Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You're strange mate. I said recently...I've ordered a few times internationally last year and had a couple of seizures so I'm asking for feedback about people that have ordered RECENTLY. No need to be a smart ass
To answer your question about shipping to Australia.. yes it does get into the country. I live also in Australia and have never had a problem. But what you see on the price list is different to what you pay, all the prices are in usd and you also have to pay a fee for special lines and shipping. On the price list 1 kit of test e is $65 but I pay $230 AUD for 1 kit of test e with special lines shipping. But the more you add the cheaper it will be because the shipping price is pretty hefty lol. But yea, never had a problem and iv ordered from them 4-5 times. Always get the package within 2 weeks (NSW). The price is still super good compared to what you’ll get in Australia. Also if you had a seizure then they would of reshipped it.. it’s apart of the special lines shipping..
Check my post about HCG degradation in bacteriostatic water, in fridge:

Test Report #46619 (2).webpTest Report #49381.webp
New lab tests and a new product added !

Based on our latest testing of all products, it looks like all the purity issues were solved, including the tirz 10mg, semaglutide, retatrutide, and everything now is +99% purity.
And in order to confirm this, QSC will cover the testing costs of 12 vials on the next GB.

The new product is KPV 12mg:

KPV Peptide: Nurturing Well-Being Naturally

In the expansive landscape of health and wellness, the KPV peptide has emerged as a fascinating natural compound, garnering attention for its myriad potential benefits. Comprising three amino acids – lysine, proline, and valine – KPV holds promise in supporting various aspects of health without delving into complex medical jargon. Let’s explore the diverse range of benefits associated with this intriguing peptide, including its anti-inflammatory properties in research test subjects.

1. Joint Health:

One of the standout virtues of the KPV peptide is its potential to contribute to joint health. For many research subjects, joint discomfort can be a persistent companion, impacting daily activities and overall mobility. The KPV peptide is thought to possess properties that aid in maintaining the flexibility and comfort of joints. By interacting with specific molecular pathways associated with joint health, KPV may offer a natural and accessible means of supporting research subjects, looking to move with greater ease and comfort.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Among the notable qualities of KPV is its purported anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection, but when it becomes chronic, it can contribute to various health issues. KPV is suggested to have a calming effect on inflammatory pathways, potentially helping to mitigate chronic inflammation. This property is particularly significant, as chronic inflammation is implicated in conditions ranging from arthritis to cardiovascular diseases. By incorporating KPV into their routine, research subjects, may explore a natural avenue for addressing inflammation and promoting overall health.

3. Cognitive Well-Being:

The KPV peptide is speculated to have properties that support cognitive function. While it won’t reverse the natural aging process, KPV may play a role in sustaining cognitive sharpness and mental clarity.

4. Energy Support:

The KPV peptide is believed to possess properties that support natural energy levels. By influencing specific cellular processes, it may contribute to a sense of vitality and alertness.

5. Metabolic Harmony:

Maintaining a healthy weight and supporting metabolic processes are crucial for overall well-being. The KPV peptide is thought to interact with pathways related to metabolism, potentially contributing to a more balanced and efficient system.

6. Immune System Resilience:

In the face of environmental challenges and seasonal changes, a robust immune system is essential. The KPV peptide is believed to have immune-modulating properties, potentially assisting the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Although it is not a substitute for good hygiene practices and a healthy lifestyle, researching wit KPV may offer an extra layer of support for overall immune health.

7. Skin Vitality:

In the quest for radiant and resilient skin, the KPV peptide has emerged as a potential ally. As we age, factors such as exposure to the elements and genetic predispositions contribute to changes in skin texture and appearance. KPV is believed to play a role in supporting the skin’s natural elasticity and hydration. This could potentially translate to a reduction in the visible signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. By integrating KPV into a skincare routine, individuals may find a natural and holistic approach to nurturing their skin from within.

8. Stress Management:

Stress management is a key aspect of overall well-being. The KPV peptide is believed to interact with pathways associated with the stress response, potentially contributing to a more balanced and resilient approach to stress. This makes it an intriguing option for those seeking natural ways to support their mental and emotional well-being.


Test Report #49061.webpTest Report #49062.webpTest Report #49063.webpTest Report #49064.webpTest Report #49065.webpTest Report #49066.webpTest Report #49067.webpTest Report #49068.webp
Semaglutide & Retatrutide Group Buy
(like old days!)

