Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Simply because no one's actually measuring them out and calling them out on it. People have called them out on it before but nobody's making a stink about it so they're not going to fix it. The squeaky wheels get the grease

Honestly 5% isn't a big deal. Even though it's clear their purposely shorting the volume to make up for cost of raw material. But when we're talking 10 to 20% short that starts becoming an issue.

Tracey said they had an issue with the filling machine previously, changes were made, and results noticed. He seems, despite his occasional abrasiveness, to be genuinely committed to incrementally improving his business based on feedback like this. So I don't think he minds these issues being brought up.
Tracey said they had an issue with the filling machine previously, changes were made, and results noticed. He seems, despite his occasional abrasiveness, to be genuinely committed to incrementally improving his business based on feedback like this. So I don't think he minds these issues being brought up.
It's clear the changes have brought up fills from 8-8.5ml to 9-9.5ml so It's a positive step. Just not 100% there yet.
I have not remeasured the new mast e, deca, tren e. Unfortunately it looks the same as the previous fill volumes so it's possible it's still the old batch.
It's clear the changes have brought up fills from 8-8.5ml to 9-9.5ml so It's a positive step. Just not 100% there yet.
I have not remeasured the new mast e, deca, tren e. Unfortunately it looks the same as the previous fill volumes so it's possible it's still the old batch.
Wanna publicly say my bad bro. Was in a bad mood earlier. You’re right and I was wrong. No need for me to argue that point, you should receive what you pay for.

I have about 100 vials on their way to me, I’m gonna measure one from each kit.
Wanna publicly say my bad bro. Was in a bad mood earlier. You’re right and I was wrong. No need for me to argue that point, you should receive what you pay for.

I have about 100 vials on their way to me, I’m gonna measure one from each kit.
All good. I just wanna see Q improve the fills. that sh!t helps all of us. They pride themselves on overfills, they should make a point to fill our oils to 10ml+ I'll be moving to liters next but would suck to see them filled to 800-900ml
How did you run it? Pip? I’m not very prone to pip, but I’ve never pinned and injectable oral before. Timing pre workout? Thanks bro.
I would inject 30-45min pre-workout. It wasn't Q's but was dosed the same at 40mg/ml, this is what I prefer. I don't understand why some sources dose at 10mg/ml, going beyond 10mg pre-workout is a ridiculous volume. I started at 10mg but went as high as 20mg, just remember it will catch up with you in 1-2 weeks and is very hard on your liver. My next run I'll stick to 10mg and see if I can handle it for longer than 2weeks. Even at 10mg a day I'd still want 40mg/ml. Another full ml in the day to me sounds unnecessary. I don't remember having any PIP so if there was any it must not have been bad.
All good. I just wanna see Q improve the fills. that sh!t helps all of us. They pride themselves on overfills, they should make a point to fill our oils to 10ml+ I'll be moving to liters next but would suck to see them filled to 800-900ml
Should just be brewing your own at that point imo
Greetings: Do you have any ability to get me sustenon raws in this summer heat that is not damaged? It is my understanding that the melting point for sus is low, but it may survive a short domestic trip. I have learned the hard way that shipping from China at this time of the year melts the sus raw powder.

If not sustenon, do you have any other long acting testosterone raw powder that you can get me undamaged by summer heat?

Thank you very much.
There have never been any "Communist" countries. Socialism has always been intended as an intermediate step to communism, which was never achieved, even in the USSR.

Your notion that there is some clear line between "liberal" and "conservative" countries, and "freedom" shows a profound lack of understanding and appreciation for nuance.

What we know for certain is that every country undergoing a socialist revolution, from Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba through to todays Venezuela, all promising to eliminate economic disparity and usher in utopia have left hundreds of millions dead, totalitarianism, and a clear record of economic misery and widespread suffering in its wake,

And yes, when by every metric boys raised in single mother households, even after equalizing for economic status, have poorer outcomes, having a program that says "we'll pay your rent but if the father lives here it'll stop" is a perverse incentive to encourage more of what clearly results in negative outcomes, especially for male children who lack a positive male role model.
What just happened? I read a ghoul post and found myself agreeing
What just happened? I read a ghoul post and found myself agreeing

Regretfully I suggested an objective indicator that the de minimus rule may be about to go away as the reason I think it's wise to consider stocking up and allowed myself to get sucked into a political discussion without realizing it was against the rules.

Anyway, it really feels like we've hit peak AAS availability and value pricing, so stocking up would be cheap insurance just in case this all gets forced back into the shadows. Because if that happens, there won't be a "last call", it'll hit like a thunderbolt. Delivered orders will be rare, and exit scams will be common.
I am not tagging him because I am scared....
Got you bitch! :D
But he knows. Everything.....
No I don't. What I know is due to me being on earth longer than you
Is there a guideline on when oils go rancid when left alone used or unused inside a vial?
Oils will go rancid in the presence of oxygen, some faster some slower. If someone has raws the best solution for storage is vacume packed with oxygen and moisture absorbing packs in mylar bags away from light (amber glass vases are ideal).

Finished oils, if they have enough BA in them, say 2% and sterile to begin with will not cause an infection. If they are stored away from light properly sealed they will be usable for more than 10+ years down the road with a small amount of lost potency. I haven't hplc tested old gear, raws or oils, but Test E from circa 2003, gave me same blood test levels 15 years later when brewed
All good. I just wanna see Q improve the fills.

Supposedly they cleared out most of the old underfilled inventory in the last oil promo and the improved fills would come after. Last batch of primo I got from that promo was all 9-9.5ml. No clue what the new fills are.

My impression of the issue is counter to your suggestion that they're trying to make a little extra margin on underfills, but rather they are simply selling what they are capable of producing. Tracy has very much had an attitude of disclosing the details and then leaving the customer to take it or leave it. At the prices offered and the numerous lab tests that back up the products, I chose to take it.
Came here for Tracy’s deals and all I see is shitty political discourse and people in a pissing match to prove who is the smartest in the room. Pass the popcorn!
It’s unfortunate lots have this methodical sense combined with ego that makes this very thing happen. Instead of listening and learning most use their internal narrative to come up with the best rebuttal to prove someone wrong or to show why they’re “smarter” this sense of thinking is probably why they’re in the gym also. They gotta be better than everyone.
Just measured out my latest batch of oils...

Boldenone U 200

Tren E

Tren Ace

Mast Prop

Dhb 1-test-cyp

Now I'm curious if you guys got underfilled on your "overfilled" primo GB. Anyone measure it out yet?
I used a micro-scale to measure my vials straight out the package and they’re 1g to 1.5g less in weight than JY’s. this could be due to different caps but I doubt it.