Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


I missed that show lol

Well first this results as you can notice are from april, before that I work with Qingdao Sigma.

The Primo was 16% underdosed, which is out of our standards, that's why Alisa sent him a new batch at that time; and he got 50% of refund, which he will never mention ofc !

All other labs are good, and I know the results: HGH, Test E, Tren A.
Publish them if they are underdosed, I will be glad.
I got a refund from Alibaba, not from you. Fucking retard.

If it was up to me, i would return that shit to you. I dont even use this shit. Problem is that my country would put me in a lot of problems if i would have sent 20 vials of AAS via mail to china.

The fact you are a rep since July is not my problem. This is like coming to walmart because you have a problem with an item and the employee there would say "well fuck it, i only work here 1 day, not my problem".

I will make sure no one will buys from you at this point. Fuck off outta here with your bullshit.

I missed that show lol

Well first this results as you can notice are from april, before that I work with Qingdao Sigma.

The Primo was 16% underdosed, which is out of our standards, that's why Alisa sent him a new batch at that time; and he got 50% of refund, which he will never mention ofc !

All other labs are good, and I know the results: HGH, Test E, Tren A.
Publish them if they are underdosed, I will be glad.
Wait… are you referring to @mokola getting more gear since his was underdosed? Didn’t you just make a whole argument about how he was never a customer?!
Wait… are you referring to @mokola getting more gear since his was underdosed? Didn’t you just make a whole argument about how he was never a customer?!
I think he refers to london.

both of us got a partial refund from ALIBABA. Not from them. We had to make disputes and what not. Took a lot of time and effort from my time at least. The whole process was a pain in the ass, if you see the chat i had with them, they kept denying the problem.
I think he refers to london.

both of us got a partial refund from ALIBABA. Not from them. We had to make disputes and what not. Took a lot of time and effort from my time at least. The whole process was a pain in the ass, if you see the chat i had with them, they kept denying the problem.
Yea I’ve been following this thread with great interest. I think I’d still buy raws from them, but finished oils are out of the question
I love it when you pretend like you got no idea who i'm or what I'm talking about.

Is this email also fake? anything to say?

View attachment 155420

Ah it's you who wants free vials, after getting refund from 20 vials of primo, and not planning to to an contamination lab test just because you have doubts, you aren't my clients, go fix your problems from the one you bought for.
if the previous seller sent you again new vials, you will ask from more again... jut to get your free gear..

Ofc you won't get any free vial from me or even an answer.
yeah again I don't get the hiding behind the group's veil of testing results. you guys continue to post about the bad results but then mysteriously cannot post them. ???????

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals clearly the guy ordered from you and the vial issue was/is real. This is pretty much your moment to fix the situation. You just stated the underdosed primo got a new batch and half refund. This is good. A similar outcome should come to the bad vial recipient.

@mokola it's good that you finally - FINALLY - posted all that you claimed. had you done that the first time, no questioning of you likely would have taken place. You simply cannot come in without evidence the way you did and expect to be heard. this is conflict resolution 101.

as for the others coming in with haughty fucking attitudes and demanding to be heard while providing no evidence to your claims, well, you can see how that will go. and it doesn't help your reception here when you come in hot and then hide behind a group. it's simple. provide evidence or GTFO.

now, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals you now have the obligation to make right by @mokola. the way you handle this will pretty much determine your fate here at Meso.
Ah it's you who wants free vials, after getting refund from 20 vials, and not planning to to an contamination lab test just because you have doubts, you aren't my clients, go fix your problems from the one you bought for.

Ofc you won't get any free vial from mr or an answer.
"free vials"

You can shove those vials up your ass. you are done here on meso. Get the fuck out of here.
You know, Qingdao have an older thread here on Meso. It is full of mixed/bad feedback.

If you look around the various forums and subreddits, there are many, many poor reviews for this source. Sure, there are some glowing "got my pack bro! source is g2g!!!" reviews, but those are worthless, particularly when they're bookended by bad reviews.

The fact that they won't consistently test, and even worse, that they refuse to reimburse for 3rd party testing, should tell you just how little they stand behind their product. Plus the rep is a cunt and already proven to be dishonest.

If none of this bothers you and the few bucks you think you're saving is too much to resist, congrats: you're one of the suckers P.T. Barnum spoke about.

Look, I would fucking LOVE to pay those prices for my GH, but without consistent testing, I don't care if it's $1/vial, I'm not shooting it in my body. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is where Crius got his shit gh that hospitalized M@NU.

