Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Buy a deep freezer, throw your shit in there and call it a day. All these hysterics over the fridge or freezer is ridiculous.

You gain nothing but risk more damage to your peptides by storing them in a home freezer. It's like telling people it's fine to freeze and thaw your peptides multiple times a day, vs storing them in a refrigerator. where they'll have near zero degradation over the course of years.

Calling that "hysterics" doesn't compensate for the fact you're talking out of your ass about a subject you know nothing about, repeating "common knowledge" that'll cause harm to the compounds people think they're preserving by following that bad advice.

Here's the most unstable pharmaceutical peptide. The "worst case scenario" in terms of temperature related peptide degradation. Sema, Tirz, and HGH are all far more stable, demonstrating acceptable medical effectiveness even at storage temps over 100f for a month.

The orange line shows remaining purity after 3 years of storage.

In a certified ANSI lab freezer, which never exceeded -20c by even a single degree (the small amount of temp variance was colder, never warmer), vs refrigerator temperature, 4c, or 40F, the amount of purity lost was less than 0.5%.


So at best, under ideal conditions, at a temp most home freezers are unlikely to ever reach, and rise by 10-15+ degrees dozens of times every day as it cycles, you might save 0.5% purity over 3 years vs the refrigerator. But what actually happening in a home freezer is worse, because those freezer temp swings cross over the freeze/thaw point of the moisture in the peptide.

A vegetable kept frozen is ok after a year in so called "deep freeze", but thaw and refreeze it even once it turns to mush from the damage of water crystallization. It's far preferable to not allow peptide freezing to ever occur, unless you can guarantee it stays below -20c continuously, and you can't do that in a home freezer.

By the way, here's a pharma peptide that's far closer to the temperature sensitivity profile of GLP drugs. How much more purity do you preserve over 3 years in a $30,000 lab freezer at -20c vs refrigerator temps? (hint: none). So why are we risking freeze/thaw damage by throwing it a home freezer again?


So yeah, I know it hurts to realize you've been doing it wrong, and accomplishing the opposite of what you thought you were, but the proper response is to change what you're doing based on new info.

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Anyone else’s USA Domestic and International orders unable to be shipped at this time due to them “being flooded with orders” and “overwhelmed with orders” Just quoting because this is what I was told. I’m sure they’re being overloaded, but just checking with others here
Anyone else’s USA Domestic and International orders unable to be shipped at this time due to them “being flooded with orders” and “overwhelmed with orders” Just quoting because this is what I was told. I’m sure they’re being overloaded, but just checking with others here
It’s been a little slower than usually because of all of the sales but they’re still coming in.
You gain nothing but risk more damage to your peptides by storing them in a home freezer. It's like telling people it's fine to freeze and thaw your peptides multiple times a day, vs storing them in a refrigerator. where they'll have near zero degradation over the course of years.
thank you for that. i appreciate the detailed breakdown.
Just have to keep them on a short leash

And tighten the collar.
But they will go.

a quality, cute girl you invest in can be coaxed into good shape, how to dress better, etc.

Once the upgrade is as they see fit, farewell.
Always someone better out there.
Sometimes the sly ones don't care to let you know, as you may still be useful.
You can always find another redecoration project, though.
Easily done.
Actually a good technique. Women can never change a loser dude, but a quality, cute girl you invest in can be coaxed into good shape, how to dress better, etc. Just have to keep them on a short leash when the attention from other guys starts to ramp up....
A short lease.. women aren't pets ghoul!! Lol
And tighten the collar.
But they will go.

Once the upgrade is as they see fit, farewell.
Always someone better out there.
Sometimes the sly ones don't care to let you know, as you may still be useful.
You can always find another redecoration project, though.
Easily done.
I guess I'll just stay by myself.. seems like all the ladies are heartbreakers!
And tighten the collar.
But they will go.

Once the upgrade is as they see fit, farewell.
Always someone better out there.
Sometimes the sly ones don't care to let you know, as you may still be useful.
You can always find another redecoration project, though.
Easily done.

Seeming desperate to keep them around will have the opposite effect, of course. But since you've built the initial relationship by putting in the effort to observe and complement the qualities other's don't, the thrill of some f-boy showing her a little shallow attention gets old fast, and they come back looking for their ego to be propped up again.

