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That sounds like a low amount of gear to maintain 5-6% unless you're starving yourself. Lets see some recent physique pics
Maintaining 5 to 6% on trt with yk11 and hgh is easy but for people like you i guess not. Why would i post myself on a public forum that is speaking about illegal stuff. I'll pass to prove to who ? You ? Like who are you ? Starving to get there...yes , with 2 hrs a day cardio and less than 1500 calories and hard work. Do you know what reverse dieting is ? Do you understand thermodynamics or you one of those long term members who thinks they have some knowledge because of your forum status ? Jesus this place has not changed. Just because you can't do it. Btw where are your pictures? Don't see any
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Yeah I’m gonna have to call bS on this powerlifter sitting at 5% year round
I dont care what you think. Read what i said. I was powerlifting at 8 to 10% not anymore with a shit ton of androgens. Have you used methy tren ?
The reason why I left this toxic forum such haters. Holding 5 to 6 % isn't hard when your obsessed and that's all you do. I dont work a 9 to 5 job and have money so my life is very easy. End of the day like I said to the other dude. I dont care what you think.
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I mean if you were an active professional marathoner, cyclist or NBA player then maybe but, you aren’t so…….
Protest Bullshit GIF by Storyful
I mean if you were an active professional marathoner, cyclist or NBA player then maybe but, you aren’t so…….
Protest Bullshit GIF by Storyful
Even if i was you'll still call bs....keep posting your google studies and show nothing of you. Just shows if you can't achieve something no "one" can. Bet you one of those guys who juices and looks natty
What you are giving, is a fictional story. From one powerlifter to another (if you truly are), fuck off, you are doing the sport a disservice with your blatant lies.
You aren't a powerlifter...prove it. Don't just post pictures of your drugs and other bs. Everyone of you guys who attack me and call bs. Have not one pictures of yourself, or your lifts and barely any blood work. You guys are all bs and haters. And all you guys do is just attack and swear. Maybe get off the tren bro
Maintaining 5 to 6% on trt with yk11 and hgh is easy but for people like you i guess not. Why would i post myself on a public forum that is speaking about illegal stuff. I'll pass to prove to who ? You ? Like who are you ? Starving to get there...yes , with 2 hrs a day cardio and less than 1500 calories and hard work. Do you know what reverse dieting is ? Do you understand thermodynamics or you one of those long term members who thinks they have some knowledge because of your forum status ? Jesus this place has not changed. Just because you can't do it. Btw where are your pictures? Don't see any

I was asking a simple question and your feelings got hurt. Seem like too much of a bitch to be a power lifter and you're clearly full of shit.

Ill post a pic if you post a pic..
It's not bullshit. But what's it to you attacking people ? You yourself have barely posted any blood work yet speak. Get your arrogance in check. I'm giving my experience.
That’s right, I am maintaining Ronnie Coleman leanness, .02% year round on 237.5mg test iso every 3 1/4 days with halo, sdrol and winny sprinkled in. It’s easy guys, just believe me.

If I go a little fat around 2%, I add dnp, clen, t3, and meth and boom back to sub 1%.
You aren't a powerlifter...prove it. Don't just post pictures of your drugs and other bs. Everyone of you guys who attack me and call bs. Have not one pictures of yourself, or your lifts and barely any blood work. You guys are all bs and haters. And all you guys do is just attack and swear. Maybe get off the tren bro

Why would i post myself on a public forum that is speaking about illegal stuff. I'll pass to prove to who ? You ? Like who are you ?
Your words not mine. Now bugger off
I was asking a simple question and your feelings got hurt. Seem like too much of a bitch to be a power lifter and you're clearly full of shit.

Ill post a pic if you post
No you didn't. Just a bunch of losers attacking me for no reason that i was giving someone experience how I got my partner pregnant after heavy gear use and whag truly effect my sperm count. All you guys do is just swear...need to lay off gear..bunch of degenerates.

I dont care if you post a picture. As I dont care about you or your posts or even how you look. I never spoke to you first. You asked me for one and I'm not posting myself on a forum about illegal shit spoken.

What you think doesn't bother me. Clearly you look like shit hence why you called bs. Maintaining 5 - 6% isn't hard and I'm not powerlifting anymore. Again you don't read. The fact you have to involve yourself in a convo between two other people sad. But cool laters