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Janoshik could never narrow down the test e pip. I believe he thought it was something to do with carboxylic acid formed in the manufacturing process. But it’s only a theory.

I’ve brewed it twice and both times I got terrible pip and a knot feeling in the muscle that took 2 weeks to go away. I even mixed it in a syringe 50/50 with mast and 1ml still hurt.

Just stick with test cyp. I’ve never had pip from that even brewed it at 350mg/ml and 400mg/ml. 1.5cc still no pip.
what amount of BB for 250/400mg test cyp lol?
it usually crash easily at 22-23BB 300mg

btw test D 500mg 25BB MCT works wonder :)
Rotisserie chicken with tub of guacamole.

If I am really cheating I may have a big bowl of raw oats with frozen berries and protein powder for a sinful treat.
Hell yeah, I love the grocery store rotisserie chickens. I just buy a bag of rolls and make myself some chicken and mayo sandwiches with the breast. Then strip the chicken and make chicken salad for sandwiches.
what amount of BB for 250/400mg test cyp lol?
it usually crash easily at 22-23BB 300mg

btw test D 500mg 25BB MCT works wonder :)
25% bb with 400mg/ml. I am certain it’s the exact amount because I like to measure all liquids with big BD brand syringes to be more precise. I used MCT obviously

Never had test c 250 crash with 18%bb, not sure if you meant with GSO? I could see that happening easily.

I’d say 1/2 my 400mg/ml vials crash but I warm my vials before injection so it doesn’t matter to me.

Edit- I’ll send some test c 400 to janoshik to get the ba/bb percentage and mg/ml because a few people have PMed me about it in the past and a few expressed doubts as well.

But my scales calibrated and my measurements are as precise as I think I can get them at this time
Janoshik could never narrow down the test e pip. I believe he thought it was something to do with carboxylic acid formed in the manufacturing process. But it’s only a theory.

I’ve brewed it twice and both times I got terrible pip and a knot feeling in the muscle that took 2 weeks to go away. I even mixed it in a syringe 50/50 with mast and 1ml still hurt.

Just stick with test cyp. I’ve never had pip from that even brewed it at 350mg/ml and 400mg/ml. 1.5cc still no pip.
Since I started brewing I have made about 300ml of test E for a old buddy.. I asked him if him and the guys he shares it with have experienced any pip.. He said what is pip?? I explained and he said he didn't think so.. Granted him and his crowd are the type of rough cut country boys that you won't see me causing any problems with.. take that for what it's worth..
Since I started brewing I have made about 300ml of test E for a old buddy.. I asked him if him and the guys he shares it with have experienced any pip.. He said what is pip?? I explained and he said he didn't think so.. Granted him and his crowd are the type of rough cut country boys that you won't see me causing any problems with.. take that for what it's worth..
Maybe those corn fed boys just don’t feel pain like us pussies do lol
I only do once a week, and only one actual meal, not an entire day off the rails like some people. This is just enough to keep me reasonably sane. These are almost always a dine out situation and we have plenty of greasy spoons in my neck of the woods to choose from. So stuff like chicken fried steak with mashed and gravy, fried okra, fried catfish, etc. Or if I am feeling a burger i'll make the (country close) drive to get to a 5 Guys and smash one of those with some cajun fries. It's just whatever I might be in the mood for in that moment.

I have done long streaks of 6 months + all performance diet with zero deviation and it just wears on me after awhile. Maybe if I did this shit for a living it would be different but I see no harm in living it up just a little to keep my head space on the level.
strict is indeed a feat of its own, but i agree 100% that a once in awhile a treat is enough to keep you sane, but ive been on a calorie deficit for 13-14 months now so the "temptation " comes as of lately, but i NEVER overdo it ,,, and then you feel guilty af for that pint of icecream or beer&burgers etc ,,,,, Gotta stay disciplined!
What do you guys eat for cheat meals? I feel like people don’t take cheat meals seriously around here.

No cheat meals, only high quality food, though my meals may look different depending on whether I'm cutting or bulking.

Occasionally, I have a burger and fries, but that's pretty rare, but only if the burger is really, really good. No fast food, ever.
Brother, include krispy kreme donuts and we’re talking lol. I destroyed a dozen last week in one sitting, it’s nice when you’re really depleted, you get away with a shitload once in a while.
I have the best look for about a day or two when I do this. Usually have a strict training camp for about 4-6 weeks leading up to a competition and then once it is over I splurge for a few days. There is this point just before my subQ fat starts taking on water that has me looking right but then it is gone, like a fart in the wind.

