Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

ORD was specifically possible due to the Olympics being in China the following year. It gave the U.S. DEA some leverage to insist the Chinese government allow them to pursue their investigations within China. With that being said, it’s highly unlikely at this point that the Chinese government would allow the U.S. law enforcement in again.

That period of time was also fresh off the heals of the BALCO scandal, and GWBush was still in office (you know, former President of the Texas Rangers baseball team, the sport that happened to be immersed in that scandal.) it’s not the same now.

Lastly, with all the fentanyl and designer molly drugs that originate in China, it’s hard to believe at this point that the DEA would again waste that much resources to bust a bunch of gym rats, but you never know. Me personally I can’t really think of any reason to believe anything like ORD is in the works. It’s far more likely that eventually customs gets better at finding packs and that becomes a big problem, but where there’s a will, there’s a way and it just makes the cat and mouse game a little more complicated.

Edit: also as someone that went though gear grinder and raw deal etc etc etc, I am stunned at the amount of open domestic sourcing that happens anymore. I think those guys are fucking nuts and probably don’t understand the risks they are taking but who am I to judge? I wish them the best of luck but I really do get a deep concern in the pit of my stomach when I see it. That is low hanging fruit for law enforcement especially when it’s via the mail and across state lines. Again, those sources are fucking nuts (stupid) in my opinion. I had my own run in with the DEA when ORD went down and I wasn’t even a source. After ORD nobody wanted to be open on the internet all the domestic guys left, if they made it out, went private. A lot of them didn’t make it and ended up going fed prison time and having a bunch of their shit confiscated. To see domestic guys being open again now almost 20 years later tells me these guys either aren’t old enough or weren’t around back then and don’t understand what it is they are actually doing.
I was right there with you on your edit section. Most think there isn't gonna be a rainy day in this biz when you are a source. Well not me I knew a storm would happen one day. I didnt buy all the glamerous shit and show off. I created a life for the aftermath of the storm before the storm hit. Boy did it hit. Oh well made it through and life is so much less stressful now. Looking back on it I can't believe I even did what I did. Its when things get so quiet like it has been for years that a big bust will pop up. Its gonna happen its just when. These weight lose drugs will be very close to the top of the list. Big Pharma doesnt like money taken outa there pockets...
Are you telling me all the people utilizing glp drugs have been tested and show low levels of glucagon??

You said:
'For those with normal glucagon levels, and a normal appetite, it's easy to point to an obese person and blame it on "willpower".'...
So your saying all these people that have an addiction to bad food (blame it on estrogen bc desire to eat salty or sugary food increases with higher estrogen... Or blame it on the dopamine response and raised endorphins from eating sugar)
Basically it's bout more chewing and swallowing or less but if it's more bout digestion and obtaining nutrients then ok)
But theres this :
'The term “gut microbiome” refers to the microorganisms living in your intestines. Each person has about 200 different speciesTrusted Source of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in their digestive tract.'
So complex eh
BTW I truly don't care bout the fat people thing... Just confusing bc if could eat more easily I'd keep upping my weight,(oh shit... If I chose to eat trash all the time I could prolly gorge more easily)
is there an opposite drug to glps that would increase appetite
Hey bud! Do me a favor and look up the mechanism of action (moa) on the glp drugs and look for things that do the opposite in regards to making foods desirable
I've tried using Actapro:
'Actapro Tablet is used in the treatment of functional dyspepsia. It helps to relieve the symptoms like bloating after a meal, pain/discomfort in the upper abdomen and early satiety (feeling of fullness in a short span of time after having only little food).'
'What is the mechanism of action of acotiamide?
Acotiamide exerts its gastroprokinetic activity via presynaptic M1 and M2 muscarinic receptor inhibition, resulting in enhanced acetylcholine (Ach) release, and via inhibition of AchE activity in the stomach [42–45].Sep 11, 2015'
it'll definitely make you sit on the toilet but not sure how effective it is at increasing hunger.
Id appreciate a lil effort on your part to do some research (otherwise continue on with your random questions that only spur on more questions instead of leading to a breakthrough that you can actually contribute some other than to appease whatever people in your life as are saying that your social interaction)
'fish don't just jump on the boat' (quote heard Tom Brady reference) = you seem like a guy asking if gonna be able to eat anytime soon while asking questions bout fishing the whole time not trying himself
ok my bad everyone
It’s about time @Millard and admin cleans this thread up and give out temporary posting bans to the clowns that’s pumping this thread up with shit . Make another thread somewhere away from this sourcing thread! Maybe calling it American Karen’s or yanks hate yanks ?
From being from 2018, you know results are from diet and training. Also you know if gear tests at a certain X amount regardless where its from, then it is X effective.

