Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Does Ghoul actually claim to hang out with Tony Huge? Just get us a picture of Tony posing beside Tracy's picture and I'll believe everything you say from now on.
Does Ghoul actually claim to hang out with Tony Huge? Just get us a picture of Tony posing beside Tracy's picture and I'll believe everything you say from now on.
This shit got wild, I have seen him in so many threads now. I don't know what to think
Just received domestic Test P and Mast P. Box and label were taped together and label was not clear which is which like other times I’ve ordered. Anybody know what color each one is ?
Just received domestic Test P and Mast P. Box and label were taped together and label was not clear which is which like other times I’ve ordered. Anybody know what color each one is ?
Questions about color of tops start to becoming a pain in the ass to my assistants.
For international orders, we number the kits, for domestic orders we have SKU on the boxes.
Customers should be able to identify easily their products using the SKU, and if they have doubts, they can ask about the meaning of the SKU.
Some customers to get extra confirmation, claim they threw the boxes, or the packs have no SKU which is impossible. This add extra work, and wasting time emails over this subject.
From now on you only can ask questions about SKU (domestic) and numbers (international) to identify your multiple items.
If you threw the packaging, or your wive or daughter opened your packs and threw the packaging that's your problem from now on, either find a way to know what it is it or send it for testing.
From now on all questions regarding color of tops will not be answered.
I hope this will be very clear.
It's gonna be a roll of the dice dawg!!
I mean I’m asking the forum for some help if anybody recently ordered the same oils. The packs are usually clearly labeled but in my case the label was wrapped around the bottom of the package
That really sux....I seriously wish you good luck!!! Have you tried looking at the color tops from the most recent jano test??or if your gonna stack em just run an equal amount ..
Anyone bought us domestic npp recently? Was yours gold with white tops?

Test cyp silver with purple tops? I'm 99.9% sure I got it right but I just want to make sure. Haha


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I mean I’m asking the forum for some help if anybody recently ordered the same oils. The packs are usually clearly labeled but in my case the label was wrapped around the bottom of the package
That really sucks bro. I hope you get this figured out sooner than later. I’d say reach out to Tracy but I think they are still on holiday? Can’t quite recall the dates.

Only thing I got on the subject was Test-C domestic, but that has been a couple of months now since delivery.


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