First we're discussing this in the context of the US.
Secondly "guarantee" was never said or implied by me. You know this, but unable to counter my argument have to fabricate a straw man and attack that instead.
It's about balance of probabilities. You are clearly implying ordering from China vs a domestic source is riskier, when the evidence of how shipments with end user quantities discovered by customs are actually, in real life, in the US, are handled on a daily basis is overwhelming.
Are domestic sources in the US safer? That is what you imply. What have you got to prove that? Your "feels"?
You know what you can't prove? That a package of user quantity steroids, shipped the way Chinese suppliers here do, discovered by US customs has led to anything but a seizure letter.
Tens of thousands of these packages have been seized by CBP over the course of just the last few years, and you, nor your pathetic followers
@Anubis666 , can seem to find a single instance of that leading to a prosecution. Why do you think that is?
BTW, I'm not your wife. You're not going to train me to back down when I'm right by raging and screaming insults. Go punch a pillow and yell at god for handicapping you with a sub par mind.