That said, people have found floaters in the gear needed to refilter, but they also produce 100x the amount of a normal source. So more likely to have issues when producing so much more.

I dont use ant of there gear. I brew my own.
I don't buy their oils, Their raws and peptides are great.

If you are gonna refilter... might as well brew imo
Would be nice if these could be scheduled to start on the same day every month. I'd rather check on the 1st of every month than go a few days not coming to this thread and missing out.

(also 1st and 15th is payday for many, and fat wallets make the temptation to buy stronger).
Hey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals!
A promo around middie of month would be spectacular (bonus from work baby! I go outside daily and scream to great people that live in my nice lil community 'its good out here baby')
Promo on primo and 10iu hgh is what's needed this time (and / or raws of non anabolic substances where can get higher gram count for lower gram count price OR something like 10g of 3 separate items gets discounted price or get 100g of certain # of items get 10g of lesser valued item free (so as to stimulate sales of less popular items bc would try this that or whatever if part of promo kinda thing ))
Id even be willing to give a honest review of products never used before for a discount on future order of never tried before compounds (I've only used primo 1 time and got it from a buddy who purchased a bulk set of juice (never got it tested and got each vial for $40 a piece and only thing noticed is (similar to winstrol for me) had a weird feeling like frame felt uncomfortable (not sure if estrogen or other hormone related))
I appreciate the time to read this dribble (my bad bout my babbling ass)
Just excited bout bonus and just realized this today
Unreconstituted and refrigerated, at least two years. Reconstituted at least four months.

Think of this as lowering your bodies "set weight" based on dosage, So once you dial in a certain dose for a particular weight, it does nothing appetite wise.

It still lowers inflammation in your blood vessels preventing plaque buildup, so risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced regardless of weight. Probably prevents alzheimer's from developing in its early stages. Mobilizes visceral fat, so weight loss is disproportionally from the belly. Clears fatty liver. Increases insulin sensitivity for lower blood sugar and more energy from fewer calories. When glp receptors on nerves are activated, nerves are protected from oxidative damage and regrowth from neurogenesis takes place.

Go above the "set weight" and appetite suppression sets in pushing you back down. Psychologically you stop thinking about food. It doesn't smell or look appetizing. Physically you can't eat nearly as much, if you do overeat despite no appetite, you'll be punished which is where most of the side effects come from.

When I hear about the people who constantly vomit on these drugs that's a clear sign they're just eating out of habit, and not because they're hungry. It's a "teacher" that lowers your desire to eat, but also to pay attention and only eat when you feel hungry or else.
Which GLP are you referencing? Or does you description apply to all of them?
Humans will resort to cannibalism when starvation reaches a certain level. There's nothing subtle or optional about severe appetite dysfunction. At 6' my highest weight ever has been 235. You could pay me a million dollars and I couldn't eat my way to 350. It's a physical impossibility. My gut would revolt, I'd puke up any food beyond a certain point. Bodybuilders will resort to appetite increasing compounds just to gain the ability to take in more calories because they hit a wall where it's no longer possible otherwise, no matter how much they "willpower" it. Once appetite is increased suddenly the physical barriers disappear and they can eat more without inducing sickness. The same insurmountable barriers that prevent additional calorie intake can work in reverse just as powerfully to drive a person to the verge of insanity, with no relief, until satiated.