I am definitely going with donuts next time too.
What do you guys eat for cheat meals? I feel like people don’t take cheat meals seriously around here.
I don't deal cheat meals. I do refeeds when dieting so basically just a shit ton of carbs and trace fats with light portions of protein throughout the day. For example one of my favorites was to make a giant instant pot full of jasmine rice and sit down with a movie and some g hughes sauce (usually sweet chili or polynesian) and just devour the whole lot lol. The next morning I would usually wake up full as a house and hard as a rock with my body just looking like a road map.
They have/used to have a krispy kreme factory in Las Vegas. I went there one morning and had 6 donuts fresh out of the fryer. Got so sick they were so good though haha. You get to watch the entire manufacturing process through plexiglass, it was pretty neat to watch.
We have a donut shop here in Houston that I used to go in the morning and get them fresh like that. They basically liquify as you bite into them. This is the way!

strict is indeed a feat of its own, but i agree 100% that a once in awhile a treat is enough to keep you sane, but ive been on a calorie deficit for 13-14 months now so the "temptation " comes as of lately, but i NEVER overdo it ,,, and then you feel guilty af for that pint of icecream or beer&burgers etc ,,,,, Gotta stay disciplined!
I still feel extremely guilty after the meal. Like I just cheated on myself or something. And Jesus bro, 14 months in a deficit? I'll bet the ole bod is screaming for more calories at this point. What is the current goal you are shooting for if you don't mind me asking?

I am about to go on another bulk in less than 2 weeks and I am looking at 4K calories per day. From past experience this is hard for me to do from a sheer volume standpoint and still maintain my macro and micro splits. I feel like all I am doing all damn day is eating.
No cheat meals, only high quality food, though my meals may look different depending on whether I'm cutting or bulking.

Occasionally, I have a burger and fries, but that's pretty rare, but only if the burger is really, really good. No fast food, ever.
Why the angry reaction when people eat what they want lol. Some people can get away with structured cheat meals, it’s even an actual integral part of dieting plans.

Let people enjoy what will keep them sane, there is a difference in just binging and a planned cheat.
Mr. Narta you eat 3kg of beef in one day??, you sir are a mother fucking monster.. I want no problems.. Peace Big dawg!
Yeah that's on the epic cheat days when I stuff my face with food for 18h straight. That's once every 15 days, and my digestive system is shot for a couple of days.

Not advisable and certainly not healthy, but it keeps me mentally sane
LOL, here we go with the amateur analysis again.

First of all, not one of these clowns has "called me out" on any substantive factual basis.

The attacks are based on their annoyance.

I tell them to ignore me, because that's the sensible thing to do if I truly irritate them so fucking much, and provide nothing of value. But they can't. Loath the admit it, they won't deny themselves access to what I write.

Just like the firestorm over GLPs, it's purely ad hominem insults from, let's be honest here, the intellectual trash bin of MESO. Not one of those jerkoffs can put together a coherent idea, let alone bring anything novel to the discussion.

Outside of this thread, they're universally out of their depth. Look at their post histories. At best they can repeat common knowledge they heard elsewhere, or some mundane account of personal experience from their boring lives.

You won't see any of their names on a MESO front page article in this lifetime. It's unlikely any of them have ever read even one.

Not a spark of intellect. No wit. These guys are on par with the regular occupants you'd find in a dive bar.

I refrained from responding for a little while to watch those morons spin their wheels, expend their best efforts, so dismantling their idiocy will be that much more enjoyable.

Have you ever noticed the people who claim someone was "bullied" are, without fail, lower class losers? You never hear a white collar professional using that as a dig. There's a common diagnosis behind that behavior any psychologist could easily dig their teeth into.

Every one of these guys occupies a low rung in society, guaranteed, and someone "acting smart" draws their fury.

And it's the same dynamic every time. A low value, but regular user with the slightest name recognition comes out swinging like he's tough, and a bunch of twerps who've been here a few weeks, or who post a single sentence with poor grammar and no punctuation every three months clings to his dick and follows his lead.

It gives them a sense of belonging. Probably daddy issues, coming from single mother welfare households, or beta fathers, and find Narta's tough talk makes them tingle inside.
Holy shit, you need to take a breather and go eat cake man.

Juicy juicy sweet nectar of sugary cake with lots of frosting. Or just grab a box of donuts and kist destroy it. It will calm you down trust me.
Mr. Narta you eat 3kg of beef in one day??, you sir are a mother fucking monster.. I want no problems.. Peace Big dawg!
Not sure if you are a hunter, but after deer season opens up I am going to have a chest freezer full of ultra lean protein. Already have my stands up on my property.