Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

States and FDA retard. That's the context. The USA: STATES and the FDA. In which STATE is HCG or Peptides SCHEDULED drugs?
Simple google will tell you, i think your brain is invaded by worms or tracy’s pubes lol

Initial results show several cases about it already, how can you function with so mich confidence with an iq like that.
It’s the WhatsApp I’m slightly intimidated to navigate. I’ve mastered the crypto sending by now lol. But ty for the WhatsApp advice.
Ah, yeah, I'm not the best person with WhatsApp either (Don't get me started with Discord, any time I run into a issue with that POS thing, I'm done!)

Sorry I can't help.

The floaters in their oil still is very concerning..
Are there actually floaters still? Isn't that a old issue that has now been addressed by QSC with changing over their filter type being used in the manufacturing process?

Can't really do anything about parts of stoppers, that's happening after its been received and I think a member posted the correct way to draw so as to minimize stopper damage.
I have the same problem as you. I ordered testosterone Undecanoate and upon arrival the powder was completely melted with this distinctive pine smell of testosterone enanthate.

Just sent a whatsapp message to qsc, let’s see what she says about it.
I've got 3 bags of Test Undeca raws from 15yrs ago and they have either partly melted or in 1 case, its fully melted. Thats just been stored in a sock draw and it gets hot during summer where I am.

Not saying yours is Test undeca or not, just saying I've had Test Undeca melt.
States and FDA. That's the context. The USA: STATES and the FDA. In which STATE is HCG or Peptides SCHEDULED drugs?

....and that's leaving aside the fact that the FDA doesn't schedule anything, the Drug Enforcement Agency and Congress do.

I even had good laugh at your thief joke, and you put me back in a bad mood.
Goddamn, you’re the dumbest mofo to grace this forum, and we had members like Dickwang and Danishpanther.
Been using quingdao for some time. Everything was fine and good regarding quality and shipping time, communication etc.
Last order was
50g Trenbolone Acetate
50g NPP
100g Testosterone Cypionate.

Instead of cypionate i got Testosterone enanthate. I knew already that it was not cypionate as soon as i opened the package since cypionate can never melt at little higher than room temperature,and enanthate has a much lower melting point... but oh well i brewed it,with the same recipe i have used for years, standard 20%BB 1%BA test is test right ?
Very very painful injections up to the point that you can not walk for a few days. Something is not right with the raw powder batch of Testosterone Enanthate that i got,maybe others can also chime in, and i also read here on this thread that his finished testosterone enanthate oils are causing trouble to many users.Thats the exact reason why i did not want to do anything with his Testosterone Enanthate, not in raw form and not in oil finished product form.

Never complained to Quingdao about this, nor am i asking for a refund, since ive moved on to another source already. Im just writting my experience.Source is good until they screw up. Then you move on to another and roll the dice again. Thats just how it is.
I guess with so much volume of orders they got lately, they are having trouble arranging orders properly, or they sent me Testosterone Enanthate instead of cypionate on purpose, which was not right. Whatever happened, not a good experience with my last order.
I remember years ago, maybe around 2000 or early/mid 2000's, that there was a supply chain issue with a chemical used in the manufacturing process for Test E. All the Chinese manufactures switched to a different formula for a period of time and it caused pip like a mutha fucker! I can handle a LOT of pip, so I usually stay out of discussions about it, but this shit was like injecting a blade into you that someone then hit with a baseball bat once it was inside you!

I remember using 50ml of the shit and having fevers every single time I took a shot. Finally gave up on it when I went to work and my mate was giving me shit all day that he could sit a coke can on my ass while I stood up because of how inflamed it was from a shot the night before.
Guys how are people feeling off the 10IU Blue top QSC HGH?

Ive been injected 1-2iu before bed and always feel fatigued, nausea the next day, having to sleep on the sofa in between work to recover

When I stop the HGH, few days later I feel ok, I go back to the HGH and it comes back

Is it just me or anyone else experiencing the same?
I was on 14iu/d since Nov '23 and I've finally had to take a break due to the tiredness! Its like no matter how much sleep I got, it was never enough! Very likely because I'm working so much and I'm NOT getting anywhere near enough sleep (4-6hrs/d). I was having days where I had to find somewhere during the day to pull over and have a 30min power nap.

Its what I expect when my body is forced to grow constantly!

Do you remember going through puberty? I remember having periods where I would go to sleep at night, sleep all day and another night, wake up and walk out and family is shocked because I just grew in height a noticeable amount in 2 days.

That's what injecting HGH is trying to make your body do but on a daily basis. That's going to suck a HEAP of energy from you!
I'm very salt-sensitive when on GH but got some pushback on another thread for saying this. Some people are fine with salt but blow up with carbs.

Maybe comes down to processed foods so minimize them when running GH.
I really think this debate isn't even a debate... Its a person by person reality!

Whatever it is, your makeup predisposes you to water retention with HGH and a high salt diet!

Mine, for whatever reason is water retention with HGH and sugar in my diet.

I bet there will be a heap of other triggers for other people as well!

I think the best advise around water retention with HGH is putting together a list of triggers that people have experienced, that way someone just starting with HGH and gets water retention has a great jumping off point to then work through the list in a systematic way and cut each possible trigger out of their diet, until they find which one/s are their personal trigger for water retention.

I'm actually becoming more convinced from my own experimentation, that a lot of the sides from HGH can be controlled with figuring out individual trigger foods and removing them from my diet, allowing higher doses of HGH to then be used.
None of that is true. You might be too young to remember the Unabomber, but there's no way to ship something anonymously after that guy.
Are stamps no longer in use in the US?

All I'd be doing to ship something on is printing out the new address on a stick on label, sticking that over the old address, stick stamps on it and toss it in a mailbox to be picked up.

Or maybe even a "wrong address" written on the package and stick a new address on the front with a label and no postage required as it wasn't delivered properly to begin with (Not sure how the US postal system views wrong address delivery's).
Have you seen Hunans spread sheet lately? Or better yet check out the new guys popping out, they are offering tested products and oral tabs too. Competition is booming, the age of aas is golden right now.

I still keep tabs on a few other suppliers and they are now doing 3rd party lab testing as well as just standard part of their business.... Sort of have to to even hope to maintain some market share now that QSC has gone so hard into the 3rd party testing!

I'm just waiting to see how they follow with their own version of Group Buys as well and independent 3rd party testing that will come from that!

As much as people want to bitch about QSC, can't deny that because of the way they responded proactively to everyone holding them accountable, its literally set a new benchmark for the entire industry!

Greatest step forward in harm minimization I think I've ever seen at a source level!
That was my theory but commenter never replied with details.

Also could've been "Resealed at the U.S.P.S." tape which could be mistaken for customs. Usually for sealing damaged parcels, Also, non Priority or Express packages can be opened for inspection for compliance with postal regulations. And finally Postal Inspectors can open any packages suspected of containing illegal goods. All sealed with that USPS tape. But customs can't touch it.
Your spewing nonsense. Only non private mail can be opened without a judges warrant. They can't even open first class mail without a warrant. Non private mail is bulk mail, media mail and advertising mail....only that can be opened without a warrant. Also the info about the inspector is false as well.The Inspectors set packages aside....then get a judges warrant before they open them.
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I've got 3 bags of Test Undeca raws from 15yrs ago and they have either partly melted or in 1 case, its fully melted. Thats just been stored in a sock draw and it gets hot during summer where I am.

Not saying yours is Test undeca or not, just saying I've had Test Undeca melt.

What you have is clearly not test u.

60 degrees celsius is the melting point
