Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah, I have been pleasantly surprised with Q’s HGH, especially now that I take it perpetually instead of just on cycle. The difference in terms of recovery is quite significant for me.

It was a game changer for sleep too until I came back on Tren. Now I need 200 mg of Trazodone, couple of over the counter sleep aids containing Diphenhydramine, and now I have added Melatonin also.
very reasonable actually, better than most on purity etc
Yeah, I have been pleasantly surprised with Q’s HGH, especially now that I take it perpetually instead of just on cycle. The difference in terms of recovery is quite significant for me.

It was a game changer for sleep too until I came back on Tren. Now I need 200 mg of Trazodone, couple of over the counter sleep aids containing Diphenhydramine, and now I have added Melatonin also.
i have to take 250 mg of trazodone at night and i still sleep meh, getting up 3x a night to piss also plays a factor , i know benadryl and such for tren insomnia works , but i might give melatonin a try, what mg do you use ? i think i would need a higher dose because of ptsd induced insomnia
The chances of my doc actually writing me a script for HGH is roughly on par with my chances of being able to successfully pilot a lunar lander. That woman is very critical of my ‘extracurricular’ drug use as is. @readalot
I just stared with adding the melatonin 2 days ago, so I am not even remotely dialed in yet. I have 20 mg tablets (Amazon) and so far I am just adding in one to my sleep stack
i have to take 250 mg of trazodone at night and i still sleep meh, getting up 3x a night to piss also plays a factor , i know benadryl and such for tren insomnia works , but i might give melatonin a try, what mg do you use ? i think i would need a higher dose because of ptsd induced insomnia
i have to take 250 mg of trazodone at night and i still sleep meh, getting up 3x a night to piss also plays a factor , i know benadryl and such for tren insomnia works , but i might give melatonin a try, what mg do you use ? i think i would need a higher dose because of ptsd induced insomnia
Ive been taking 3mg of melatonin every night or i cant fall asleep. Get ready for the trippy dreams though.
I appreciate your tenacity and dedication to harm reduction. On the other hand I am not going to stop taking gear while I wait for the UGL industry to fundamentally change either.

Your like beating your head Against a brick wall, i hope your efforts will pay off, but i won't hold my breath for you lol

Bruv. Shut the fuck up you pussy ass little bitch. "Tha therility". I'm not gay but once in a while I come across a retard like you I kinda wanna bum rape.

For someone that "readsalot" you should probably read up on how shit the sterility tests that are run actually are. They're not even true sterility tests. People been injecting this shit for years and nothing bad happened. Someone in the peptide world found a new test for people to spend money on and all of a sudden, everyone wants to test for fake sterility.
Stick to the discord group buys
Please explain to us what a sterility test is.

I wish for many things to change in this little subculture of ours.

Then again, I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her.

You want pharma products, you better be prepared to pay pharma prices. You want underground prices, you better be prepared for underground products. You can’t have it both ways.
Straw man and and wrong. You obviously don't understand how and why pharma is priced the way it is. Hint: it's mostly things that have nothing to do with a few hundred dollar test.
Precisely, UGL or not, they all have to be headed up by at least a handful of people with business acumen or they won't stay in business for long. Each time additional expenses are added on the production and/or distribution side of things, said expenses are then passed along to the consumer side. Always.

So could a company like QSC fulfill every request someone dreams up either now or two months from now when I am sure it will be on to something new? Sure they could. but nobody would be too pleased with the subsequent increase in prices.

At some point harm reduction has to be tempered with a dose of reality, and the reality is UGL's are never going to be up to pharma or FDA standards. If they were then very few of us could afford it and steroids would be a luxury only for the wealthy.
Who said they have to be FDA standard? That's obviously impossible. What's wrong with more testing.
@readalot can you please take you meds and stop buggering us like a broken record? There were metric tons of the stuff sold and used and no one has been infected. Common sense says there is no problem.

Do you lack common sense?

I understand that people get irritated with @readalot, but I don't get why people are opposed to his want for more testing. If enough people demand sterility testing and vendors who do it get more business, it will become the standard and we will all be better and safer for it. What's wrong with advancing the UGL standards?

Those who argue that some extra testing will make UGL unaffordable are either wildly ignorant or can't use the basic functions in a calculator. Vendors make loads of cash off us and you think a few hundred bucks more testing will effect them?

There was a time when there was no testing at all so guys would buy vials and hope for the best. It was totally fucked. Testing became available, buyers demanded testing, pressured vendors, and now we live in a world of UGL that is WAY better than before. Now smug UGL users enjoy the new standards but crap on people trying to increase the standards. Lazy and ungrateful IMO.

Some guys attitudes here come off like a degenerate drug addict mentality. It's a bad look.

I doubt QSC is the battleground to advance into new tests, but eventually other vendors will and as they bite off a bigger piece of the market others will follow.

Here's a quote from Millard on the topic. He actually has the same opinion as @readalot

"Keep in mind that essentially everyone is allowed to participate as a vendor.

The lab test report requirement represents the absolute minimum to post in the Underground. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It does NOT represent an attempt, in any way whatsoever, to satisfy a requirement for approval, endorsement, validation, vetting, accountability, or trustworthiness of brand's product/services.

A few random lab test reports here and there are not enough. Community members should demand more. (Quantitative/qualitative/microbial testing of every batch of every product offered is a start...)

I hope this goes without saying. But in case it doesn't, it's now been explicitly stated above."
Keep in mind that essentially everyone is allowed to participate as a vendor.

The lab test report requirement represents the absolute minimum to post in the Underground. Nothing more. Nothing less.

It does NOT represent an attempt, in any way whatsoever, to satisfy a requirement for approval, endorsement, validation, vetting, accountability, or trustworthiness of brand's product/services.

A few random lab test reports here and there are not enough. Community members should demand more. (Quantitative/qualitative/microbial testing of every batch of every product offered is a start...)

I hope this goes without saying. But in case it doesn't, it's now been explicitly stated above.
Placed a CA domestic order a week ago and am yet to receive shipping details. Perhaps I’m misinformed but I had expected domestic to be faster than international which is why I chose it in the first place. Is this normal?
I understand that people get irritated with @readalot, but I don't get why people are opposed to his want for more testing.

Because he spam fucks the whole website every fucking hour of the day for the last week straight.

Everyone has heard his point by now. He doesn’t even give it time to get into place or happen.

He shoves it down our throat every hour and now no one gives a flying fuck anymore , nor should they. Who the fuck would want to take this guy seriously when he acts like an autistic child ?

He doesn’t even take UGL products and is trying to tell us what to do and reminds us every fucking hour of the day.

If he talked about it less frequently then he’d be taken seriously.

, it will become the standard and we will all be better and safer for it. What's wrong with advancing the UGL standards?

No source will keep repeating the tests. They haven’t done it in the last 10-20 years, why would they have to start doing it now if they pass? Because unclebuns says this is the new standard and we will all be better and safer for it ? Bahahaha
advancing the UGL standards that haven’t been needed or wanted in the last 10-20 years ?

Brother. You need better marketing skills.
Bruv. Shut the fuck up you pussy ass little bitch. "Tha therility". I'm not gay but once in a while I come across a retard like you I kinda wanna bum rape.
Buddy the only bum rape that happened is when they anal fucked your mom and some of that jeez shot up her colon dripped in the wrong place and you got conceived.

Sad but true, you smell of shit and blood.
Placed a CA domestic order a week ago and am yet to receive shipping details. Perhaps I’m misinformed but I had expected domestic to be faster than international which is why I chose it in the first place. Is this normal?
It could have shipped by now. I generally haven't received tracking on domestic packs unless it was requested.