Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ah yes, lets conveniently ignore the kits of 8-9ml "overfilled" vials as well, because delivering what you actually advertise is "the last stupid thing you have to care about right now". Even with a 9.5ml underfill, that's a 1.25g raw shortage per 250mg/ml test kit out of 25g. With a 8ml underfill on say Tren 100mg/ml, that's a 2g raw shortage out of 10g per kit. Just not acceptable at all.

Heard loud and clear, will do
The time it took to post that must be worth more than $2 test raws thaty you complain about.

So, go pound dirt bozo
2000 off 250 test isn’t that crazy? That also 8x

1000 is also wild for 500. There had to have been something off there. Safuration time, under dosed gear, idk but that sounds insane

I've seen everything from 3-10x on this board. Huge individual variation, and a lot with Jano-tested gear. Maybe minutiae like peak/trough timing, or some people are just different.

"This is biology not mathematics" -someone smart, probably
I don't like seeing fat people in public, Let alone them affecting my life like blocking grocery store isles with their power chairs or parking 3ft from a gas station door because they're genetics dont allow them to park in a parking space and walk 20ft. Now a time has come where fat people get a priority over me in steriod forums. How is this happening??? What is going on with the world? Has the time line changed?

I'm hoping @clearheaded can clear this up for us.
Ah yes, lets conveniently ignore the kits of 8-9ml "overfilled" vials as well, because delivering what you actually advertise is "the last stupid thing you have to care about right now". Even with a 9.5ml underfill, that's a 1.25g raw shortage per 250mg/ml test kit out of 25g. With a 8ml underfill on say Tren 100mg/ml, that's a 2g raw shortage out of 10g per kit. Just not acceptable at all.

Heard loud and clear, will do
yes and you can go fuck yourself if you're not happy.
I must have missed that one then.
According to Jano, all reconbinant HMG is about 0.5-1.5iu/mcg.
Edit: Just found it, looks like for half dose (75IU), we scored x5 compared to that result.

Just a testimonial here for QSC HCG and HMG

Been blasting and cruising since 2017 with no fertility support. Wife gave me the 1 year warning about wanting to get pregnant so I got tested and had extremely low fertility. Started an HCG/HMG protocol, while on a test/EQ blast I might add, all with QSC products. Bumped up my fertility and we are due at the end of the year.
Just a testimonial here for QSC HCG and HMG

Been blasting and cruising since 2017 with no fertility support. Wife gave me the 1 year warning about wanting to get pregnant so I got tested and had extremely low fertility. Started an HCG/HMG protocol, while on a test/EQ blast I might add, all with QSC products. Bumped up my fertility and we are due at the end of the year.

What was your protocol if you don’t mind me asking? Congratulations btw!
thoughts on a female doing NPP over Primo? I told her I thought Primo may be a better choice if she choses to go that route... Just think less sides with primo
Just a testimonial here for QSC HCG and HMG

Been blasting and cruising since 2017 with no fertility support. Wife gave me the 1 year warning about wanting to get pregnant so I got tested and had extremely low fertility. Started an HCG/HMG protocol, while on a test/EQ blast I might add, all with QSC products. Bumped up my fertility and we are due at the end of the year.
Congrats on the little one. Two years ago I came off everything and it was hell. Now I have a beautiful healthy daughter. What was your protocol if you don’t mind me asking. I was taking 1,000 iu Hcg 3x aweek and 37.5iu Hmg 3x a week. Took close to 5 months
JY pharma will price match all QSC oils and they're typically fill 10+ ml. SRY/GYB has started doing it too. Same fills of 10+ml so there's plenty of options now folks. I don't like shitting on QSC for no reason but if these fucking sources want to shit on customers because they can't dial in their stupid fucking filling machine then fuckem.
JY pharma will price match all QSC oils and they're typically fill 10+ ml. SRY/GYB has started doing it too. Same fills of 10+ml so there's plenty of options now folks. I don't like shitting on QSC for no reason but if these fucking sources want to shit on customers because they can't dial in their stupid fucking filling machine then fuckem.
Well I guess you can go and fuck yourself as well with your stupid measurement of underfills, probably measured with your stupid syringes with your 10% margin error on both syringes and your myopic eyes, but whatever, it was always like this buy it or leave it, customers are free to buy whenever they want, and desesperate fucks for cheaper $ keep pushing new sources until testing is done and they get the "undetected" results and heavily underdosed results, to come back again to QSC. Welcome to the ignore list.
Well I guess you can go and fuck yourself as well with your stupid measurement of underfills, probably measured with your stupid syringes with your 10% margin error on both syringes and your myopic eyes, but whatever, it was always like this buy it or leave it, customers are free to buy whenever they want, and desesperate fucks for cheaper $ keep pushing new sources until testing is done and they get the "undetected" results and heavily underdosed results, to come back again to QSC. Welcome to the ignore list.

A toddler can evacuate a vial using a 10ml syringe.

You yourself claim it's a known issue so it's now known that it's purposeful. Shorting 10-20% is equal to 1 to 2 full 10ml vials on a 10x kit. The adjustment on your filling machines can be fixed in literally 5 minutes by any moronic lab minion but you purposely choose to underfill to make up for undercutting on pricing giving the "perceived cost benefit" over competitors using shitty used car salesman tactics. JY pharma and SRY oils and tabs are all testing out great so far. Do yourself a favor and not fight the customer. Go fucking yell at a lab minion and dial in your goddamn filling machines. Also I still like you bud even after your defensive posturing. No reason to put me on the ignore list you don't need to be butthurt, just adapt your process, we've grown past the used car sales tactics and QSC is better than that now
A toddler can evacuate a vial using a 10ml syringe.

You yourself claim it's a known issue so it's now known that it's purposeful. Shorting 10-20% is equal to 1 to 2 full 10ml vials on a 10x kit. The adjustment on your filling machines can be fixed in literally 5 minutes by any moronic lab minion but you purposely choose to underfill to make up for undercutting on pricing giving the "perceived cost benefit" over competitors using shitty used car salesman tactics. JY pharma and SRY oils and tabs are all testing out great so far. Do yourself a favor and not fight the customer. Go fucking yell at a lab minion and dial in your goddamn filling machines. Also I still like you bud even after your defensive posturing. No reason to put me on the ignore list you don't need to be butthurt, just adapt your process, we've grown past the used car sales tactics and QSC is better than that now
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals @bighunanballs

Awe!! group hug guys?? Much love hommies!!
The time it took to post that must be worth more than $2 test raws thaty you complain about.

So, go pound dirt bozo

I know, basic math is scary for GLP Gerald’s like you. The emotional attachment to this source continues to be hilarious. Save it bud. It’s just another source.

This forum holds sources accountable and it’s what has made this the best forum there is for sourcing. If you don’t care about accuracy then don’t chime in just because it hurt your source pride feelings.
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