Pricing and Minimum Order Value:

Semaglutide 5mg $55/kit (overfilled 6mg, 99.6%)
Semaglutide 10mg $95/kit (overfilled 11mg, 99.5%) :
Retatrutide 15mg $270/kit (overfilled, 99.6%)
Retatrutitide 20mg $350/kit (overfilled 21mg, 99.7%)

Minimum Order : $200, Free shipping

Extra $30 is charged for EU special line countries: Germany, spain, portugal, denmark, czech, italy, hungary, bulgaria, finland, sweden, austria, ireland.

Purity and Quantity garantees:

We are confident that these new batchs will remain +99%, so if it tests below 98%, QSC will compensate accordignly.
We also garantee the quantity, and all batchs will be tested overfilled.
If it tests underfilled below 5%, QSC will compensate.

The 4 batchs are pretested by Janoshik.
Color of lids and picture of samples are included in the lab reports.
Semaglutide 5mg: Matte purple tops: Janoshik Analytical
Semaglutide 10mg: Grey tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 15mg: black tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 20mg: Matte orange tops: Janoshik Analytical

QSC will be covering the testing cost of purity, quantity of 12 vials in total (3 vials/batch) sent by customers as 3rd party tests + shipping cost from the HUB to Janoshik via UPS express.
QSC will not get involved in the testing process, like in the past.
QSC will not cover the costs of the donated vials by volunteers, nor shipping costs to the HUB.

Payment methods:

QSC accepts Bank transfer (USD domestic, EUR domestic, AUD domestic) and International transfers in several other currencies.
If you send a bank transfer, put your "name" as reference.
If you put "QSC", or mention the purchase of products, or something else beside your name, your transfer will be rejected.
QSC also accepts cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, USDT, USDC, ETH.
Many networks are accepted: ERC20, TRC20, Solana, Avalanche, OKTC, Polygon.
We do not accept: Base, LTC, XMR, Paypal, CC.. So no need to ask for them.

How to order?

Contact info for orders:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

Frequently asked questions:

Q: International or domestic?
A: International

Q: can I add other items to the parcel?
A: No

Q: Do you provide tracking?
A: yes

Q: Do you provide payment confirmation?
A: No, confirmation is when you receive tracking, do not ask about tracking earlier than 7 days after payment.

Q: Fastest way to get the order?
A: Pay in crypto, it's confirmed the same day, and shipped fast. Bank transfers can take some time to be confirmed.

Q: How to join telegram? (+3000 members)

Test Report #48602 (1).webpTest Report #48603 (1).webpTest Report #49067.webpTest Report #49068.webp
Semaglutide & Retatrutide Group Buy
(like old days!)

Pricing and Minimum Order Value:

Semaglutide 5mg $55/kit (overfilled 6mg, 99.6%)
Semaglutide 10mg $95/kit (overfilled 11mg, 99.5%) :
Retatrutide 15mg $270/kit (overfilled, 99.6%)
Retatrutitide 20mg $350/kit (overfilled 21mg, 99.7%)

Minimum Order : $200, Free shipping

Extra $30 is charged for EU special line countries: Germany, spain, portugal, denmark, czech, italy, hungary, bulgaria, finland, sweden, austria, ireland.

Purity and Quantity garantees:

We are confident that these new batchs will remain +99%, so if it tests below 98%, QSC will compensate accordignly.
We also garantee the quantity, and all batchs will be tested overfilled.
If it tests underfilled below 5%, QSC will compensate.

The 4 batchs are pretested by Janoshik.
Color of lids and picture of samples are included in the lab reports.
Semaglutide 5mg: Matte purple tops: Janoshik Analytical
Semaglutide 10mg: Grey tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 15mg: black tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 20mg: Matte orange tops: Janoshik Analytical

QSC will be covering the testing cost of purity, quantity of 12 vials in total (3 vials/batch) sent by customers as 3rd party tests + shipping cost from the HUB to Janoshik via UPS express.
QSC will not get involved in the testing process, like in the past.
QSC will not cover the costs of the donated vials by volunteers, nor shipping costs to the HUB.

Payment methods:

QSC accepts Bank transfer (USD domestic, EUR domestic, AUD domestic) and International transfers in several other currencies.
If you send a bank transfer, put your "name" as reference.
If you put "QSC", or mention the purchase of products, or something else beside your name, your transfer will be rejected.
QSC also accepts cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, USDT, USDC, ETH.
Many networks are accepted: ERC20, TRC20, Solana, Avalanche, OKTC, Polygon.
We do not accept: Base, LTC, XMR, Paypal, CC.. So no need to ask for them.

How to order?

