Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You want pharma products, you better be prepared to pay pharma prices. You want underground prices, you better be prepared for underground products. You can’t have it both ways.
Sure you can. That's a false choice. I would guess same was said before HPLC was implemented standard. I am sure if you search here you can find the quotation from 2011. Now I am curious damn it.
I’ve always paid by bank transfer and fingers crossed it never gets flagged.
I’m here to provide a follow-up on my situation with sending a wire transfer as a way of payment. Quick reminder: after doing so there was a request from QSC team for additional details such as full legal name, DOB, nationality and so on. I found it to be very strange and decided not to proceed with the transfer completion.

First thing first, my apologies to QSC and his team for suspecting a possibility of foul play. There was none and it was my god damn bank that did this to me. QSC were very helpful and accommodating.

Secondly, I would strongly advise not to use bank transfers as it can end up in this situation, with your money stuck somewhere up to a month (not to mention wasted transfer fees).

That’s about it. Peace.
Keep banging that drum @readalot , but I suggest you provide actual proof of the dangers of not testing like gory pictures of infections or cases of death from contaminated gear from Chinese vendors, this would wake up the community to support your cause.

I am all for harm reduction but let’s be honest, as long as people are buying these products, the vendors won’t care less about going more indepth with their testing. Just by looking at these thread alone, I have not heard of one case of any medical issues yet since qsc’s been operating.

Sadly, it’s a case of people will wake up when it’s too late. But there’s also the fact that people are already dead-set on their goals of getting huge no matter the consequences.
So you have never used gear ever other than (I assume) pharma test?

Do you use GLP’s or any of the peptides from UGLs? If so is the same scrinity applied there or are finished oils a special case? Sorry, forgot to tag @readalot
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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Do you have an internal testing standard for sterility on your injectable products?

Do you test each batch? Details of the testing please. Thank you.

get lost readalot
Not this^^^^^^^^^

Meso needs to do better I have never in ten years of watching this site seen source talk to members this way and get away with it! Lmao to think all of you who think it’s funny or ok are just filling their pockets with money bc they give you cheap prices and test for potency. The game has changed a lot over the years and the hplc test we get now were once joked about and thought would never be. So why is sterility testing such a big deal for people to blow off like it shouldn’t be a necessity when everyone here is injecting this into your body multiple times a week. Sources should be held to the highest accountability at all times if we are buying from them constantly, making them filthy rich and eating shit from them at the same time when an issue arises. But ofcourse all the dick riders bc they get cheap gear that’s found this site always take the sources side and encourage the downplay of the issue from the source to any memeber that’s speaks up. Testing products for potency is great and happy for imall that QSC does do but still if other testing is available for harm reduction( which that’s what this site is suppose to be) we should all push all sources with the ability and funds available to do so.
Sure you can. That's a false choice. I would guess same was said before HPLC was implemented standard. I am sure if you search here you can find the quotation from 2011. Now I am curious damn it.
It’s a false choice? Ok please direct me to the pharma products and underground prices, my bitcoins are ready to send
It’s a false choice? Ok please direct me to the pharma products and underground prices, my bitcoins are ready to send
Join me and we create a new option by continuing to pressure the vendors. It won't be perfect but don't let perfect be the enemy of good/improved.

That's how all prior improvements that are now standard were made.

If ironlion sends his injectable oils for basic sterility screen, is that improvement? Slowly but surely. Like water dripping on the rock. The more we push, the faster is goes.
Where is HeretoKnobAllTheSources?

I took your invitation. Can we bury the hatchet? Can we find some common ground?

Lemme guess, you still didn't put me on ignore?
Join me and we create a new option by continuing to pressure the vendors. It won't be perfect but don't let perfect be the enemy of good/improved.

That's how all prior improvements that are now standard were made.

If ironlion sends his injectable oils for basic sterility screen, is that improvement? Slowly but surely. Like water dripping on the rock. The more we push, the faster is goes.
No thank you, I’m comfortable with the status quo. But a word of advice: if your strategy is to push and push on suppliers in an attempt to get them to provide more services, there is lower hanging fruit than ol’ Tracy. Try bitching at the lobster or one of the other nice vendors.
No thank you, I’m comfortable with the status quo. But a word of advice: if your strategy is to push and push on suppliers in an attempt to get them to provide more services, there is lower hanging fruit than ol’ Tracy. Try bitching at the lobster or one of the other nice vendors.
Equal opportunity. But thank you. I'll get there. I've actually had some productive exchanges here recently. Persistence.