will
Yeah i feel like people are missing the point here.

Now I'm a complete n00b when it comes to AAS filtering and sterility. I have no idea if my vials are sterile or if they even filtered the fucking oil. I got no knowledge at this crap. Scared to inject this shit to my body at this point
Yeah i feel like people are missing the point here.

Now I'm a complete n00b when it comes to AAS filtering and sterility. I have no idea if my vials are sterile or if they even filtered the fucking oil. I got no knowledge at this crap. Scared to inject this shit to my body at this point
Send one off for testing.. I ordered some hgh kits I plan to test, if other people’s stuff is fine, I can’t imagine a reason why yours wouldn’t be, like you specifically got the bad unfiltered batch? Also give it a good visual inspection with your iPhone light under it.
Yeah i feel like people are missing the point here.

Now I'm a complete n00b when it comes to AAS filtering and sterility. I have no idea if my vials are sterile or if they even filtered the fucking oil. I got no knowledge at this crap. Scared to inject this shit to my body at this point
Brother, check out the home brew section here. It’s FULL of knowledge and you can easily learn to how filter yourself. It’s super easy. It seems scary at first, but it’s really not, especially since you aren’t brewing it