Contact info for orders:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

Frequently asked questions:

Q: International or domestic?
A: International

Q: can I add other items to the parcel?
A: No

Q: Do you provide tracking?
A: yes

Q: Do you provide payment confirmation?
A: No, confirmation is when you receive tracking, do not ask about tracking earlier than 7 days after payment.

Q: Fastest way to get the order?
A: Pay in crypto, it's confirmed the same day, and shipped fast. Bank transfers can take some time to be confirmed.

Q: How to join telegram? (+3000 members)

View attachment 296291View attachment 296290View attachment 296293View attachment 296292
End of promo in 4 days
That's good to know mate. I appreciate the feedback, cheers.

Even if not related to tren, can you think of significant sides/bloodwork feedback that you had to tweak along the way? Also, would you usually match the test/tren through blast/cruise?

Were you on beta blockers or anything like that at any point? I'm guessing you were always low bodyfat
Sorry for delay buddy. Not usually on here. Honestly you'll be suprised what allowed me to stay on(i would say genetics played apart). I have a severe obsession to weight lifting and super human enhancement.

These herbs are king to stay on anything long term but I do NOT recommend. I test on myself. Dan shen , tudca, burdock, dandelion, ginger. I had an amazing diet and took a few more herbs. I did bloodwork 4 times a year. And did atleast 1 full organ scan on all organs each year. I am lucky to get no side effects (physical ) from tren but I will say the sides became non existent as the only ones I ever got at the start were the psychological ones and end of they day they are fake....its all in the mind. I have a very strong mindset.

No I always loved my heavy androgen use. So test would never hit past 400mgs. Tren would never go past 600-1200mgs though I did add masteron and methyltrienolone for 6 months at a time. Yes I do not advocate this and I pushed the boundaries. I was addicted at one point as a powerlifter and would do anything to achieve my goal. No it never caught up to me. I am very science based and knowledgeable but reckless. I have calmed down now as I got to a point of injuries were hitting me. Deadlifts were past 320kgs , squats closing in on 280kgs.

No beta blockers, I dont believe in pharmaceutical drugs like that. You must look at the Chinese...they are much more advanced then the western world and the herbs they use are unbeatable. Gods medicine

I'm actually leaner now on just trt(200mg) and yk11(20mg daily) and gh (1.5iu). I stay about 5 to 6%. I though have a eating disorder that becomes uncontrollable so I have to never let myself go. I always have strict rules on when I can eat. So 4 to 6 hours eating window. And only cheat meals once a week no matter the occasion.

Back then I was around 8% to 10% but eating upward of 8000 calories. As a powerlifter it wasn't beneficial to be lean. Though I came from body dysmorphia issues. And had to stay lean somewhat to keep my sanity. Sorry for the large detail. Hope this helps.
Sorry for delay buddy. Not usually on here. Honestly you'll be suprised what allowed me to stay on(i would say genetics played apart). I have a severe obsession to weight lifting and super human enhancement.

These herbs are king to stay on anything long term but I do NOT recommend. I test on myself. Dan shen , tudca, burdock, dandelion, ginger. I had an amazing diet and took a few more herbs. I did bloodwork 4 times a year. And did atleast 1 full organ scan on all organs each year. I am lucky to get no side effects (physical ) from tren but I will say the sides became non existent as the only ones I ever got at the start were the psychological ones and end of they day they are fake....its all in the mind. I have a very strong mindset.

No I always loved my heavy androgen use. So test would never hit past 400mgs. Tren would never go past 600-1200mgs though I did add masteron and methyltrienolone for 6 months at a time. Yes I do not advocate this and I pushed the boundaries. I was addicted at one point as a powerlifter and would do anything to achieve my goal. No it never caught up to me. I am very science based and knowledgeable but reckless. I have calmed down now as I got to a point of injuries were hitting me. Deadlifts were past 320kgs , squats closing in on 280kgs.

No beta blockers, I dont believe in pharmaceutical drugs like that. You must look at the Chinese...they are much more advanced then the western world and the herbs they use are unbeatable. Gods medicine

I'm actually leaner now on just trt(200mg) and yk11(20mg daily) and gh (1.5iu). I stay about 5 to 6%. I though have a eating disorder that becomes uncontrollable so I have to never let myself go. I always have strict rules on when I can eat. So 4 to 6 hours eating window. And only cheat meals once a week no matter the occasion.

Back then I was around 8% to 10% but eating upward of 8000 calories. As a powerlifter it wasn't beneficial to be lean. Though I came from body dysmorphia issues. And had to stay lean somewhat to keep my sanity. Sorry for the large detail. Hope this helps.

That sounds like a low amount of gear to maintain 5-6% unless you're starving yourself. Lets see some recent physique pics