But by all means, let the gear goblins whore it up over a couple bucks. I'll sit back and watch.
They may not reimburse but they do gift you product in total of the testing, but beyond that, the prices are so cheap that if you’re going to buy it just makes sense to test it yourself.. and even then you would be lying less for your total order than if you would have went somewhere else.
yeah again I don't get the hiding behind the group's veil of testing results. you guys continue to post about the bad results but then mysteriously cannot post them. ???????

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals clearly the guy ordered from you and the vial issue was/is real. This is pretty much your moment to fix the situation. You just stared the underdosed primo got a new batch and half refund. This is good. A similar outcome should come to the bad vial recipient.

@mokola it's good that you finally - FINALLY - posted all that you claimed. had you done that the first time, no questioning of you likely would have taken place. You simply cannot come in without evidence the way you did and expect to be heard. this is conflict resolution 101.

as for the others coming in with haughty fucking attitudes and demanding to be heard while providing no evidence to your claims, well, you can see how that will go. and it doesn't help your reception here when you come in hot and the. hide behind a group. it's simple. provide evidence or GTFO.

now, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals you now have the obligation to make right by @mokola. the way you handle this will pretty much determine your fate here at Meso.
Again, just so that its clear. they never provided me with a refund.

Alibaba refunded me 40% or so (need to check exactly) and that's after weeks of talking to alibaba and a huge pain in the ass.

I think Sigma only paid 20-30$ back, again, only because Alibaba forced them. The rest came through the buyer's protection (which btw, they have abused totally and said all was ok)
Why can't you disclose them? Lol
I explained everything alredy.
I’ll be ordering raws next, just got ordered hgh kits

i only see an hgh test from their company, hadn’t seen a private one? Either way, for that price.. I’ll test it my self.. secondly, why do you care that they use the lab test? It is after all their product. Where are the lab tests from the under doses steroid? Not many of us speak French so surfing meso fr is out of the question, come here and post results, also lastly, you have two different lab names, gingdao and qingdao .. can you confirm this is the same Chinese seller? There’s tons on Alibaba by similar names.
Typo error nothing else special. I already put out all the proof of purchase.

I missed that show lol

Well first this results as you can notice are from april, before that I work with Qingdao Sigma.

The Primo was 16% underdosed, which is out of our standards, that's why Alisa sent him a new batch at that time; and he got 50% of refund, which he will never mention ofc !

All other labs are good, and I know the results: HGH, Test E, Tren A.
Publish them if they are underdosed, I will be glad.
That is again a lie Mister Soy Sauce !
qingdao after I keep pushing them to take their responsibility offer 50% refund. Which they never did refund. They kept avoiding me and not replying.
I even had to speak mandarin to them.
After all that time. I made a complaint to aliababa. Who are the one who refund me 50% of my purchase.
Btw. they have never sent me a new batch. Again a lie as usual
Why cover the client name? That could be anyone’s?… again gingdao?
This test lab does not come from me. It comes from @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals .
You ask him
If you can’t disclose them, than it means absolutely nothing brother..
That is totally up to you.

From this point I will only answer to question that has not been answer yet.
For crying parrot you can make your own lab test.
You could thank our group for sharing so many test lab yet!
Have a nice day.
i won't answer anymore about this debate, my answers were pretty clear.

Who isn't happy, go and order from other buyers.

The clients who had a problem, was in the past with previous sellers, not with me, maybe the source had many problems in the past, it's not anymore my fucking business, because this shit never happened with my customers.

Those who complains about their april orders got refund or arrangement with the previous sellers from where they ordered, if you come asking for double arrangement and free vials again, this won't happen.

If a client had an issue from an order with me I fix it.

End of discussion for me.
Now I want to hear another idiot claiming I did not order from them. Including Sigma themselves. I wonder now what they will have to say.
You have a box.. with nothing showing on it? I’m not even saying you’re lying, but this is the furthest thing from proof..
You have a box.. with nothing showing on it? I’m not even saying you’re lying, but this is the furthest thing from proof..
Go through my posting here, I have provided enough evidence. The address is their warehouse in NL. If you ordered from them through Europe, you would recognize it.

i won't answer anymore about this debate, my answers were pretty clear.

Who isn't happy, go and order from other buyers.

The clients who had a problem, was in the past with previous sellers, not with me, maybe the source had many problems in the past, it's not anymore my fucking business, because this shit never happened with my customers.

Those who complains about their april orders got refund or arrangement with the previous sellers from where they ordered, if you come asking for double arrangement and free vials again, this won't happen.

If a client had an issue from an order with me I fix it.

End of discussion for me.
No worries, I will continue to remind customers here about your shitty service and let them know how you handle issues in your production.

you should not be running a business, I will make sure of it .

Now STFU unless you got something smart to say. So far you got zero evidence or anything worth reading.

I dont care about the money at this point, for me it's just revenge right now. I want you to stop selling here.