Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


Bro send a link I'm wondering about something like that

I was just keep them in a deep freezer that never gets opened that good to right vacuum bag them 1st UV bag to keep light out think that would work for long enough to get over a year in storage that way. any thought's on that
I could link if you want but honestly just search essential oils holder on Temu or Amazon. There are so many options and sizes. My plan is for them to last a year, I’m just doing the best I can so I can vouch for the system.
You realise , there are other countries outside of the USA right?
Like when you look at an atlas , it isn't totally filled in by just the USA ?

You know what an atlas is I would hope?
Promos happen all the time though. I'm sure there'll be several next year. Especially with the one that happens early Febuary
yeah bro leaking is risky maybe it’ll happen to you but way higher chance of the fuckin vials clanking togehrer hahah like so obvious it’s some shit you shouldn’t be getting but somehow makes it. incredibly risky and starting to think it’s just not worth the savings. that’s literally just risk from SERVICE not even including the garbage inside the oil.
Bangkok decorates beautifully for Christmas, the signs are in English, and everyone, including the Buddhists enjoys the music, food, and sales :)

It's refreshing being in a place free of political correctness.
As long as you don't say anything about Vajiralongkorn... :p ;)
As long as you don't say anything about Vajiralongkorn... :p ;)

If safe and stable Thailand is what a "soft semi-military dictatorship / democracy hybrid" gets you, the rest of the world could do with more of it.

Besides, as a guest, politely keeping my mouth shut about Thai politics is liberating. I only listen for the bits that might affect me as a farang. Not having to think about politics on a daily basis is such a weight lifted. Being able to live an apolitical existence is one of the unexpected benefits of living there.
Thailand is what a "soft semi-military dictatorship / democracy hybrid" gets you, the rest of the world could do with more of it.
Agree 100%. I got to work with the Thai military, funny how similar all military personal are regardless of country, race or religion. These guys actually would sing the general or prince (forgot which one they both were on the base at the time) to sleep at night.
Agree 100%. I got to work with the Thai military, funny how similar all military personal are regardless of country, race or religion. These guys actually would sing the general or prince (forgot which one they both were on the base at the time) to sleep at night.
Lol. I loved visiting Thailand but found the obsession with the King pretty odd. Cultural differences. As an American, I can't imagine worshiping another human like that and not being allowed to say anything critical or negative about them. Other than that I found everything about Thailand. Awesome. Really wonderful people and culture.
Besides, as a guest, politely keeping my mouth shut about Thai politics is liberating. I only listen for the bits that might affect me as a farang. Not having to think about politics on a daily basis is such a weight lifted. Being able to live an apolitical existence is one of the unexpected benefits of living there.
Cost of living seems to be better as well. I've been thinking about moving to South East Asia or Eastern Europe if I ended up getting a divorce. If that happens, there isn't much left for me in the US anyway