Glucagon dysfunction didn't start en masse until the 1970s in the US, about a decade after after liquid sugars were introduced broadly into the food supply. Children exposed to this seem to have their glucagon regulation broken.

Remember when obesity was almost exclusively an "American" thing? In every country that has the same change in the food supply obesity is following the same trajectory about a decade later. Latin America first, now Asia. Widespread obesity in China is a very recent development, and its children where it's become prevalent first.

If I snap my fingers and make you as hungry as you've ever been in your life, and couple that with abundant food availability, you are not going to sit there indefinitely and ignore the drive to eat. The problem is a lack of imagination. If you don't experience it you can't relate to anyone who has.

People who take GLPs say "It silences the "food noise" in my mind." We don't even know it's there until it isn't. Try it sometime and the "aha" moment will come, I guarantee.
As someone who ate themselves to 310lbs, I can 100% say you would have certainly been able to LEARN to eat enough calories to get your weight to 350!

Its like anything, you don't just jump in and you achieve it in a week, you teach yourself to consume more calories each year. Its harder eating those calories clean, easy to hit that weight if your not concerned about where the calories are coming from.

And I would agree to disagree with you on the cannibalism point, I think its weak willed people caving into their food addictions thinking they "must" eat. I've done a water only fast for 10days and felt fantastic, food noise is only really the first 3 days, then it drops off a cliff. I've known people to do 30days water only and others have manage higher then that. The biggest mental hurdle is being addicted to food! Physically, the body thrives without food for extended periods! We are literally built to excel during multi day periods of water only! I'm not saying not eating is easy.... Its a mental battle, especially for the first 3 days, but funny thing I noticed was if I kept busy, it was EASY! I took Sat/Sun off work during my fast and thought I would relax at home... GRIM 2 days! My mind just wanted to hyper focus on food! Back to work, EASY.
Planning the next 1.... He is planning the next 10! Damn GB every 10 days it seems like that had me raid an overdraft to keep up with the deals!

I'm not across all the GB groups but the few I am, don't even come close to the volume of GB's available or range of products.

So far (in what, 1 month?), had GB Tirz 10mg, BPC-157 10mg, Tirz 30mg.

A various Peptide promo (no 3rd party testing on this though as it wasn't a GB deal)

Next 1 is HGH 36iu and Reta 20mg.

As long as there is 3rd party testing, its a great GB.
Is this 36iu of HGH mixed with 20mg of Retatrutide? Or is it two different vials?

I don’t want to buy 36iu mixed with anything, but 36iu vials with nothing but HGH would be game-changing for me.
Like GLP's are not already being used for comp prep.... FFS, there are people that literally use DNP to cut weight! Why wouldn't people be all over GLP's for comp prep?
Because the studies show the weight loss is in the form of muscle AND fat.

A bodybuilder who doesn't have a weak mind like a obese perpetual victim, can simply diet and keep more lean muscle. While having no sides like glps offer.

Dnp is not as widely used in bodybuilders as you suspect. There is virtually no one here discussing or using it.
Is this 36iu of HGH mixed with 20mg of Retatrutide? Or is it two different vials?

I don’t want to buy 36iu mixed with anything, but 36iu vials with nothing but HGH would be game-changing for me.
Na they arent gonna ruin the hgh at adding reta to it. the thought of loading 5 or 6 36iu vials into a single Ergo Pen vial is really appealing
Had labs pulled last week. 5iu/day on QSC 15iu kits, IGF was 307. Baseline of 160. I dose 10iu EOD, and it was the morning of the day I was due next dose, so, about 36 hours from most recent dose. TRT 200mg/week, 1500mg/day metformin(which does reduce IGF).
Is this 36iu of HGH mixed with 20mg of Retatrutide? Or is it two different vials?

I don’t want to buy 36iu mixed with anything, but 36iu vials with nothing but HGH would be game-changing for me.
It will be 36iu of straight HGH. Never seen a HGH/Reta mix anywhere.