So what I mean by "short leash" is really just keeping an eye on things, not controlling, since you know this isn't something she'd do in the open until she was certain in this other prospect. Once the cheating happens, a woman who decides you're the better option can't help but hold you in contempt for allowing her to get away with it, so it's crucial to be uncovered and dealt with asap, or you end up wondering why she's showing signs of disrespect, corroding the relationship.

Besides, if she's gone too far in her post glow-up "excursion", I'm no longer attracted to another man's leftovers and don't want to discover this many months, trips, gifts, later.
I guess I'll just stay by myself.. seems like all the ladies are heartbreakers!
I bet plenty of guys here have amazing partners.
So, if that's what you want, seek and with a bit of luck you shall find.
If you take your time to really get to know someone, sooner or later you will find out if they are for you or not, or if they are in it for you as a person rather than for what you have/give.
Nice that you got complimented etc.
But calling people pathetic because they don't look the way you do is a bit much.
I am sure you and others will disagree with this.
Everyone has got different priorities, needs and passions.
Yours is to train and keep fit.
I may appreciate it because I do it.
However, for me, as long as you try to be reasonably healthy, not harm yourself and others, the physical/cosmetic aspect you are talking about is not something that would lead me to call someone pathetic.
I understand ur point but I'm talking about over half of the people I saw were seriously obese. Not just a normal amount of fat and the kids that are huge now baffles me and it's the parents fault. It makes me mad at the parents bc I grew up chunky until my teenage years and know how self-conscious it made me.

So don't get ur panties in a wad bc u took my words too literally.
Get yourself a bad bitch. You'll never look back. A real woman who knows what loyalty is

Women and children are loved unconditionally for who they are.

Live with a woman, married or otherwise, lose your job and rely on her financially, and see how long that lasts.

Male unemployment is the single biggest predictor of a divorce being filed within the following year.

A woman losing her job doesn't increase the odds of divorce at all.

That's not a complaint; or whining. It's just how it is, and a reminder that as a man you'd better keep your stuff together or the world will discard you.
You gain nothing but risk more damage to your peptides by storing them in a home freezer. It's like telling people it's fine to freeze and thaw your peptides multiple times a day, vs storing them in a refrigerator. where they'll have near zero degradation over the course of years.

Calling that "hysterics" doesn't compensate for the fact you're talking out of your ass about a subject you know nothing about, repeating "common knowledge" that'll cause harm to the compounds people think they're preserving by following that bad advice.

Here's the most unstable pharmaceutical peptide. The "worst case scenario" in terms of temperature related peptide degradation. Sema, Tirz, and HGH are all far more stable, demonstrating acceptable medical effectiveness even at storage temps over 100f for a month.

The orange line shows remaining purity after 3 years of storage.

In a certified ANSI lab freezer, which never exceeded -20c by even a single degree (the small amount of temp variance was colder, never warmer), vs refrigerator temperature, 4c, or 40F, the amount of purity lost was less than 0.5%.

View attachment 287849

So at best, under ideal conditions, at a temp most home freezers are unlikely to ever reach, and rise by 10-15+ degrees dozens of times every day as it cycles, you might save 0.5% purity over 3 years vs the refrigerator. But what actually happening in a home freezer is worse, because those freezer temp swings cross over the freeze/thaw point of the moisture in the peptide.

A vegetable kept frozen is ok after a year in so called "deep freeze", but thaw and refreeze it even once it turns to mush from the damage of water crystallization. It's far preferable to not allow peptide freezing to ever occur, unless you can guarantee it stays below -20c continuously, and you can't do that in a home freezer.

By the way, here's a pharma peptide that's far closer to the temperature sensitivity profile of GLP drugs. How much more purity do you preserve over 3 years in a $30,000 lab freezer at -20c vs refrigerator temps? (hint: none). So why are we risking freeze/thaw damage by throwing it a home freezer again?

View attachment 287850

So yeah, I know it hurts to realize you've been doing it wrong, and accomplishing the opposite of what you thought you were, but the proper response is to change what you're doing based on new info.

View attachment 287851
A good investment may be indulging in a 6 or 12 month experiment..
I understand ur point but I'm talking about over half of the people I saw were seriously obese. Not just a normal amount of fat and the kids that are huge now baffles me and it's the parents fault. It makes me mad at the parents bc I grew up chunky until my teenage years and know how self-conscious it made me.

So don't get ur panties in a wad bc u took my words too literally.
OK, I didn’t and I won't