Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Out of curiosity, is 500mg or Tirzepatide even usable for one person before it expires?

Unless you guys are using it when you're not cutting. I could see it being very useful when transitioning to a gaining phase
Well, at 10mg Tirz a week each vial would last 5 weeks which is perfectly fine. Or couples that share also a great option. I’ve heard some people dose up to 30mg a week… which to me is insane to even imagine!
Out of curiosity, is 500mg or Tirzepatide even usable for one person before it expires?

Unless you guys are using it when you're not cutting. I could see it being very useful when transitioning to a gaining phase
Put half of the kit in the freezer and it will stay fine for a very long time.
Theres nothing wrong with freezing peptides, as long as they are not reconstituted.

That's not correct. Domestic freezers have significant temperature swings. Even a conservative 10 F swing in temp could cause the moisture content in peptides to freeze, then thaw, and refreeze, many times a day, forming ice crystals that cause mechanical stresses that break peptide chains.

Pharmaceutical lyophilized peptides are never frozen, only refrigerated.
That's not correct. Domestic freezers have significant temperature swings. Even a conservative 10 F swing in temp could cause the moisture content in peptides to freeze, then thaw, and refreeze, many times a day, forming ice crystals that cause mechanical stresses that break peptide chains.
If you are still using your grandmas 40 year old freezer, sure, I agree. But modern freezers are very reliable machines, mine is holding the temperature of -18C very accurately. If you dont trust your freezer put a tiny temperature monitor in and take some readings over the time frame of 48hrs.
Damn that's crazy. No color changes in the oil? I'd be afraid to inject gear older than like 5 years haha. 20 is wild. That would have been cool to send to janoshik
Still got 5 or 6 bottles of both from memory. Not color changes that I've noticed. I still brew with GSO and it looks the same.

Its not like its exposed to oxygen much once its sealed up in the vial. I was always taught that it was oxygen and UV light that needed to be avoided, plus moisture. Seems to hold up with what I've experienced over the years.
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If you are still using your grandmas 40 year old freezer, sure, I agree. But modern freezers are very reliable machines, mine is holding the temperature of -18C very accurately. If you dont trust your freezer put a tiny temperature monitor in and take some readings over the time frame of 48hrs.

Your freezer doesn't hold -18f without variation, that's nonsense. The compressor doesn't kick in at -17f and turn off at -18f.

What happens when the coils are automatically defrosted?

What happens when you open it, or add unfrozen content to the freezer?
If you are still using your grandmas 40 year old freezer, sure, I agree. But modern freezers are very reliable machines, mine is holding the temperature of -18C very accurately. If you dont trust your freezer put a tiny temperature monitor in and take some readings over the time frame of 48hrs.
Modern freezers have defrost cycles. Because you don't get soft meat doesn't mean it doesn't have temp variation. A tiny amount of moisture can wreck havoc a peptide. Refrigeration is fine for storage
Please send the raws in I’m very curious
Raws were from ChemBase's from memory. We didn't have access to much independent testing back then so took the supplier on their claimed purity... So who knows what the starting purity was. I always grew extremely well on their stuff though and used it exclusively for a good number of years while competing. Maybe some of the other older member might have a better idea about that suppliers purity claims to give a baseline indication?

I might in future if I get some spare $. Currently stocking up on a few things so don't have the $ spare to throw at it ATM. Ill keep you posted if I end up sending some in.
Modern freezers have defrost cycles. Because you don't get soft meat doesn't mean it doesn't have temp variation. A tiny amount of moisture can wreck havoc a peptide. Refrigeration is fine for storage

Part of the problem is people think as long as the freezer stays "below freezing" at all times, the moisture in peptides stays frozen. That only applies to pure water. The primary contaminant in peptides are residual salts. What does salt do to the ice on roads? Lowers the freezing point. So if the salt saturated water in your peptide now has a modified freezing temp of -15f, and your awesome, modern freezer that you never open somehow only swings between -13f and -18f you're repeatedly crossing the freezing point and then thawing, and refreezing over and over many times a day.

Again, unreconstituted pharma peptides like Somatropin are never frozen in storage or transport, only refrigerated.
For a few reasons.

For one, 10 units is a tiny amount of liquid. It's not uncommon for shallow sub-q injections to leak a little fluid back out. At .10ml a minuscule amount of leakage could easily be half the dose or more, and you can't just inject more haphazardly, because of the potential intense sides of even a slight overdose when initiating use of a GLP.

The other relates to the pharmakinetic studies done by the two big GLP producers.

Eli Lilly's Tirz pens inject .5ml regardless of dose from 2.5mg to 15mg.

Novo's Sema pens inject .5ml until the dose is 1.7mg, then it goes to .75ml.

They're not choosing these amounts of BAC randomly. With a cost of $200+ per pen they can use whatever amount is demonstrated to be most effective in delivering the dose over the correct amount of time.

Using other dilution amounts will work, but in my experience the effect is different from sticking to .5ml, or at least something close to it.

.5mL per 15mg is more concentrated than the post you're arguing with that suggested 2mL for 50mg. So you provided a good example of why the 10mL vial you requested is not necessary. Great work this is what happens when you spam the forum just to hear yourself talk.

We won't even get into the fact of how many people dose 10-20 units of GH all the time.

Janoshik has recommended freezing peptides before. He's probably more knowledgeable than most people here. Especially people who argue with themselves then lose.

Anecdotally, I have some peptides that have been in the freezer for a few years at this point. If I reconstitute MT2 and take a micro dose I can very clearly feel it working via nausea. There is always potential that it's no longer 10mg though. If you pay Janoshik I'll send some in for testing...or you can just continue spamming with no actual facts.
Part of the problem is people think as long as the freezer stays "below freezing" at all times, the moisture in peptides stays frozen. That only applies to pure water. The primary contaminant in peptides are residual salts. What does salt do to the ice on roads? Lowers the freezing point. So if the salt saturated water in your peptide now has a modified freezing temp of -15f, and your awesome, modern freezer that you never open somehow only swings between -13f and -18f you're repeatedly crossing the freezing point and then thawing, and refreezing over and over many times a day.

Again, unreconstituted pharma peptides like Somatropin are never frozen in storage or transport, only refrigerated.
unreconstituded peptides need to be refrigerated? I have always keep them in a cool dry place only refrigerated once I constituted. What is the difference longer shelf life? How long do they last?
unreconstituded peptides need to be refrigerated? I have always keep them in a cool dry place only refrigerated once I constituted. What is the difference longer shelf life? How long do they last?
The degradation time of the peptide slopes much less steep when kept in a cold environment over a long period of time. Generally from what I’ve read and heard, most suggest freezing the lypophilized peptide.